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Use scoff in a sentence

Definition of scoff:

  • (noun) showing your contempt by derision
  • (verb) laugh at with contempt and derision; "The crowd jeered at the speaker"
  • (verb) treat with contemptuous disregard; "flout the rules"

Sentence Examples:

It is abject to expose oneself to ridicule, and weak to endure patiently the scoffs of enemies.

The soldiers looked on, without attempting either to join in their scoffs or to silence them.

I never give my brother a chance to scoff at a girl's comprehension of business transactions.

"A record of fidelity," Borden observed, "at which, even in your own stories, you would scoff."

A man who scoffs at Democratic institutions must be a tyrant at heart, or a defeated candidate.

You are cynical beyond anything men can pretend to; you scoff at every suggestion of idealism.

Whatever good I have done in this parish, you have endeavored to undo it by your scoffs and actions.

"I can understand people with no sentiment, but I will not tolerate people who scoff at it."

You may scoff at it if you like, but it is pleasant and harmless and exceedingly comfortable.

Perhaps it is rather cheap to scoff at the amateur performances, some of which, no doubt, are excellent.

Stanley and Sir James Graham scoff at the Commission, and intend to move the previous question.

One's friends like one as one is; the outside public hate one or scoff at one as they please.

Sure of the safe trend of his affairs, he was in a mood to scoff at any religious allusion.

The world scoffs at such sentiments, because it seldom witnesses a spectacle so grand in human life.

There are natures so worldly, perhaps even among writers, as to scoff at the idea of spiritual success.

I cannot; I should be a scoff to all brave men, were I to fare empty-handed back to Iceland.

Albert had been known openly to scoff at hell, whereas Pete had never thought much about it.

Love not only laughs at prison bars, love scoffs at parental differences as well as at parental control.

Some of my old colleagues and disciples among the Radicals scoff at me because of my new companions.

There was nothing either false or forced about the little exclamation he made, half scoff, half laugh.

She will not easily be drawn into such friendship again, and is quick to scoff at it in others.

Don Giovanni scoffs at the offer, and overcoming his awe, takes the extended hand of the Statue.

It is quite time that these precious little human lambs ceased to be the subjects of scoffs and sneers.

Some came to laugh and scoff, but these, his enemies, were silenced by the spectacle of his grief.

Ursula, whom we regard no more, and to the Eleven Thousand Virgins, at whose pretended miracle we scoff.

Jeff could not resist the desire to scoff which always came upon him at sight of the Canuck.

While some scoff at it, even they avoid those things which are traditionally supposed to bring ill luck.

What did it mean save something at which he had always scoffed, at which he meant always to scoff!

I came with a piece of news I thought you would be anxious to hear, and all you've done is scoff.

He might scoff at his neighbor's religion or politics, but he was ever ready to lend him a hand.

Devoted as he is to glory, he scoffs at lovers until the moment when his eye lights on Cressida.

We may scoff at the social inequalities as much as we please, but we can't laugh them out of court.

"A physician who plays on the guitar and fancies himself a composer," was the scoff of malignant gossips.

Was the dignity of the House on so sure a foundation that we could afford to shake it with scoffs?'

I cannot tell much about his principles; and he seems to vent his scoffs and jests at everything.

Looks easy enough when done by an expert; those inclined to scoff at the accomplishment should try it themselves.

The Adventurer was assembled far from the cities, in a lone place where none came to scoff or criticize.

I would like to think that this Judas Peerage might become a jest and a scoff among their order.

Come, come, Guy; if you have no respect for religion yourself, don't scoff at its observances in my presence.

Then the French have brought in new ideas, and many of our men have learned to scoff, from them.

Now some suspicious individuals would scoff at the apparent discrepancies, but it is easy to reconcile the different statements.

There are minds too shallow to perceive the profound wisdom of the maxim, and scoff at it as an absurdity.

You are so taken up with your own choice, that you must needs scoff at anyone who happens to differ.

Things which have the approval of ages emit the odor of sanctity, and whoever scoffs does so at his peril.

If you still scoff let us look at the system together and do a little figuring upon our own account.

Above all, heed not the laughs and scoffs that will arise on all sides, and never turn round.

I no longer cared that the passengers avoided us, and that boys pursued us with scoff and insult.

No longer do scholars or physicians scoff at the ancient authorities who dominated medical thinking for so many centuries.

It was the careless scoff of one who deemed that to such as me no sense of delicacy need be observed.

