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Definition of ubiquitous:

  • (adjective) being present everywhere at once

Sentence Examples:

It was rather badly; done, and at first, when he saw it, he laughed at the thought that even the great, still plains of the range land cannot protect one against the ubiquitous picture agent.

Tom just thought nothing about death and danger at all, but, always cheerful, always busy, yet never in a hurry, went up and down, seemingly ubiquitous.

Always smiling, always cheerful, always busy, yet never in a hurry, he went up and down, seemingly ubiquitous.

From this our suspicion is strengthened that the servant question belongs to no time or country, but is and always has been a perennial and ubiquitous problem.

The jack rabbits, ubiquitous on the ranges, that sprang daily almost from beneath the pony's feet, were changing their winter's dress, were becoming darker; almost as though soiled by a muddy hand.

And there was the ubiquitous property-man drifting in and out among the performers, setting his fantastic house in order.

The warmth of his blood gave him a wonderful energy and rendered him ubiquitous; his skill and decision made his services of the highest importance.

It had been whispered in camp that Jackson, the "ubiquitous," was on his way from the Valley to help Lee in his work of defeating McClellan.

Drink has wound like some ubiquitous fungus round and round the tissues of the national body, and we are sure to have a nasty growth striking out at intervals.

The farmer class was the ubiquitous protest against the aristocracy of land, just then overthrown.

Suffice it that once more I felt that inhibition, and that once more I was aware of the ubiquitous presence of the image of the dead artist.

In case of a collision and quarrel or an accident the ubiquitous policeman is always at hand to take the numbers of the vehicles whose drivers may be concerned in the affair.

That ubiquitous tourist has not yet come, to brush with o'er rude hand the silvery dust from their butterfly wings.

The circulating library of those days was not the epidemic and ubiquitous influence to which it has grown; and there were many places where it could not find you out.

It did, indeed, most clearly confirm the statement, true or false, of the ubiquitous Gregory.

Was the wonderful woman ubiquitous, that he should thus encounter her again, and that so soon after all the things that he had spoken of her on this morning?

The ubiquitous gray which he saw at night was invaded by streams of glorious crimson and blue that reached far up into the sky.

All her crew, save a remnant who remained to steam her in and sink her, had already been taken off by the ubiquitous motor launches, but the remnant spared hands enough to keep her four guns going.

Dan, ubiquitous, cheerful, commanding, lending a hand to one set of men, directing another, came upon a station two short of its quota.

As he was starting for the door, he bumped directly into Jasper Hardy and his daughter Angela and the ubiquitous "Red."

We have to carry on this eternal conflict against rust because oxygen is the most ubiquitous of the elements and iron can only escape its ardent embraces by hiding away in the center of the earth.

Lowe accompanied them, and in the park-lane they picked up the ubiquitous Doctor Toole, who joined the party.

There he came into contact with Miranda, who appears to have been almost ubiquitous at this period, and whose terrific energies seem to have absorbed all those with whom he came into contact.

These tests are difficult to apply, but as arsenic is a ubiquitous poison, and as there are many sources of fallacy, it would be well, when possible, to obtain the services of an expert.

There were black-faced sheep in abundance, red cattle with short horns, and the ubiquitous water-buffalo.

They were, therefore, eager in the extreme to make terms with this active and ubiquitous enemy.

From the rising of the sun to the going down thereof clouds of ubiquitous sand-flies filled our cabin, save when the wind was high.

A brush-covered shed of makeshift construction sheltered a car of the ubiquitous Ford make.

It seems as if there were boys, boys everywhere, wherever you turn all over the house; but they are ubiquitous creatures, so perhaps there are not quite so many as it seems.

If so, the reason why all parts of the tree are not attacked at the same time, is not because the fungus is not ubiquitous.

If one is walking, the friends are invariably driving; if one is driving, of course the ubiquitous acquaintances are out for a stroll.

The young wife felt herself insulted, and the ubiquitous reporter seized upon the situation, until it was taken up by every paper in the country.

