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Use railroad in a sentence

Definition of railroad:

  • (noun) line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freight
  • (noun) a line of track providing a runway for wheels
  • (verb) compel by coercion, threats, or crude means;
  • (verb) supply with railroad lines; "railroad the West"
  • (verb) transport by railroad

Sentence Examples:

This had developed more rapidly than any previous Territory because of the railroads that crossed it in every direction.

You can see 'em hanging around them railroad towns, that was once posts where they handled good clean furs.

I looked the papers over also, but did not find that there had been any railroad accident of late.

Railroad men themselves, hearing the mutterings, brought word of them to head-quarters, but Stanley was in no wise disturbed.

Bucks was no stranger to railroad yards even then, and the realization of his peril flashed across his mind.

Between Misery and the end of that railroad at the western sea there were many villages, a few cities.

Even in this new world, we shall soon be dependent on cultivated timber for fence-posts, railroad-ties, and building purposes.

It may yield only a slight margin above the variable costs attaching to this part of the railroad's business.

And Edna found herself, at midnight, by the side of the railroad in what seemed to be a bit of woodland.

One day while the Regiment was guarding a railroad near Charleston, Missouri, in the fall of 1861, Wallace disappeared.

The hay-makers in picturesque groups were busy along the line of the railroad, nine tenths of them being women.

Keep to the left in going out of Kirkwood, and be careful of the railroad crossing, which is a bad one.

It was the first long railroad ride of his life, and he enjoyed it keenly despite its many drawbacks.

This road was completed almost to the summit when the railroad overtook it and bought its right of way.

After holding their ground for some time, no support arriving, they were compelled to fall back to the railroad

America is unique among the nations of the world for insisting upon railroads being run on the competitive system.

You see, when we discovered natural gas, it boomed everything, and we've been building railroads and schools all over.

While railroad construction is under way and settlement in progress good prices will be obtained for all agricultural products.

The town owed its existence to the fact that it was the logical place to establish a railroad yard.

All the country, far and near, arose to hail the completion of the greatest railroad enterprise in the world.

The May interest on the Railroad bonds was provided for in the same manner as on the preceding November.

In that case, the dullest policeman on the force would know enough to make straight for the railroad yard.

The railroad, the telegraph, the daily paper, electric light, the telephone, and freedom of thought belong together.

He got the railroad fever, sold his farm, came to the Junction, and he and Farrington had some deals.

In astonishment Ralph recognized one as a check drawn in his favor by the railroad company for twenty dollars.

"If father did not once own twenty thousand dollars in railroad bonds, and if we had ever got them."

When grants were first made to states, it was pretended that railroads could not be built without this aid.

There is no department of railroading in which initiative seemingly has died so dire a death as in the traffic department.

There is genuine feeling among many of the railroad companies of the land that the new competition is unjust.

The intercourse that they were denied by the railroad has been given them through the agency of the automobile.

And yet it is the phase of automobile competition that some railroad men frankly confess puzzles them the most.

The railroad, long since hemmed in by the growing factory town, could not rebuild its yards overnight.

And the railroads even after a comparatively dull summer are not much better prepared physically to meet the situation.

Word of these early railroad experiments travelled across the country as if by some magic predecessor of the telegraph.

Special tax counsel have an important office by themselves, for the railroad sometimes finds itself in a difficult position.

All the railroad projects already related were timid projects in the beginning, with hardly a thought of ultimate greatness.

They forgot all about the crossing and our sin-filled railroad, and got to hammering anew on the old issue.

The superintendent is a railroad man and that means that any part of the railroad business is his business.

In actual railroad practice it is apt to demand a separate branch of engineering skill, both in construction and in maintenance.

It cannot be denied that there is great and wide-spread dissatisfaction with our present railroad system, and its management.

A railroad was surveyed from the latter city to the capital some years ago, but has never been completed.

Montgomery, who formerly lived in Western Pennsylvania, and is now well known in the West as a railroad contractor.

During our long railroad journeys and drives over hills and plains she had talked to me of the past.

The chief matter under consideration was a railroad concession to Americans, involving a land grant of thousands of acres.

The whole range of section railroading is covered in the story, and it contains information as well as interest.

His opponents were more interested to see that nothing checked the activities of great corporations, railroads, and manufacturing interests.

Railroad men sometimes are very communicative; they generally let one know, directly or indirectly, what is in the wind.

What did you men do after you looked out the window toward the railroad tracks from the west window?

