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Use reckon in a sentence

Definition of reckon:

  • (verb) expect, believe, or suppose | think | imagine
  • (verb) judge to be probable
  • (verb) deem to be;

Sentence Examples:

The rest of the way it is a deep, sluggish stream, so that the descent may be reckoned within less than three miles.

Reckon you needn't if you're blown like dandelion-down all the way to Min?ok.

"Reckon it won't make her any better for me to be impolite to her," returned the Colonel calmly.

I reckon not, but he knows the kind of skipper you generally meet in the palm oil trade.

I reckon not as I don't own any clothes but what I set in, except a couple of old shirts and them socks.

"Oh, well, Parker," Old Heck grumbled, "I reckon we'll have to do it!"

For as much as there is no cause whereby we may give a reckoning of this concourse of people.

There had been a trial of strength between him and his enemies; which he, believing that he had won the confidence of Louis himself, reckoned on turning to his own advantage, by inducing the king to dismiss those of his opponents who were in office.

David was reckoned an eminent bard in his day, and he was a king; and Solomon, another sweet singer, was a king also.

For however Pym's bill may inflame the reckoning, the honest vermin have not so much for lying as the public faith.

Slop but the week before, that my mother was at her full reckoning; and as the doctor had heard nothing since, 'twas natural and very political too in him, to have taken a ride to Shandy-Hall, as he did, merely to see how matters went on.

He found then that in reckoning on Marius he had made a fatal blunder.

"Serve him right; he'll have to cut over that curate next, I reckon."

"I reckon Tom must have had a hold of the foot and the gasket, and pulled 'em hover the yard when he tumbled."

I reckon it will be better for me not to meddle with her.

The worth of a bride is reckoned by the smallness of her feet.

I have been quite right in not reckoning on his company to charm away the tedium of the journey.

There should be demands for explanation too which were reckoned frivolous and vexatious, and censured as such.

In general, however, the prospective purchaser merely "reckoned" in the Southern sense of conjecturing, at what price he could employ an added slave with probable advantage, and made his bid accordingly.

Now (said she), when looking for a wife a wise man must reckon the luster of her birth and not of her beauty.

Think of me, Ellen, if you can, sitting there for weeks and months in my despair, trying to reckon the days sometimes by the aid of some old newspaper which the girl brought me now and then, at other times losing count of them altogether.

Every publication is a new period of time, from which some increase or declension of fame is to be reckoned.

We have given one mode of reckoning already; we find it corroborated by another.

I have said nothing to my mother or Emily of our plans, as I wish to be perfectly unbiased, and as I have seen none of the nieces for five years, and am prepared to delight in them all, I may be reckoned as a blank sheet as to their merits.

I reckon they thought Old Scratch was after them, the way they run; but they got away with some melons, just the same.

I reckoned more than eighty islands in this portion of the archipelago alone.

"You wasn't raised right around here, I reckon," Billy began amiably, when they were well under way.

On that reckoning, the French at Verdun have already gained one of the great victories of all time.

Into the other world, where wealth is reckoned otherwise than in gold, he entered a sheer pauper.

Although it may be stamped and assayed, the Indian will trust to no reckoning but his own.

Every man can make the partner of his life a good wife, and can feel that she was God-given, and must be used in such a manner that when the day of reckoning comes, he can give a good account of the manner in which he has used this blessing.

The value of house and furnishings and the art collection was reckoned at about two million dollars.

By way of the isthmus, it must be as much as six thousand miles, and it's twice as fur, I reckon, round the Horn.

I reckon we'll just stow you away quietly like, and then afterwards you kin be his wife.

The Capt., said, "Now we will get our horses and stake them out, so they can feed, and we will get to our blankets and try to get a few hours rest, for I am dead tired, and I reckon the rest of you boys don't feel any better."

"I reckon you have, Bud," was the only comment Hugh made; and he ought to know, because Bud was a member of the Wolf patrol and the leader had watched him work many a time as though there were no such word as "fail" in his lexicon.

"I reckon you would find tons of it in the pockets of the river if she were to run dry," was the amazing reply.

Procession of a league in length; of mourners reckoned loosely at a hundred thousand!

I reckon 'twas one of old Leandro Garcia's outfits that he had smuggled over, and he wanted to make a quick turn on 'em.

For, not reckoning for the glory of arms, either on the present or future, I sought it in the souvenirs of my comrades.

On the return of the Spaniards to their own country, they found they had lost a day in their reckoning, owing to the course they had sailed; whereas had they gone by the east, and returned by the west, they would have gained a day in their course.

The miser is shocked as he reckons the glittering gold he has wasted.

This writer reckoned but eighteen inches for a cubit, whereas some figure twenty-two.

He reckoned upon fear as a sure agent to keep her true, as it kept his conscripts under arms.

"I reckon it'll have to be," said Clay, looking suggestively at Billy Sudden.

Courage, of all the qualities of the moral panoply, is the least to be reckoned with by logic.

We used to reckon that ten shillings a day would do us very nicely, barring luxuries and emergencies.