Aileen took one sip of tea, spilled much of the rest in thrusting it hurriedly into the ready hands of the all but ubiquitous stewardess, and fell over with her face to the wall.

The stewardess, not being quite ubiquitous, failed to catch the cup as it was wildly held towards her.

Little brown animals of the bear family were especially ubiquitous, so that our time was kept rather fully employed on our long trail towards the supposed land of El Dorado.

The influence of this movement was literally ubiquitous; it was felt wherever men read or thought or talked, and were connected, however remotely, with the great central movement of civilization.

If he accomplished this ubiquitous feat, like the ghost in Hamlet, to be in two places at one time, he is one of the most wonderful performers of the modern day.

Duncan's rage, the moment he understood the situation and fully realized the possible consequences of it in the hands of this ubiquitous newspaper man, overcame him, utterly.

Then, with his hands dug deep in his pockets to remove even a square inch of skin from the ubiquitous fly, he prepared to slumber.

This is the first evidence of motive: the ubiquitous assumption that life and love must fit into a fixed framework of employment, even (as in this case) of bad employment.

No people have more respect for the graves of their relations and friends than this strange, ubiquitous, money-getting people.

The ubiquitous boy was there, playing at some uncomfortable game in the puddles round the seats.

The "galley" was just outside, a three-sided, roofed arrangement, and the ubiquitous bark figured in that adjunct of civilization.

Though not so urgently necessary now as in former times in India, owing to the ubiquitous and efficient Government Medical Department, it is nevertheless popular and very useful.

Although he employs a head-shepherd, and even a bailiff, he finds it necessary, if he would succeed in making a profit, to be pretty well ubiquitous.

By the way I must not omit to mention that the ubiquitous "Aunt Sally," of immortal memory, was present on the occasion, and contributed the usual amount of sport.

The ubiquitous reporter writes of one of "the animals" that it "looks like a wagon wheel and tastes like a fish."

The ubiquitous guitars, of course, were the instruments, and two of these made not a bad little band.

To think that the strict and upright Duke, who knows Weed, could be shaken by the ubiquitous lobbyist!

When serious attempts were made at classification, this ubiquitous symptom complex was hard to handle.

She had a neat pile of documents in front of her, and her ubiquitous go-cup of Starbucks beside her.

That means that the size of the customer-base is all- important, and determines the degree to which languages other than the ubiquitous English can be accommodated.

At this point some account might be given of the doings of that northern force whose situation was so remote that even the ubiquitous correspondent hardly appears to have reached it.

His last scream, however, had reached the ears of the ubiquitous gardener, and help was near at hand.

Imaginative forces, the revolutionary system, and the national ambition all combined to create ubiquitous enthusiasm for the conquest of the Mediterranean.

Of course every thing was attributed to Morgan, and the Federals were puzzled and uncertain, whether to believe him really ubiquitous, or the commander of two or three thousand men.

These are almost as ubiquitous as insects, though far less numerous; and their wide distribution is by no means so easy to explain.

Truth is never idle; she is ever active and ubiquitous, she is forever and forever our antagonist or our friend.

The tables were covered with joints of beef, with loaves of bread, pitchers of ale, and the ubiquitous cheese.

The Shorthorn is sometimes spoken of as the ubiquitous breed, its striking characteristic being the ease with which it adapts itself to varying conditions of soil, climate and management.

For four days longer he was ubiquitous, flying over the province which he had conquered, restoring order, enforcing harmony, discipline and security.

That the mosquito reigns here goes without saying, and exhaustive measures are taken in every domestic establishment to afford protection against the ubiquitous pest.

None can deny that it is the largest and most ubiquitous fact connected with the existence of mankind upon the earth.

The ubiquitous juveniles are lined up as usual, but good reprints of children's classics are absent.

Such she had trusted to find in this quiet country village; but even here it seemed she was to be pursued and crushed by the same ubiquitous fate.

In whatever part of the world we put down our foot, it is trodden on by our ubiquitous cousins!

