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Use tenure in a sentence

Definition of tenure:

  • (noun) the term during which some position is held
  • (noun) the right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands
  • (verb) give life-time employment to; "She was tenured after she published her book"

Sentence Examples:

Tenure by free alms.

Diurnal Tenure of the Kingship.

Heterogeneous tenures in the boroughs.

Is masquerading a condition of tenure?

Saxon origin of ancient demesne tenure.

Such tenures were mementos of conquest.

The tenure of these indentures is hard.

Develop the leading principles of freehold tenure.

It is more because of their permanence of tenure.

To reduce to a feudal tenure; to conform to feudalism.

There was no fixity of tenure of the land.

Our agriculture is defective, and our tenures are abominable.

Something like fixity of tenure was secured to them.

Benet neither by tenure nor by personal commendation.

Only one quality remained unalterable: her instability of tenure.

Freedom of sale is necessarily annexed to fixity of tenure.

A tenure by service, as opposed to freehold or leasehold.

He began to muse on the brief tenure of earthly things.

By how frail a tenure is all earthly felicity held!

The feudal system of land tenure supplanted the tribal system.

The earlier aristocracy had a precarious tenure of strength and audacity.

We hold our blessings only on the tenure of its caprice.

Its tenure of power was not only brief but inglorious.

Tenure by rent considered free; tenure by agricultural work, servile.

This was practically the death knell of feudal land tenure.

This species of tenure has given rise to the modern freeholds.

Wycliffe postulated a fundamental distinction between spiritual and earthly tenure.

This necessitated money payments for the land given in tenure.

The tenure of the City of London compared with other boroughs.

Upon its precarious, oft-jeopardized tenure hang potent issues and kindred weal.

There is no fixity in either direction in the tenure of a ministry.

His second letter dealt with the knotty question of land tenure.

We hold our fiefs by knights' service, not by pimp tenure.

The term or tenure of a lease of land for cultivation; a leasehold.

During the early weeks of my tenure in May, the heat soared.

We often hear a demand among the clergy for "fixity of tenure."

What would be the advantage of making the tenure of postmasters permanent?

There were no special advantages bound up with the tenure of a fief.

My eldest brother's tenure, given him by your grandfather, you have curtailed.

Take the single fact of its alleged uncertain tenure and transitory character.

Lloyd George's plans and orations, and prophesy a short-lived tenure of office.

The Ottoman tenure cannot be maintained but by decided and peremptory superiority.

They might become agricultural laborers, and so attain a fixity of tenure as serfs.

Tenures of cumin do not appear to have been common in the two counties.

They had no violent feudal tenure, but the husbandman owned the land.

Feudal tenure itself became associated with office, and none seemed too servile for acceptance.

A despot in the nineteenth century knows well how insecure his tenure is.

The essence of feudalism in bygone days had been military tenure and oligarchy.

As a naked and unqualified power, it is repugnant to the tenure of good behavior.

This is a kind of penance among jocular tenures to purge the offense.

Until we give him fixity of tenure he will continue to be a sick man.

No longer was feudal tenure the background of knighthood but rather personal valor.

The tenure of a literary reputation is the most uncertain and fluctuating of all.

The moderate attitude of the Federalists of the state lengthened their tenure of power.

Time passes and the chieftain finds his lieutenants insisting on permanency of tenure.

The tenure of the defendant under the quartermaster general was not so conformable.

Holding life tenure under the Constitution, they could be reached only by impeachment.

It bars any keen competition between tenants, and it leads to permanency of tenure.

The one system of land tenure with which they were acquainted was the feudal.

If they stop working before a decision is announced, they forfeit their tenure of positions.

The tenure of the office of County Inspector is such as should secure their impartiality.

They gave the tenants security of tenure, and the landowners an act of settlement.

Pusey, and forming the original tenure of the Pusey property, and inalienable from it.

It does not concern freehold estate, but only land of base though privileged tenure.

On questions pertaining to the English tenure of the island they had antagonistic interests.

All magistrates, whatever be their tenure of office, must give an account of their magistracy.

He won great popularity during his long tenure of office as prefect of the city.

You hold your wealth and position by the tenure of constant watchfulness, care and circumspection.

She had spent years of labor in mastering the intricacies of land tenure in India.

Many of them were really holding their tenements by a more or less precarious tenure.

This tenure still subsists, with its original operation, but not with the primitive stability.

He held his position, however, among those capricious people, by a very uncertain tenure.

During his short tenure of office, Sir Piers Butler undertook but one warlike expedition.

The committee endeavor to draw an inference from this against a subsisting right of tenure.

The English system of land tenure was imposed upon the country by virtue of conquest.

The act was meant to give tenants fixity of tenure, fair rent, and free sale.

In feudal times land held by a vassal by military service or other feudal tenure.

The tenure of fame depends on whether the writer has himself become infected with sickness.

It consists of an undivided tenure of brothers and relations within the degree of second cousins.

Fair dealing between employer and employed must be attained if his tenure is even tacitly recognized.

In this progress of obliteration an important factor has been the increasing brevity of our tenures.

Is my tenure of sovereignty so frail that a single person can place it in jeopardy?

He would not be content with adding to his feudal tenures under the French crown.

In consequence of this conduct, the legislature of 1855 passed an act defining ecclesiastical tenure.

The more this family encroaches illegally, the more they lessen their tenure in the Crown.

Benton was the apostle of this unwise and destructive innovation upon the constitutional tenure of senators.

In one respect the cession of the colony has affected land tenure in a marked degree.

Nevertheless, their life tenure and irresponsibility required that some limit should be fixed to their powers.

Prior to this, the tenure of office to which they had been accustomed was for life.

Compulsory residence of the holder is enjoined during the currency of the lease in leasehold tenures.

The struggle between the Clergy and the Lawyers unfettered their lands from feudal tenures.

It seemed to be a contrivance devised by politicians to succeed the old system of feudal tenures.

Matters were even more unsettled as to customs and services in their relation to status and tenure.

During Sutherland's tenure of the Professorship teaching was given by him in these different gardens.

The tenure of his authority was the ascendancy of a firm character over a very weak one.

Their tenure of employment is dictated by the rigors of life on these inimical planets of Sol.

About the much agitated question of land tenure you acknowledge that you have at present nothing to propose.

They looked forward, now that the rebellion was crushed, to a prolonged tenure of unchallenged ascendancy.

The essence of tenure in chivalry was the grant of land in return for military services.

Fealty is distinguished from homage, which is an acknowledgment of tenure, while fealty implies an oath.