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Use tedium in a sentence

Definition of tedium:

  • (noun) the feeling of being bored by something tedious
  • (noun) dullness owing to length or slowness

Sentence Examples:

To work; to study (connotes tedium).

More days of travel in overdrive tedium.

Dale and her daughters bore the tedium courageously.

His animation dispelled the tedium of expectation for them.

The loneliness and tedium of his condition soon become unendurable.

The tedium of the journey now palled on one terribly.

The heat and the tedium of the steppes overpowered him.

The thong of narrative drives off the dogs of tedium.

Music at sea helps greatly to beguile the tedium of a voyage.

He told them that he only became a patriot from tedium.

What food to sweeten the tedium of a solitary imprisonment for life!

The tedium of futile undertakings will oppress us from the first moment.

Madame de Maintenon testifies to the almost insupportable tedium of such a life.

Coach passengers are apt to beguile the tedium of the road with tobacco.

This visit had always represented to her supreme and unmitigated tedium.

The day, with its continuous drizzle, had been one of tedium to her.

Walter could not brook the tedium of this irksome and laborious process.

A payday now and then didn't make up for the tedium of labor.

No one recounted anecdotes with more vivacity, a happier effect, or less tedium.

There were not many fantastic readings to while away the tedium of adjudication.

May connote either tedium or a real technical challenge (more usually the former).

For the matter of the present work is a study in conjugal tedium.

The saloon is fitted with amusing toys, to beguile the tedium of long journeys.

He was permitted to play his favorite game to beguile the tedium of his captivity.

Next day, however, he had a visitor who broke the tedium very effectually.

He often relieved the tedium of argument with playful sallies of wit and humor.

He relieved the tedium of almost ceaseless toil by pleasant intercourse with literary men.

The last act is a flat desert of tedium, with oases of musical verdure.

Or, rather, what bad taste and tedium will not be the infallible result?

We desire to beguile, by a sort of serpentine irregularity, the occasional tedium of rapid movement.

I used to think how pleasantly a love affair would enliven the tedium of military routine.

There was, nearly always, a nice, juicy bone to beguile the tedium of the afternoon.

Meantime the quick-eyed facile crowd around him beguiled the tedium of waiting with good-humored chaff.

He would invent all sorts of new games to beguile the tedium of the way.

Nothing of any importance occurred for some time to enliven the tedium of the march.

I was so well acquainted with that desperate tedium which precipitated one into cruel pranks.

Two days were spent in perfect inaction, and consequently with much tedium and dissatisfaction.

The tedium and monotony of what amounted almost to imprisonment would soon be at an end.

Its characteristics tend ever to a too close formation, and inevitably favor tedium and monotony.

A few of these words have been borrowed bodily from Latin, as 'odium', 'tedium', 'opprobrium'.

It means long periods in empty space in overdrive, which is absolute and deadly tedium.

The Mutiny was no longer a welcome variant to the tedium of the hot weather.

When not thus engaged he cheers the tedium of her task by an agreeable ditty.

In that month of January began a life of tedium for us which had few mitigations.

The people have leaped to the overthrow of bosses, and then wearied of the ensuing tedium.

It is vivacious in style, having none of the tedium belonging to most works of this description.

The tedium of a long passage was unpleasantly broken by a mutiny among the crew.

The people were patient and good-humored, but to beguile the tedium of waiting they sang songs.

With a German's fondness for music, he beguiled the tedium of many a long winter evening.

A sedentary life is the source of tedium; when we walk a good deal we are never dull.

I've a good notion to strike up a flirtation with Mademoiselle Pauline, to relieve the tedium of the hours.

There was, among the visitors, one whose coming perceptibly lightened the tedium of those days.

They now face empty-handed the tedium of their uneventful days; and who shall pity them?

Half an hour later, with nothing to break the tedium, the next amazing development came.

They often engage in loud scolding of each other in order to relieve the tedium of their work.

Such occupation is refreshing, as it aids them in whiling away the tedium of their hours of restraint.

