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Definition of unanimously:

  • (adverb) In a unanimous manner; without objection.

Sentence Examples:

The storm, however, did not cease till one of the cardinals, in the name of the sacred college, declared that they had unanimously elected him whom the people had chosen.

Later he recognized the fellow in a defendant of a case in court, and when he mentioned the affair to the judge, they paid no further attention to the man's plea, but unanimously condemned him.

When Patty told the girls that Kenneth Harper could do trick riding on a bicycle, they unanimously voted to invite him to take part in their entertainment.

There is none other like it, and our party unanimously resolves that the tourist who fails to take it misses very much.

The senate unanimously voted that he should be convicted in the courts, be deprived of his property, and be exiled, that his possessions be given to Augustus, and that they should sacrifice oxen.

They may pronounce any sentence, even that of death; only their final sentences must be passed unanimously.

The sisters at the next meeting of the Sewing Society were unanimously of the opinion that any woman who would risk her life like that for a husband was mighty anxious.

Resolved unanimously that the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars be appropriated for this purpose.

Young Azeem was unanimously chosen commander of the party, and the next morning at break of day, without further preparation beyond taking a small supply of food, they started on their journey.

Soto succeeded to the height of his wishes, and was unanimously hailed by the crew as their captain.

The gentlemen present, actors and audience, unanimously decided that the best thing for them to do, under all the circumstances, was to leave the premises.

Up to this time he had taken no open steps towards the proclamation of the Empire; but it was unanimously demanded by almost the whole nation and especially by the South Germans.

It was Lucas who pressed Nap into the service as stage-manager, a post which had been unanimously urged upon himself, but for which he declared himself to be morally and physically unfit.

A resolution was passed unanimously, on July 2, "that these United Colonies are, of right ought to be, free and independent States."

He submitted the facts to twenty-five of his general officers, who unanimously advised what he was himself determined upon, instant retaliation.

When we met at the wagon for dinner, the excitement was still on us, and the hunt was unanimously voted the most exciting bit of sport and powder burning we had experienced on our trip.

This has unanimously been pronounced one of the most brilliant and effective speeches that Burke ever made.

After one hour's deliberation, and notwithstanding it was the first night I had ever been on board a ship, I was unanimously elected leader of this little band.

The question, therefore, being unanimously carried in the affirmative, it was recommended to the grand council to pass it into a law; which was accordingly done.

Pierce, because the Whigs were divided, while the Democrats were unanimously determined to resist all attempts to renew the slavery agitation.

I will observe both the existing laws and those which the people may unanimously hereafter make.

However, in their return to the West Indies they took some very considerable prizes, upon which they resolved unanimously to return home, in order, as they flattered themselves, to enjoy their riches.

On this question they consulted together, and unanimously came to the conclusion, that the best plan would be to burn one of the ships, and to sail home in the two remaining.

The first failure was that Catiline was not elected consul, Cicero being chosen unanimously, with Antonius, who had a small majority over Catiline, for his colleague.

It was unanimously decided that the men's journey would be taken this way in order to confuse the attention of any spies that were watching.

Walker, after some difficulty, got the floor and offered a substitute for the report of the committee on the platform, which was unanimously adopted.

They were brought the more promptly and unanimously to this decision, by coming upon an excellent wintering place, that promised everything requisite for their comfort.

Then a resolution pledging the meeting to support the Liberal candidate was passed unanimously amid evident excitement.

They agreed unanimously to form themselves into a village, leaving it with Governor Stuyvesant to select the site.

Hamilton, who was unanimously voted to be a bad woman, and who, of course, began to be slighted.

Upwards of five hundred delegates attended the meeting, and unanimously approved the terms of the document recommended for their acceptance by their Standing Committee.

Europe continues to complain unanimously, and day by day lifts up its voice a tone or two higher.

During that period, too, but two cases occurred in which his opinion was not unanimously adopted by his brethren; and of the many thousand judgments which he pronounced, but two were reversed.

Colonel, we come on behalf of the committee for the approaching election to notify you that that committee has unanimously voted to make you, Colonel, our party's candidate.

A previous question was first taken, whether a union should be established, which pass'd in the affirmative unanimously.

After a full inquiry, they unanimously sign'd a report that they found the tax had been assess'd with perfect equity.

All unanimously answered, "That they would fight it out to death; and should be happy to die in defense of their religion."

They did not take long to deliberate, but unanimously replied "No"; and they thought to themselves, "What new scheme has the youth hit on with which he thinks to frighten wise ones like us?"

Belcher's ticket for town officers, which he took pains to show to those around him, was unanimously adopted.

They called a council of deliberation; it was unanimously resolved to retire to the Lake of the Woods: but surely they must bring back a scalp, the women would laugh at them!

He was at once unanimously appealed to for a decision, and then nobody would abide by his verdict.

This proposition was seconded amid a roar of laughter; and the resolutions were almost unanimously voted down, before the member fairly comprehended what was going on.

While the Socialists voted unanimously for war credits at the beginning, a year afterward many of them had changed their minds and had begun to wonder whether, after all, they had not made a mistake.

They unanimously rejected the son, if I remember, and so he had to be content with a handful of the despised Gentiles.

However, if it can be established in a first round that going on a holiday is unanimously a good idea, then Robby has to accept a possible majority decision in favor of Spain and against Greece.

The said men in the assembly having discussed and conferred concerning the proposition of the said president, all were unanimously and uniformly of one mind and opinion.

These gentlemen unanimously declare that marriage and the birth of a first child would undoubtedly restore her to perfect health.

I had the satisfaction to find that this proposal did not remain a single moment under consideration; being unanimously approved of immediately, without any objection.

When finally our leisurely roadside call was at an end, we rolled away from unanimously hearty signals of farewell.

