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Use quirk in a sentence

Definition of quirk:

  • (noun) a strange attitude or habit
  • (noun) a narrow groove beside a beading
  • (verb) twist or curve abruptly; "She quirked her head in a peculiar way"

Sentence Examples:

"I don't know that," cried the sailor; "Bell is a good girl, but she has her quirks and whims like all the sex."

He got some queer quirks into his delivery, and, almost before the Yale crowd could realize it, two strikes were called on the batter.

When he released her she stood erect, regarding him with something of the twisted, humorous quirk about her lips that for an instant brought her back to him as the little girl of long ago.

The twinkle in the eyes, the quirk of the lips, the shape of the forehead and, emphasizing them all, the expression of having a secret joke, struck him with a kind of shock.

His lips had quite lost their bitter lines, and once more had the humorous, care-free quirk at the corners.

He was smoking a pipe, and he did not remove it from his mouth; but Helen May saw that amused quirk of the lips just the same.

The corners of his mouth quirked upward, though his smile was becoming almost a stranger to his face.

Jean, hearing, glanced at him with that little quirk of the lips which was the beginning of a smile, and rode off to join her father and Lite Avery.

He takes nothing for what it is in itself, but only for the odd quirks of thought he can twist out of it.

He had a suspicion that there might be some quirk about pounds "Scots," and was trying to explain things clearly to himself.

Hosea Brewster went to the open doorway and gave a long whistle with a little quirk at the end.

The notion of it gave Rose the most spontaneous smile she'd had in days; the first one that hadn't had a bitter quirk in it.

You know all the quirks and windings of the law, and I look to you for help in this matter.

The cross was a "quirk," with which she'd have nothing to do, though once, when Katy seemed more than usually bothered and wished somebody would hand her tacks.

Oh, he dissented with a vigor that was almost bitterness, because the smiling quirk of Sam Carr's lips when he uttered the last sentence gave it something of a personal edge.

I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me because I have railed so long against marriage.

The quirk of good humor had gone again, and there was an edge in the Chief Ranger's voice which cut.

No, just what I said I am, an Out-Hunter who happened to come into some knowledge that will assist in straightening out a few crooked quirks in several systems.

"Once it was her head, and then it was her shoulders; and now her eyebrows are all of a quirk."

Likewise, by some psychological quirk, the idea of leaving Granville and making her home elsewhere no longer struck her as running away under fire.

The animal quirked its head and fairly beamed with pleasure as it slowly advanced and stood beside him.

Sometimes these moral twists and quirks in our mental faculties are an inheritance through one or more generations.

"I'll take the opportunity when you are at the picnic to get the accounts out of the quirks you've got 'em into," said he.

His present attitude needed only a spark, such as jealousy or suspicion might supply, to fire it into some quirk of mad and bitter resentment.

She said nothing then (or at any time) which could be interpreted as criticism, but a merry little quirk in the corner of her lip instructed me.

In the early days every man pleaded his own cause, and was especially versed in the "quirks of the law."

Who knows but that your dislike of tobacco and your aversion to marriage may result from the same peculiar quirk in your brain?

I feel safe in predicting you will not come to like it; observing you, I would say you lack the quirk of mind required to take pleasure in another's pain.

You seemed to enjoy yourself as much as an Inquisitor would, and Mike doesn't have that particular quirk; he helps because he loves me, not because he likes the work.

"As she says, I don't have the mental quirk that lets me like hurting people; I'd be glad to get out of the job."

The best way to get along is to have as little to do with him as you can, and not pay any attention to his quirks.

"She is mine, mine, mine," he was saying, and he repeated that word over and over, until Peter quirked his ears, and wondered what it meant.

The clerical quirks of banking were day by day disappearing before his persistent faculties, and he was always ready to take on new work for the sake of experience.

He was the old Pete again, she thought, with his face happy and his mouth quirked up at the corner.

Close as they were to each other, Rosie was often in doubt as to the exact meaning of Danny's little quirks of thought.

Her lips were a little too wide, but they were firm and full and could quirk up in a smile that was rich and warming.

Miss Gertrude quirked the corner of one eye at Miss Ethyl in a scarcely perceptible wink and filled a glass bowl with warm water.