The whole range of section railroading is covered in the story, and it contains information as well as interest.

Once, upon a railroad platform at Kingston, Alabama, Wilkes Booth had recognized him and had again sought his death.

Now your railroads make special provision for the transportation of a crop which brings large wealth to your people.

At the foot of the hill there is a railroad, and on one side of it there was a big snow-bank.

The range of the human mind is too great for any railroad to patent the ability of its men.

It contrasts countries, not so much by square miles, as by the number of miles of railroads they possess.

A carriage was secured, and within fifteen minutes the three were on their way to the nearest railroad station.

Down the railroad tracks swept a repair squad who had been straightening a switch, their foreman in the lead.

We put advertisements in the newspapers for men to work on the railroads or for labor on new buildings.

They were carefully crated and were conveyed over the government road from the nearest railroad station in two wagons.

This railroad follows the line of the most important through route which war and commerce took in pre-Conquest times.

Now did he ride to that railroad bridge on a freight, or back in a day coach on a slow train?

Every order is then entered on blanks of the color representing the railroad over which the shipment is routed.

Here were to be found rich natural resources and a heavy network of railroads and highways for military transport.

The railroad led directly through the country where Brigadier General Thomas Harris was organizing his rebel forces.

The decade of the eighties, so far as common carriers are concerned, was primarily characterized by new railroad construction.

These two outbreaks of railroad promotion are deserving of further comment, both by reason of their extent and character.

"Wonder if all the boys who read these lines understand about the change from sun time to railroad time?"

I must therefore be somewhere on or near the railroad between those cities, and as near as possible to a station.

Giving the exciting adventures and experiences of a family moving to Illinois, long before the time of Western railroads.

This part of the country is wild and mountainous, the nearest railroad being at Bear Creek, twelve miles distant.

Manning had asked him to wait there a minute until he should return, and had entered the railroad building.

Presently we came to a long clearing, where it had once been the intention of some capitalists to build a railroad.

It stands at the west end of the great court, looking eastward, just in front of the railroad stations.

The mouths of rivers, both before and since the time of railroads, have controlled the business of the interior.

Millions of property were turned over without consideration to railroad companies, whose special recommendation was participation in the Rebellion.

Discriminations have long since passed away and nobody is better pleased than the railroad man that it is so.

The railroad systems of the country and the convenience of all the people are waiting on this important decision.

Now, we badly need reforms in other key areas in our economy: the airlines, trucking, railroads, and financial institutions.

On the other hand, there were certain decided advantages in the management of all railroads as one great system.

The lightning became almost incessant, and glared and flared along the railroad tracks as far as eye could see.

His gaze touched Chandler lightly, like the flick of the hanging strands of cord that precede a railroad tunnel.

Owing to the lack of railroad transportation, it was impossible for the Regiment to get away until May 16th.

The giving of old-age pensions, particularly by railroad companies, has recently taken on the dimensions of a national movement.

Arriving at the railroad crossing, Babcock stopped at the house for which he was bound and executed his errand.

We'll lie in wait for them on the path they must take between the railroad station and their hotel.

A novel municipal experiment is recorded in the history of the origin, construction and financial organization of this railroad.

This path beside the railroad tracks forked, and one branch of it led right down to the stepping stones.

I have what you lack, and you have what I lack; if we stick together, we'll own a railroad some day.

I have some important letters about the railroad that he and I are going to get built one of these days.

Somebody ought to make a present to the veterans, the Government ought to, or the trusts, or the railroads.

His orders are to convey the prisoners to the nearest railroad station, and then report for some active service.

There are many objections to the principle, and it will probably never again be seriously considered by railroad men.

The railroads soon began to learn a lesson from them in adding to the comforts of the travelling public.

Of the questions arising between the railroad and its employees we are just beginning to realize the full importance.

As for the railroads, they did not have to be bought or driven in; they came, and promptly, too.

Uncommon words build a barrier around thought; familiar ones are like a railroad over which it glides swiftly to its destination.

Roy was inclined to be angry, laying the blame, by some remarkable method of reasoning, on the railroad company.

Instead, he turned down the nearest alley, came out upon the railroad track and followed it toward the river.

The cancer quack would have got at least a hundred dollars out of her, not counting her railroad fare.

The head of the column reached the railroad about the hour that the evening passenger train north was due.

Having our course well in hand now, we soon came up to the railroad, which would take us direct to Wheeling.