He could not imagine how anybody could speak ill of the beautiful flowers, or scoff at his beloved birds.

They can stare at life's deep mysteries and shudder or scoff, sigh or rejoice, according to their moral conditions.

Well, on and on goes the discussion, and, as the Blackbird sneers and scoffs, it becomes heated and shrill.

People may scoff at faith working with lightning speed; but every exhibition of it only proves that it does.

At heart, you scoff at them and the Empire; all you want is freedom and impunity for your vices.

It is easy to scoff at this statement, because it is always easier in a crisis to be swayed entirely by bias.

They will scoff at the divining rod and yet swallow the grossest frauds without so much as blinking.

"I like work," she said, "and people who scoff at it are those who have forgotten the way to work."

Who knows but that there are figures to-day we scoff at who may have a halo of poetry in history?

After a while he notices that people talk about him, make unfavorable remarks about him, and even scoff at him.

And the thousand million victims themselves scoff at and strike those who rebel, as soon as they are able.

If you scoff and sneer at your father and mother you will have a hard harvest; you will reap in agony.

Some persons may scoff at these ideas, but the greatest scientific men of the world have studied the subject.

Reason, the kind of reason which scoffs at ideals, told me that I was foolish to fight for a principle.

Why do you doctors scoff at miracles when the Bible is full of them, and we all live among them?

He may turn and scoff at you; for, in very truth, the boot (of ignorance) is upon the other leg!

Let those who scoff at religion, remember that without it our country would never have become what it is today.

Manson's story or that of the mate, now that I have experienced that which I used formerly to scoff at.

At first the Cubs were impressed, but as Red added more and more to the tale, they began to scoff.

He is most emphatic in his declaration that he will never again scoff at ghosts or play with the invisible.

He could not write a note to ask for anything, that would not be spiced with some scoff or other.

Pete Corcoran may scoff, but that was a bright and golden morning, and we would not have missed it.

It seems you have friends in such plenty that you can afford to scorn and scoff at them at your pleasure.

He had seen so many wonderful things lately that he had ceased to scoff, but felt it prudent to keep silent.

You went away impressed with his brilliance, and even if you were inclined to scoff you still acknowledged he was great.

Some travelers indeed have been inclined to scoff at these miracles and to write them down mere fabrications of interested priests.

My readers may scoff when I tell them that at the end of a fortnight I felt like running away.

He was more fighter than soldier, and he tended to scoff at military discipline and other formalities of army service.

"I have no wish to scoff; I only say that they can spare themselves the trouble, and spare him too."

Men may scoff at Joseph Smith and at his mission, just as they scoffed at the Savior and his mission.

There are those in the cycling world who, even in risky and unknown neighborhoods, neglect precautions and scoff at danger.

It was one of those foreign ways which they all liked, though they would scoff at them in the abstract.

Lottie herself was flushed with the exertion and the shame of having thus afforded him an opportunity for a scoff.

Or, had they put it away with that other beast where he lay with the scoff on his dead face?

Finally, never scoff at the language used, and above all remember that what is one man's game may be another's religion.

Having become slaves, we scoff at the thought of a primitive, grand, and happy world, where each man was a master.

It may be some will scoff at this, but I venture that by far the majority will deem it only natural.

Such is the man at whom the vulgar scoff; he seems to them as if he could not mind his feet.

No true Mason scoffs at honest convictions and an ardent zeal in the cause of what one believes to be truth and justice.

The very fact that the name was not used in terms of scoff or reproach increased the measure of its injury.

It would sound ridiculous to say so, Leo, and you may scoff at me as much as you like, but you are right.

In many parts of Galicia the scoffing may be followed by a catastrophe the victim of which would scoff no more.

He was tempted to awaken the others, but knew they would be angered and scoff at him if he did so.

It is certain that many people imagining themselves of superior intellect will doubt and possibly scoff at many of these mysteries.

He has to meet the scoff with which those personages receive the trembling announcement of a small, a very small income.

She would seem to scoff at her emotion, and pretend to be thinking of something else, and to take no notice of it.

For this reason, the divines of the age and those possessed of wealth, would scorn and scoff at these people.

He does not believe that the town will hold out long, and scoffs at the mode in which it is being defended.

Reggie, being thirsty, scoffs off the whole issue an' finds to his dismay that 'is voice 'as been completely destroyed.

We should not scoff at this feeling but rather try to understand it; for it is only too rare in our time.

One can see that when she scoffs at marriage it is with no more real sincerity than Benedick displays on the same subject.