His work required a sensitive understanding of farming and the quirks and habits of the farmer and his animals.

He stopped at the foot of the bed and stared at her, his grin quirking in a way she recognized instantly.

Palmer, judging by the light of her own two marriages, 'she might have allowed herself these quirks and fancies; but as it was, it was a pity.'

The law, which ought to be clear and plain, was, I knew, full of quirks and surprises; and, for all I knew, or know to this day, the payment of the fines incurred might be demanded of me.

I am disgusted with my own selfish quirks which occasionally spill out, but at the same time I feel fortunate that I am able to be aware of them.

As he did so she tapped the floor impatiently with her umbrella, and looked at him curiously, but with a little quirk of humor at the corners of her mouth.

The young engineer had come to understand the quirks and turns and moods of his eccentric helper, just as fully as those of his beloved engine.

The fact is, that the indefinite-period hypothesis does not, after all the quirks and special pleadings, overcome the difficulty.

I think you are right about William, I am sure he has taken a quirk about my marriage, because you see, my dear Emmy, it splits upon one of the very rocks of prejudice he has in his character.

Rather, the calm water could be attributed to some quirk, some phenomenon inherent in the storm itself.

She fought not merely for herself, but, by some queer quirk of reasoning, for the man that she loved.

Do you notice any personality quirks or qualities or attributes in Marguerite Oswald as you observed her on television and her son, Lee Harvey Oswald?

In his eye there was a twinkle, and there was a humorous quirk to his mouth, only partly hidden by his mustache.

When I heard afterwards of his fanciful freaks and quirks, I could not fit them in with my impression of the wise young oracle of my own age.

And Anthony attended by his faithful shadow went about among them with that quirk of a smile they all liked.

It was no quirk, then, but solid reasoning, for the States to regard the subject in the same light.

Nay, I dare suspect none, nor don't; but such quirks of state I have read of in the days of old.

"And if she gets off with a fine I suppose she will be on a train for New York before morning," concluded Sally, with a satisfied quirk of her yellow head.

That means there may be some little quirk in what happened to you that doesn't quite fit into the normal pattern.

The reason can be traced to little quirks in the way they were organized, a matter of positive and negative power feedbacks.

He was silent, and then added, with the humorous quirk back at the corner of his lips, "I can just see myself reporting this interview to the museum."

The babies ducked and quivered their wings, and bent up and down, and quirked imaginary drops of water over their little backs.

He came to see that genuine quirks were rare and, as time went on, due partly to his own small efforts, rarer.

Her mouth was too large, but it was a beautiful mouth, all the same, softly curved and red as scarlet, with sensitive, humorous little quirks in its corners.

The authorities realize that it is easy for a reckless youth to ruin his constitution in a very short time, and consequently no steps are spared to keep the quirks in the very pink of condition.

Few of Trollope's young lovers are very complex; the supporting characters are often the ones with interesting quirks and turns.

Unfortunately, the same quirk which had driven him into science also made him suspicious of all easy methods.

Some quirk of feminine psychology would have justified her in concealment, so long as there was risk.

All the thousands of quirks of technique, all the tricks of the trade, certainly are "tools of the trade."

It was a soft, murmuring tune, with a gay little quirk, and so filled with happiness that Dan soon found himself singing a song of his own.

He turned back his shining green head to fix the little curly feathers that quirked up over his tail.

Always there was the terror lest some sign of injury might show itself, some quirk in his mind, some change in personality, some flush to indicate fever and infection.

When he discovered John was serious, he sat down and gave him half an hour, figuring he could find the quirk and straighten the man out.

Si'Wren could not help shivering again when she chanced to hear it one last time, far in the distance, through some quirk of the gentle wind across the uneven land.

Nothing but truth could give him this firmness; but plain truth and clear evidence can be beat down by no ability in handling the quirks and substitutes of the law.

Our hostess looked at him with curiosity, but without remark; perhaps she was familiar with adolescent quirks.

Then was heard a tremendous fluttering of wings, and faint, despairing "quirks" echoed on all sides.

And Madden wondered with a quirk of grim humor if there were a foreigner aboard that Tyrian's galley, and what he thought about the sacrifice.

She was suddenly, and to Lilly's amazement, a creature of flashes and quirks, of self and sex consciousness.