"Reckon I'll have to," she assented, with a bashful smile and took a step or two reluctantly.

Reckon it's because we're under the open roof that it made the racket.

What, all things reckoned, stood between him and this alluring study?

"Well, he can have half of my grub, and I reckon I can pack him on the saddle with me if his feet get tender."

Impossible not to reckon with that smile, as startling as it was seductive!

The head, especially the eye, of a fish is reckoned the daintiest morsel.

"You reckon I'm just a calculating machine that can juggle figures better than any other machine."

He won't be so crazed for it in a few weeks' time, I reckon.

I reckon they're going to git the feller they've got on top there now, too, don't you?

He founded a dynasty which is reckoned among the most illustrious in the annals of the Empire.

Io Welland is the petted and clever and willful daughter of a rich man; a very rich man he would be reckoned out here.

As many as a thousand have been baptized, if children and adults are reckoned.

He'll keep till we get back, so I reckon this court is adjourned.

For you see your best friends reckon you no better than a mere sorcerer.

In the scheme of cropping it may be reckoned that a paying crop of Cabbage will occupy the ground through a whole year; for although this may not be an exact statement, the growing time will be pretty well gone before the ground is clear.

"If folks didn't get more than you do we postmen would soon be out of a job, I reckon!"

"I reckon the man who invented searchlights was no fool," she remarked.

There are the parts of a rowboat below, and I reckon I am carpenter enough to put the parts together in a day or two.

"Oh, no, I reckon not," he rejoined, with a mellow laugh rumbling deep in his great body.

I reckon 'twas one of old Leandro Garcia's outfits that he had smuggled over, and he wanted to make a quick turn on 'em.

"No, I reckon not," was the reply, punctuated by a short laugh.

"They've gone back to town, and I reckon the fire's plum' out for to-day, Major," he drawled.

I showed him another one every bit as good as this, but he wouldn't look at it; still, I guess I'll box it up in that crate with his round one, and when it gets to Seattle I reckon he won't want to send it way back.

The fat old man came to see us off and smilingly accepted the silver I put into his hand for our night's reckoning.

That, reckoning venison worth six cents a pound, would bring us in about thirty dollars a month.

She replied that no mortal might reckon the fruit of a plant which drew its life from hell; that a term there should be, but as it passed the wisdom of man to fix it, so it should pass the wit of man to discover it.

There are enough of us thrown away already, I reckon, about that wench there.

As for the temperature of the sun, we only know that it is hot enough to turn the metals into gases in the manner in which this is done in a strong electric arc, but no satisfactory method of reckoning the scale of this heat has been devised.

And the Subtle Doctor having paid the reckoning, the two travelers hied them toward the plain.

In reckoning the forces of revolution, the joy of the mob in looting must not be forgotten.

An' I reckon by this time you find that our affairs ain't so uneventful as you put it.

I reckon she'd have called herself a clairvoyant nowadays, but then she was just a voodoo woman.

Everything, she had optimistically reckoned, would be smoothed out by her marriage.

I suppose he reckoned all was safe by that time, so he took hold of the crank and began to start the engine.

Yes, there it is again, and I reckon that's our chum giving tongue.

Why yes, I'm dead certain I did; and now that we know it was a man who got the scare I reckon he gave a little screech.

They would have raked up the balance, but I reckon a fellow ought to let well enough alone.

"I read more'n they do, I reckon, an' sometimes a word tickles me till I git it out."

I reckon a proposal at this late day would tickle her to death.

"I reckon this is your first night march," said Jim to Jack, smilingly.

He had not reckoned at the time, in the few days, how much he had driven about with her; but the image of it was there, in his consulted conscience, as well as in a personal glow not yet chilled: it looked large as it rose before him.

There he was, under the charm of that kiss, in the bliss of happiness, and there he remained a year and a day without knowing that he had passed more than a day among them, for he had got into a country where there was no reckoning of time.

The moon will be up about midnight; and, I reckon, that will be about the best time for us to try to make our getaway.

"I reckon it will take you to the world's end," Cynthia, the mystic exclaimed, "and back again!"

"I reckon you'll find that my rope is a great deal longer than you think," Wild answered, thinking it good policy to keep in conversation with them, as the more time Charlie and Jim had to figure out a way of helping him the better it would be.

"I reckon there's trouble ahead, fellers," the lieutenant of the outlaw band observed.

"Reckon you have," said Joel, dejectedly, and then he sat down on the log and dug holes in the sand with his bare feet.

Without underestimating the enormous cost of revolutions, the most eminent Socialists reckon them as nothing compared with the probable gains, or the far greater costs of continuing present conditions.

I reckon that the journey itself must take more than fifteen, and not a vestige of food shall we find from end to end.

I reckon she's kind of got used to my homely face, and if I have any good points at all, you can bet she's found 'em.

This was reckoned the first military bloodshed (if this were really military on the French side).

As an old advertiser, I reckon your proposition ain't worth a rat's whiskers!

I reckon that Jack felt mighty disturbed for as much as an hour, but a good dinner took the creases out of his system.