Besides these oriental relaxations, an occasional practical joke beguiled for the commodore the tedium of the voyage.

And, having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste.

Sleepy children stared with wondering eyes at pictorial efforts to beguile the tedium of waiting for trains.

They insisted on her occupying herself with some sewing as a relief to the tedium of enforced inaction.

The idea, being presented under a different figure, is repeated without producing an effect of tedium or monotony.

The only break in what would seem to an outsider an interminable stretch of tedium was the dinner.

His passenger was supplied with tobacco and beguiled the tedium of the voyage by smoking a pipe.

He was a man intolerant of tedium, and in the best of his time impatient of slow work.

The regimen was very disagreeable to his English habits, and the tedium of the place was great.

The tedium of the long days of travel had been relieved by frequent stoppages amidst forest or field.

The tedium of his office reminded him more strongly of the willing scholar, and his thoughts were rambling.

They were fascinated by fighting, but feared it and preferred it, on the whole, to the tedium of peace.

And I but lent them to him for an hour or two to lighten the tedium of his solitude.

The long, silent hours of watching passed on, and Phyllis grew fretful with the tedium of waiting.

For literary conceits and dreams of authorship there is no more powerful antidote than the tedium of official life.

Jameson proposed accompanying me, in order to lighten by her very agreeable conversation the tedium of the process.

In his essay on Tedium, Claudius Clear deals with that particular form of tedium that arises from leaden hours.

He entered with great zest into the athletic sports with which soldiers love to beguile the tedium of camp.

Happiness and sorrow, despair and hope were there, but all encompassed by the heavy tedium of prosaic sameness.

With these, and many other stories of the fish world the Pilot beguiled the tedium of the journey.

Although the journey was a long one, and tiresome, many incidents transpired to relieve the tedium of the trip.

Happy Phineas Arms, at the age of seventeen to exchange in a moment the tedium of the cornfield for immortality.

We are precipitated both by the aim and the tedium of the lengthened voyage to insist that they be seen.

She would brighten it up, put a little electricity into its atmosphere, relieve the excessive tedium of life in it.

He was no gambler, but he loved play to beguile the tedium of what would be otherwise his lonely hours.

You, a raw, untried boy, are invited to dine with the king, and your one itch is to escape the tedium!

Outside the Captain's cabin the sentry beguiled the tedium of the vigil by polishing the buckle of his belt.

The traders, as their caravans passed from land to land, beguiled the tedium of the journey with such narratives.

It was anything to relieve the terrible tedium and beguile their thoughts from the peril in which they were placed.

The horror of the tedium of Sunday infected more or less the whole of the latter portion of the week.

She had too many duties, and thought too much of them, to allow of her suffering from tedium and ennui.

The tedium of their leisure hours was beguiled with all kinds of recreations according to the seasons of the year.

It devolved upon the actor by sprightly mimicry to relieve, in these scenes, the tedium that appeals to the reader.

I promised to read every one of the papers, and I was soon rewarded for the unparalleled tedium of these studies.

By his songs, anecdotes and stories, the tedium of many a wintry night upon the deck was pleasantly beguiled.

If it can find entrance in no other form, then it comes in the sad, gray garments of tedium and ennui.

Then he had gone again, hoping to relieve the tedium of her forced inactivity, until the going had become a habit.

Every condition was as if arranged for a special occasion, or to recompense us for the tedium of the horse latitudes.

On this, I began to look around me, to see if I could discover anything that could take away the tedium of stoppage.

After all, was not this hour cheaply purchased by all the tedium and all the disgusts of common life?

With the soft notes of this instrument the man of law is wont to beguile the tedium of a dull case.

It so happened that Priscilla had worked up Wedgwood every year to beguile the tedium of her visits to her aunt Emily.

As luck would have it, he picked up a comrade on the road, whose cheerful talk beguiled the tedium of the ascent.

"I will leave you to your own tedium, which must be acrid enough, I imagine, to judge from the face you generally wear."