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Use scourge in a sentence

Definition of scourge:

  • (noun) a whip used to inflict punishment (often used for pedantic humor)
  • (noun) something causes misery or death; "the bane of my life"
  • (noun) a person who inspires fear or dread; "he was the terror of the neighborhood"
  • (verb) punish severely; excoriate

Sentence Examples:

It is a scourge, but there is healing in its stripes.

Juvenal whips with cutting thongs; Dante scourges with flames.

A scourge of leather thongs had fallen from her hands.

The ceremony was symbolic of the scourging inflicted on penitents.

All the rest died from spotted typhus or other scourges.

To their intercession the cessation of the scourge was ascribed.

Merciless and mysterious scourging of John Rogers in Hartford prison.

The old cur was scourging a woman with a whip.

A prince confiding and amiable is a great scourge from heaven.

Turning upon Burton, he scourged him with a whip of scorpions.

Or, perhaps, as you grew cleverer, you were flogged with scourges?

Ye were the very ones who mocked and scourged our nakedness.

A procession of penitents advancing in order and scourging each other.

And the scourge of tropic fever had left its marks.

Shortly after their death a dreadful distemper scourged the natives.

Precautions against the terrible scourge, scurvy, had not been forgotten.

They have been driven, hated, scourged till their hearts have hardened.

The scourge which he prophesied did in fact descend upon Italy.

If they scourged each other, their energy might be less astonishing.

This same scourge does not follow the colonizing of other nations.

Many of them were suffering from that dreadful scourge, malarial fever.

The Portuguese Jesuits were scourged; their French brethren were sneered at.

These dogs are the scourge of African game, hunting in packs.

Our sinful earth has writhed, as it were, under this scourge.

The dreadful scurvy and the cruel cold scourged the newcomers.

He was his master's property, to be scourged, or tortured, or crucified.

Did he still scourge himself along the thorny paths of faith?

He swooned several times; but the scourge still continued to descend.

Is it to secure a powerful tyrant, the scourge of an oppressed nation?

Let senate and pulpit try: Urge edict, and scourge with sermon.

She could have scourged herself to banish those memories, those desires.

He also knew what a frightful scourge an undisciplined army might become.

Cooped up with such an awful scourge none felt inclined for merriment.

Subconsciously he hoped for a rattle of chains, a scourging with whips.

Money is the whip with which its possessor can scourge humanity.

The scourged grasses lay pallid, bowed flat in long quivering ranks.

Authors and booksellers had not felt the scourge of the Index.

Did he not foretell the devouring scourge by which we are visited?

I shall save all men oppressed by this scourge of the land.

It was scoffed at, scourged, persecuted, and, at one time, nearly exterminated.

The slaves who were his proper attendants, have been scourged and crucified.

The East seemed free from these scourges: bad tidings only terrified it.

They were fined and imprisoned scourged and exiled and sold into slavery.

He was the victim of a constitutional timidity, his scourge from childhood.

Thirteen strokes of the threefold scourge was equivalent to the thirty-nine stripes.

Pale and aghast at the scourge above them, they stood there watching.

Children are only little animals, and travel is their bane and scourge.

He loses no opportunity to scourge the Rabbis and their conservative adherents.

How can two people be righteously scourging each other at the same time?

He may become the greatest boon or the greatest scourge of his generation.

The French government were not sorry to have a scourge to their hands.

Race of Pharisees, what chastisement from on high shall scourge your sacrilegious pride!...

The eradication of the opium scourge must prove a great blessing to China.

A feeling of abasement scourged him as each thought clamored for an answer.

Towards the middle of the night the sound of scourging wakened them.

They were then scourged, sacrificed, and their bodies burned by the seashore.

The real leprosy is a scourge and a plague in many oriental lands to-day.

These burning winds, and scorching heat, are the scourges of the country.

It had the scourge, the crown of thorns, and the felon's cross.

Whilst besieging it, this scourge was removed by a death he merited.

He was scourged, and from Roman scouring there was, of course, blood.

These voracious green ticks, the size of a bug, are indeed a terrible scourge.

They are coming from the scourge with him who is to be crucified.

Unhappy serfs were daily scourged to death at the command of their masters.

Are slaves then never to be scourged, whatever be their transgressions and enormities?

In those days, when they crucified a man, they used to scourge him.

For many centuries they were a scourge to the inhabitants of the plains.

My father beat you with whips; but I will scourge you with scorpions.

He swung the scourge over the backs bowed to seize their paltry gains.

Originally a scourge of the district, they are now subdued, but remain uncivilized.

They became infinitely greater scourges than the pirates they were paid to repel.

He is tearing his cowl to shreds and scourging himself with a whip.

The telling of this to you is my scourge, but it is not penitence.

He came down on our little settlement at the height of the typhoid scourge.

They scourged themselves with scorpions for yielding to it; still they yielded.

Absolute monarchy is still a scourge, though among despots there have been good men.

Not with whips and thongs would I scourge him from the land.

And goaded by the scourge of hunger he ventured out again into the night.

Scourge and afflict my body; and spare my soul for all eternity.

In spite of his infallible antidote, he was carried off by the scourge.

You have had terrible fires and floods, cyclones, and scourges of yellow fever.

The charioteer holds the reins, guides his steeds, restrains or lifts the scourge.

Without this sense of ourselves, the scourge would lose its power of chastisement.

Smallpox is a scourge with all Africans, from the north to the south.

Outside, the rain, driven by gusts, smote the window as with a scourge.

If the Puritans were scourged with whips the Separatists were lashed with scorpions.

Without this you would not be the deliverers, but the scourges of nations.

To Alexander the memory of that day was a tempting and detested scourge.

They are not a less terrible scourge than the locusts to the south.

The tiger is the scourge of the land, the crocodile of the water.

Without this, you would not be the deliverers, but the scourge of nations.

Man is scourged into greatness by adversity, and leveled into mediocrity by prosperity.

These disasters were invariably followed by a westerly spread of the Tatar scourge.

Truthfully I can say that I've never seen any man scourged like this one.

Napoleon, the scourge and conqueror of Europe, died, a heart-broken exile, in St Helena.

Some one of the corralled and scourged may stick a smile into his back.

Consumption, that scourge of so many English families, was terribly familiar in this one.

The first are the enemies of reformers; the others are the scourge of heretics.

She had scourged him mentally; now with scorpions she physically lashed him.

It is more than the customary scourging; the executioners must have gotten an extra fee.