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Definition of satiety:

  • (noun) the state of being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more

Sentence Examples:

The grievances and distresses of authors particularly were dwelt on to satiety; and the tone of eloquence was more swelling and stately than he had hitherto adopted.

You have fallen asleep, not so much from weariness or satiety, as through a lack of vivid perceptions and impressions.

She flung herself with all her heart and mind into the amusement of the moment; she knew neither weariness nor satiety.

And when once he had dyed his sword in blood, nothing would have made him leave off but pure fatigue and satiety.

By itself now and then it sounds very well, on which account we have the more reason to guard against satiety.

And find me in a crust of wild honey, the expressed essence of woods and flowers, with its sweet satiety?

Do you think it was not agony for her to hear such words as these and make no response to them, fearing lest with assurance should come satiety?

He filled his bucket at the well and sought Clarissa, who was sleeping the sleep of satiety.

There is, however, another boredom, that of the weariness of the body, or its satiety of country air; the longing for the pleasures of the town, the tides of the soul attracted by the moon of habit.

Taken hot at the beginning of a meal, soup stimulates the flow of the digestive juices, and on account of the bulk, brings a sense of satiety before an excessive quantity of food has been taken.

The astronomer has no fear of feeling the satiety of an Alexander, when he lamented that he had no more worlds to conquer.

The man who can reply must be placed, as I am, above humanity, he must be both among and apart from human beings to see the smile turn into agony, the joy become satiety, and the union dissolve.

There is even a satiety in the free indulgence of wealth, when that indulgence centers solely in self, and brings no general self-approving reflections along with it.

Northern people tell you that it is the only fish whose taste will never produce satiety, as it becomes daily more agreeable to the palate.

There is no reason why your pride should be wounded, for this is not the result of satiety on my part, but of an imperative necessity.

And here he lies, dead; snatched away from his field of labor, and destroyed, in order that I may be tempted to dine three minutes longer, after I have already eaten to satiety.

There is, however, an end to everything, and when satiety had succeeded to want, they related to us the circumstance that had led them where they were.

After two years my sexuality decreased, but that may have been due to satiety or to advancing years.

She was the inventor of a story called "John and Julia," which went on for weeks and months without ever producing the smallest satiety in Marcella.

It was there that that poetry arose which modern satiety seeks for, the poetry of reverie and reflection, which penetrates man's heart and deciphers his most intimate thoughts and vaguest wishes.

If he fails to find it, life for him must become a blank, and he must fall a prey to boredom and satiety.

Then there will be no satiety, for on the morrow he will find another last veil that has escaped him.

Again she caught the note of satiety in his voice, and it stirred her to a feeling of sympathy which she despised in herself.

For if love were natural, all would be in love, and always so, and all love the same object; nor would one be deterred by shame, another by reflection, another by satiety.

When two beings bound together for life have nothing to live upon but sentiment, its resources are soon exhausted, indifference, satiety, and disgust succeed.

The excesses of delicacy, repose, and satiety are as unfavorable as the extremes of hardship, toil, and want to the increase and multiplication of our kind.

By these means, though, for the most part, we spent the latter half of each day in one another's society, yet we were in no danger of satiety.

They endeavor to give themselves with great satiety to the eating of pork and the drinking of wine, and they stuff themselves from time to time, never losing an occasion that is offered.

For fewer men are bored with satiety than kept by a custom that becomes necessity, and his habit for her would in itself be an attraction for him.

We drank porter, we achieved a certain sense of satiety, that on very slight provocation would have broadened into nausea or worse.

It has been repeated to satiety, that at the time when Herschel entered on his astronomical career he knew nothing of mathematics.

The whole issue of the "Gazette" was quickly bought; and then people, having seen the fact with their own eyes, felt a sudden satiety of the whole affair.

When nature calls, we take our simple food, we rest when she requires relaxation, and when rest is satiety, innocent and useful labor improves our mental and corporeal functions.

It must then be satiety that I feel; for I do feel more like a doomed man, than a young noble full of blood and youth.

He knew no satiety, however, with the spectacle on the stage, which induced for him but a further curiosity.

The poet is dear, and our early associations are dear; and pleasures often tasted without satiety are dear: but to every rightly balanced mind Truth will be dearer than all.

It is satiety which kills everything, but what a small percentage of women know how to keep it alive, on the mental side!

They were, said their author, "as grains of salt that will rather give you an appetite than offend you with satiety."

A woman whose life was spent in the pursuit of personal gain, and who reaped in return the inevitable harvest of weariness and satiety.

There is, however, an end to every thing and when satiety had succeeded to want, they related to us the circumstance that had led them where they were.

On the whole, as it seems to me indeed, a satiety of all pursuits causes a satiety of life.

The hunger of the body is bad indeed, but the hunger of the mind is worse perhaps; and from that they suffer, because from every fulfilled desire springs the pain of a fresh satiety.

In the first place an interest is essentially self-perpetuating; in spite of periodic moments of satiety, an interest fulfilled is renewed and accelerated.

Ever on the wing, they are always sipping the sparkling joy on the brim of the cup, leaving satiety in the bottom for those who venture to drink deep.

I had seen it before, but it was many years ago; and it may be seen many times without the least degree of satiety.

There they are once more, as one has had them to satiety, in that yellow thing, and there I shall certainly again find them in the blue.

After a considerable time symptoms of satiety began to appear, in the shape of an occasional remark.

The delight he experienced when he looked upon a fine painting was mainly the desire of possession; and satiety soon followed possession.

On possession, however, had quickly followed satiety, and from satiety had grown the desire for a new sensation.