In fact, he was unanimously chosen an official in all the local public works which had no salary attached to them.

Kings, Grand Dukes and Senators of the Free Cities, all have unanimously declared that they will never assist "in the erection of a throne which is the sign and attribute of sovereignty."

On all sides these advantages have been widely appreciated, and no change intimately bearing upon common life was ever so unanimously accepted.

I think I was said to be the only living woman who had ever gotten the best of a bargain with him, so I was unanimously elected by the family as the one to open negotiations.

Such words as these touched even the most prejudiced, and it was unanimously voted that the speech should be printed, and sent to all the departments.

When the ballots were all in and counted it was announced that all whose names were presented were unanimously elected except that of the sexton.

They came from the east and the north, and directed their course without apparent motive, but unanimously towards our unhappy metropolis.

On the day of registry did the inspectors as a board decide unanimously to register these votes, all three of you consenting?

Never were the whole population of the town more deeply animated by religious excitement, never a whole population more thoroughly and unanimously determined to die, rather than surrender.

These resolutions passed both houses unanimously, and those which would admit of immediate execution were carried into effect.

It is sufficient to say that committees representing the various known sciences were named and appointed by the Prince of Monaco, who had been unanimously elected permanent chairman of the conference.

If we had voted for secret balloting, I am certain that the name of our excellent mayor would have been returned unanimously.

Heaven was a place which went unanimously Democratic every fall, because all the Republicans had gone elsewhere.

No less than fifty Jesuits had met, in May last, at the White Horse Tavern, where it was unanimously agreed to put the king to death.

The meeting waited for the reply, and when it arrived, a question was put whether those assembled would abide by their former resolutions respecting the tea, which was carried unanimously.

As before related, at the second general congress, when it was necessary to select a commander, he was unanimously chosen by his colleagues to the high office.

The vote was carried unanimously, and the newly made judges were instructed by Will to "trot along to the finishing point" and wait till they saw him leading the van.

Stokes's congregation voted almost unanimously to devote the funds hitherto used for home mission work to the maintenance of a legislative bureau at the State capital.

It was unanimously agreed that the plan should be carried out in the handsomest manner, and a subscription to that end was taken on the spot.

That Committee reported the clause in the shape in which it now stands, and it was adopted unanimously.

The consequence was that Cicero and Antonius were returned, the former nearly unanimously, the latter by a small majority over Catiline.

Every one enjoyed them, and it was voted unanimously that fish should form one of the staple dishes of their stay in camp at Cabin Point.

They were now asked whether they would appoint a commission to test its accuracy, but they unanimously declined to do so.

"That suits me," said Pud, and all the others joined in so that the motion was carried unanimously.

The motion was carried almost unanimously, Cole not voting, but permitting the senior partner to cast the vote for the firm.

Mr. de Muy, who has sometimes called upon me, and often writes to me, as the most affectionate of friends, is unanimously called the most virtuous and upright nobleman in the kingdom.

The two men were condemned unanimously and warned that they were about to die, and the priest was requested to give them the consolations of religion.

Then the committee to manage the play was chosen, and Betty Wales was the only person who was much surprised when she was unanimously elected to the post of costume member.

I really cannot tell who was the first that spoke of it, but this I am sure, every one of us were unanimously of the same opinion.

Constituted in the manner just indicated, the Committee on Resolutions promptly and unanimously agreed on every article of the Democratic creed, except that relating to slavery.

This, it was unanimously agreed, was a capital suggestion, and one that would be carried out on future trips.

This action amounted only to the placing of four entries after the first prize had been unanimously agreed upon.

Murphy started up to take instant vengeance, but was held by the other seniors of the mess, who unanimously declared that such an offense as mine should be punished in a more solemn manner.

The later fathers were of the opinion, unanimously, that it was in full force, not temporary or provincial, but binding for all time and upon all people.

I have no doubt, however, that the fraternity to which I then belonged would have unanimously voted thanks and a service of plate to the Hon.

I called a council of the senior officers, who unanimously recommended that the attempt be abandoned; and so ended all our hopes.

This bill was reported to the House of Representatives and unanimously agreed upon by a committee, of which four members were Democrats.

That it was unanimously done on the part of theology, is quite natural, and needs no further proofs.

All were wet, warm, and weary, but all rejoiced over the success of the day's delights, and it was unanimously agreed that this had been the jolliest Fourth they had ever known.

The legislatures of Connecticut and Rhode Island responded promptly; but the legislature of Vermont unanimously declined the invitation, and New Hampshire failed to reply.

The new Sir Edward was a very distinguished man, who in 1672 had been unanimously chosen Speaker of the House of Commons.

This year I was unanimously chosen captain of the baseball team, and we have had a most successful season thus far.

Someone else got up and seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously amid great laughter and cheering.

Wherever our armies have obtained a permanent footing, the people have, almost unanimously, given their expression of attachment to the old flag.

His intimates in office and in public life unanimously testified that in shaping the nation's new destiny he played an active and not a passive role.

The resolution passed unanimously, for none dared vote against it lest he brand himself as bought and sold.

In my new Congressional district I was unanimously re-nominated by the Republicans, and entered at once upon the canvass, though scarcely well enough to leave my bed.

Of the first it is not necessary that I should add my tribute of admiration to that which Sir John Colborne has already so unanimously received.

It produced few words but a deal of thinking, and the conclusion arrived at, I believe unanimously, was that there was a great fund of amusement and information in it if it could be extracted.

They then moved forward into the open beyond as quickly as possible, after which they unanimously returned the enemy's fire.

A consultation was held, and it was unanimously decided that the risk of drowning was preferable to the certainty of slowly perishing to death; therefore we would make a dash for the harbor.