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Use tariff in a sentence

Definition of tariff:

  • (noun) a government tax on imports or exports;
  • (verb) charge a tariff; "tariff imported goods"

Sentence Examples:

Should we have a high tariff at this juncture?

"I expect they're afraid of tariff reform," he suggested.

The tariff is decided by the size of the boat and not by the number of passengers.

Towards the end of 1842 a new tariff was enacted by the legislature of the island.

We imported goods and merchandise, but there were no laws of tariff or of revenue.

Has congress imposed a tariff to be paid in going from one state to another?

How much off on the tariff on the creature do we want?

We asked him what the people in that part of the country thought of the new tariff.

The tariff has always been our favorite device for obtaining a national revenue.

If the tariff drives us to this, we say, let the name be sacred in all future generations

This system constitutes the so-called protective tariff policy of our country.

Industries are forced into an earlier diversification by tariffs.

It is said that the tariff keeps "two profits" at home, foreign trade gives but one.

This marks a temporary high point in tariff rates.

Evidently this is far from a "free trade tariff."

Just when the tariff was reduced, the conditions were ripe for a crisis.

"Suppose you should hear a discussion of the tariff question; would you remember it?"

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a tariff?

The present tariff system is in many respects unjust.

It had not been his intention to take part in the debates on the Tariff Bill of 1816.

At present, with such a debt as we have, the tariff is no longer a question with us.

The first tariff act was passed with a view of providing revenue and protection, in 1789.

Both Houses were Republican, and the tariff was increased.

The cause appeared to be the tariff; but in reality deeper forces were at work.

Clay was making every effort to carry the compromise tariff.

"And pray, sir, what may I be worth in the tariff of his Excellency's good graces?"

While he lived in it, he paid tariff for his rooms and all that he had.

Garrison dealt with the questions of trade and tariffs also.

The tariff question is not the question that it was fifteen or twenty or thirty years ago.

The schedule or list of articles taxed and of duties to be paid is called the tariff.

Madison deems this same tariff law quite constitutional.

Interruption, and a voice, "The Morrill tariff," and applause.

One could not so aptly say "slave banks, slave tariffs, slave labor conditions."

The South did not like the Whig tariff.

Give us the tariff and Seward, then we will have the tariff money and Seward's money too.

Is he not for the tariff and loose construction?

I may say I do not myself like the idea of engaging in tariff wars.

I felt convinced that the tariff question would never be settled.

Do something about external trade tariffs and internal unemployment.

Now tariffs can only raise prices by diminishing the quantity of goods offered for sale.

Should our legislation be shaped toward the gradual abandonment of the protective tariff?

Rival protective tariff nations have answered that question.

The Progressive party only can change the tariff as it must be changed.

And no tariff is high enough to keep them out.

Carriages are dearer than in Paris by our new tariff, which is an item important to me.

"Our social tariff amounts to prohibition," said a witty Englishman in France.

He fixes the tariff to be paid for masses.

Having growing industries and wool to sell it benefited from the protective tariff.

There were Republicans who favored tariff reductions and "cheap money."

We hadn't heard much about him nor felt his hand till your tariff bill passed.

Twenty years had passed since a serious tariff controversy had shaken the North.

It is clear to the whole country that the tariff duties must be altered.

It is best, indeed it is necessary, to begin with the tariff.

The Liberals, when out of power, advocated tariff for revenue only.

They could obtain not one single solitary tariff concession.

The United States is the home of protective tariffs.

The sentiment under a protective tariff is national selfishness.

Is it good policy for the government of the United States to place a tariff on sugar?

Present tariff on trust-made steel articles should be abolished.

I have nothing to say with regard to the policy of the tariff, one way or the other.

The greatest job of all is a protective tariff.

Such a tax was called a protective tariff.

Northern tariffs have been the first, and perhaps foremost.

Got 'em all down in the printed tariff, so you can't help knowing 'em, eh?

Clay, which provided for the gradual reduction of the tariff.

They can center it upon the tariff or the trusts or even the currency.

Now, tariffs can only raise prices by diminishing the quantity of goods offered for sale.

Until that weapon was removed there ought to be no modification of the tariff.

Preferential tariff within the Empire would be highly advantageous to the Mother Country.

For several years there had been a strong popular demand for a revision of the tariff.

Accordingly, a revision of the tariff was in progress.

Commodity tariffs have been a fruitful source of unjust discrimination.

Berger defined his position on the tariff as well as still larger issues.

The subject on the table was the Tariff, and the pros and antis were about evenly divided.

Try him on the tariff, and you find him conservative to a fault.

Fielding was a master of tariffs and of inspiring fiscal speeches outside the House.

The item is the repeal of the Underwood tariff.

Nobody understands a tariff anyway when it comes to the schedule.

Wright of New York, who maintained a consistency with their vote for the tariff of 1828.

The tariff was complained of, the navigation laws were sneered at.

The Whigs favored a high protective tariff and internal improvement.

And now for the first time he expressed his real view that the tariff was unjust.

It is thus plain how, in a secondary way, the tariff is a cause of the trusts.

Morrill was eminently fitted to prepare a tariff bill.

He charged me with pulling the Morrill tariff bill through by a trick.

The discussion of the day was mainly on the tariff question.

Did our domestic tariff laws apply there as well as here?

Our tariff legislation called for a thorough revision.

It was a high protective tariff, dictated by the manufacturers of the country.

"You needn't hand me the tariff," returned the bearded man with a laugh that jarred.

The presence of dogs makes the tariff on wool, or lack of it, a minor matter.

Relations of Parties and Sections to the Tariff.

No one can question that this high tariff worked injustice to the South.

A few evenings ago we were discussing the tariff.

Both parties in their platforms favored tariff revision.

For a period of twelve years there had been no tariff legislation.

The Democrats at once began a revision of the tariff.

That tariff was twenty per cent lower than the revenue act of 1846.

If the question was about tariff, you would hesitate and look at the awful consequences.

This is one infant industry that will not cry for a protective tariff.