He felt the same satiety and disgust at himself that he had experienced a few moments earlier.

I thought I should never be satisfied; but at length satiety was produced, and I thirsted no more.

It was only when we inquired for further conveyance that the crowd showed signs of satiety and edged off.

For terror and satiety are facts of sensibility like any others; and at their own hour they reign in their own right.

She knew very well that they said in the Court that with the King it was only possession and then satiety.

He must have suffered from satiety to an unbearable degree, for praise and admiration were poured out by a grateful people to an extent not easily imagined.

Her temperament was of that unhappy fiber which sees the end almost as speedily as the beginning; change and death and satiety treading on the heels of the noblest enterprise.

It was not until the man Bough slept the heavy sleep of liquor and satiety that the thought of flight was born in her with desperate courage to escape him.

Certain orders of subjects are repeated to satiety, while others, which would be more interesting, are completely absent.

It is not the use, but the abuse of anything good in itself that brings satiety, disease, suffering, dissatisfaction.

He bounded his appetites, not according to the division of Epicurus, but by his own feelings of satiety.

Even his political opponents rose from his table with a comfortable feeling of satiety which made them more kindly in their attitude toward their host.

Yet he, whose patriotism was a passion that fed and thrived upon itself, must be barred from such exquisite satiety.

The newer choir has avoided the very things in which Strauss has excelled, for that way lie repetition and satiety.

It is not the crown or the kingdom that makes the king; it is the full, overflowing feeling of happiness, the satiety of earthly possessions, the consciousness of perfect satisfaction and content.

We had seemed, after the Civil War, to have reached a stage of satiety, to be through with expansion.

It may simply be said of me, that I strive to become such without satiety, and teach others without weariness.'

She felt in herself a satiety, a fatigue, in which his good looks, his invented airs and poses, his real trouble, were all alike repulsive.

He learned it as children learn their lessons, by murmuring them to satiety in order to fix them on their minds.

I have been at school and college, I have read considerably in books, and have attended debating societies to satiety.

The mere words bread and butter, for example, or even the visible things in a restaurant window, have never brought satiety to a hungry child, nor do I myself fear that they ever will.

The mental ingredients of satiety were all present, but he had as yet received no conscious notice of their existence.

The law of satiety, of diminishing utility, is a static law, and the utility theorists are careful to point out that it holds only for an individual at a given time.

If from displeasure, satiety, or any other cause, a man sends his wife away, she goes back to her relations, and invariably takes her children with her.

There may reasonably be some moderation, some satiety, in this thirst and appetite of glory, as well as in other things: and there are enough people who practice it.

If our wants referred but to the degree, not to the quality, then the imagination, at least, might paint a degree of satiety.

That it has not felt all the freshness of youth, all the vigor of maturity, all the weakness and satiety of old age, and all the pangs of death itself?

On reading them one only met with vague estimations, loosely expressed, about children who, as was repeated to satiety, "would make progress if they would work better."

I observe, too, that a grand passion is a grand misfortune: they are always in a storm of hope, fears, doubt, jealousy, rapture, rage, and the end deceit, or else satiety.

And yet it will scarcely be believed, perhaps, that with such good reasons for keeping apart, we were continually seeking one another's company with a zest that knew no satiety.

As action must follow excitement, or despair satiety, so the relation of parts, the order of presentation, must be adapted to mutual reinforcement.

The night wore away; nay, speeded were the better word, for no one felt any suggestion even of weariness or satiety.

Only when a certain satiety of the last-mentioned joy arises does a more subtle feeling step in, that enjoyment might even lie in a violation of the symmetrical and regular.

They are cunning and powerful, and formidable in combat, but, greedy in habit, they eat to excess, and when gorged to satiety fall an easy prey to their enemies.

He wishes simply to live without satiety or pain, like the beast; yet it is all in vain, for he will not change places with it.

He was suffering at present from a satiety of thought, and the morning's letter had brought matters to a crisis.

It is thus he spits on all the feasts and pleasures of his life, and so, between an ardent thirst and a profound satiety, a feeling of tranquil vanity leads him to his death.

After having talked to satiety, we took the road to the town, very well satisfied with ourselves, as if we had just accomplished a difficult task, or brought a great enterprise to a good end.

No, no, satiety is the deprivation, by over enjoyment, of our own powers of receiving; and not a just estimate of the powers of other things in giving pleasure.

He did thoroughly enjoy all the things that his money bought him, and liked spending it on them; and the point of satiety which lies somewhere ahead on that road was not yet in sight with him.

He was being brought into terrible contact not only with sin and the satiety of sin, but with its results.

In a sense Lena was like her, always wanting the thing beyond her reach, and experiencing a curious sense of satiety as soon as she possessed it.

To him the South meant the richness and heat of romantic emotions, the satiety of the senses.

There is no sense of solitude, if that one alone be present; there is no sense of satiety, though that one be always present.

In our life they lasted so short a time that we had no chance to learn the meaning of satiety.

Yet for years he had sought another woman, dimming the light of complete desire with the damp of physical satiety.

They frequently find satiety in some substitute which the unconscious accepts as a symbol of its real object.

By this means satiety is avoided; the wife continues to be in the eyes of her husband all that she was as maiden in the eyes of her lover.

I knew that very close companionship soon gives birth to satiety; therefore, I proposed not to see her too often, so that when we did meet we should enjoy ourselves more.

He understood now, however, and intended to drink his eyes and feast his mind to satiety on the people of whom he was one.

They had miracles even to satiety; and then, for a change, they wished a king like the nations.