A farm loomed up in front of us, and we bore to one side of it, but not before the ubiquitous dog made the night hideous with its barking, so we passed on with as little noise as possible.

Acting he regards as something that can be quickly acquired from the ubiquitous stage manager.

Who does not know that look of ubiquitous ivory produced by teeth which are too perfect in a face which is otherwise poor?

The enemy, owing to the delay in our advance, had increased their forces most unexpectedly, and seemed, though scarcely to have existed a week ago, to be now ubiquitous!

Sounded a sudden hail and the ubiquitous and mysterious Peter Carrington came into evidence just outside the open doorway.

If it provides an army of officials whose constant and ubiquitous interference with production limits the collective output, they must be paid from the earnings of individuals.

It is ubiquitous, working on us everywhere and always, like the pressure of the atmosphere on our bodies.

It may be said that unification can only be reached by digging down to some ubiquitous type of relation which is common to all processes throughout the universe at any stage of evolution.

I am not slow at this kind of affair, but, you know, a fellow can't make himself ubiquitous.

It is not ubiquitous, but at one time may attend the parent, and at another the child, when both are living.

Partridges, too, appreciate the luxury of a grape-feast, and in the evening, at this season (September and October), their call-note is ubiquitous.

Here was one of the lures of the range, the perfect fellowship that long acquaintance and the sharing of hard work and ubiquitous danger breeds among the members of a good, square outfit.

A little more wilderness is followed by a few rows of houses, and beyond them come some streets; shops crowded with customers, and, lastly, the ubiquitous red wall again.

The specimen has its place in mine economic discussions because it furnishes the basis of operations for the ubiquitous "high grader" with which nearly every new and rich mining camp must contend.

I endeavored to emulate this activity, and to make myself as ubiquitous as the nature of the place, which is built on an ascent, and my own nature, which is not adapted to ascents, would allow me.

From that moment almost to the day we left, I never ceased to hunt and destroy these ubiquitous ants.

The awful, though lovely thing, appeared in so many places, moreover, that it was believed to be ubiquitous.

What partially diverts their attention from this central and ubiquitous interest, is their persistent lapse into natural-rights morality.

They are ubiquitous, and it will scarcely do to say that they are anomalous, for they are of ancient prescription, they are within the law and within the pale of popular morals.

That such is the case seems to be due chiefly to the ubiquitous presence of the machine technology and its creations in the life of modern communities.

Jackson swept like a hurricane through the valley, moving so rapidly and appearing so suddenly at unexpected and widely separated points as to seem both ubiquitous and irresistible.

In short, there is but a single supreme force, ubiquitous and plastic, the fountain of all change.

Their agents are as plentiful and ubiquitous as flies, and there is no port of the old or new world without one or more of them.

Roe assures us that Bacon wrote that heavenly book, as well as "Robinson Crusoe" and the "Tale of a Tub;" which surely begins to make him seem ubiquitous and everlasting.

And I wish to show that it is not intelligible, if the knowledge relation be ubiquitous and homogeneous.

Concert under direction of ubiquitous Daniel Mayer, in himself Mayer and Corporation of musical world.

Because of this state of affairs, we at the embassies are compelled to be always on our guard against those ubiquitous writers who vie with one another in obtaining interviews.

The latter was not slow to perceive that the favorable moment had passed, and, therefore, at the head of a number of his leaders, presented himself before the ubiquitous Governor-General.

The ubiquitous telephone was set in motion in order to find out whether a flying man had come down anywhere.

He seemed to be ubiquitous, flying here and there and everywhere at one and the same moment.

All her crew, save a remnant who remained to steam her in and sink her, already had been taken off her by a ubiquitous motor launch, but the remnant spared hands enough to keep her four guns going.

To-day the friction match is turned out by automatic machinery by the million, and constitutes probably the most ubiquitous and useful of all the minor inventions.

In how many houses does the breakfast ever consist of anything but the ubiquitous chops, steaks, or sausages?

As for Vincent, he was well content with his own society, varied by an occasional chat with the Purser, when that ubiquitous official could spare a few moments.