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Use undercut in a sentence

Definition of undercut:

  • (noun) the material removed by a cut made underneath
  • (noun) the tender meat of the loin muscle on each side of the vertebral column
  • (noun) a cut made underneath to remove material
  • (verb) sell cheaper than one's competition
  • (verb) cut obliquely into (a tree) below the main cut and on the side toward which the tree will fall

Sentence Examples:

The other piece is elaborately undercut.

A mass of undercut fungus toppled toward him.

A considerable amount of scraping, coaxing, and undercutting will have to be done here.

A weather molding, exquisitely carved with deeply undercut foliage, covers the arch.

To undercut the coal special machines are used, driven by compressed air or electricity.

Now, review this multibillion-dollar package that will not undercut our bipartisan budget agreement.

The more undercutting performed, the less force would be required to rock the obelisk.

At the same time, English whaling had been government subsidized and could undercut competition.

The portal is deeply undercut and elaborately carved in soft "white rose" stone and marble.

The bluff below the sod at its top dropped sheer and undercut for perhaps ten feet.

With that quiet smile and guileless manner he had undercut and outwitted the most cunning of Orientals.

The undercut, he saw, grew deeper, forming a deep cleft, as if someone had furrowed out the mountain side.

Especially unique is its undercut porch, a place wide and roomy for the whole family and guests, too.

The scraper or undercutting knife will now come into use, and small pieces of flesh must be laboriously cleared out.

We have already concluded that a roundabout route must be allowed to meet, though not to undercut, the ruling rate.

The Master was represented seated on a lotus the petals of which were so deeply undercut as to show almost detached.

He gave a lunge toward Roger and Roger met him with a quick undercut on the jaw that laid Dick flat.

Then they found it expedient to unite against an influx from the Tyrol of miners who threatened to undercut their wages.

The folds are deeply undercut, as if to express the gentle agitation of the drapery by the movement of a light breeze.

The holes were checked later in the summer and all were heavily silted or had been undercut by action of the current.

There was a stone to undercut and topple into a trench, and then the potter was very glad he'd stuck at it.

The standard of their work is raised by the "moving-down" or "degrading" of duties, without any improvement in pay such as they would probably be able to obtain if women were not involuntarily undercutting them.

If the subject is a very intricate one, with "undercuts" (as they are called), it is customary to make a waste mold; as this is very seldom necessary in relief map work, however, the process need not be described.

What the Government did was to undercut us by publishing a still cheaper edition, which did not stop our sales, and thus the public benefited by our enterprise, and an enormous circulation was obtained for the Report.

Something rough, like a third fish, has been broken away below them; the more easily because this part of the group is entirely undercut, and the two fish glitter in the light, relieved on the deep gloom below the leaves.

If one nation is trading with another greatly to its profit, it feels that it has a grievance when it finds that a neighboring nation is sending cargoes to the same destination and undercutting it and taking the cream of the trade.

He bases his complaint mainly on the damage done to the royal property, but at the end he allows it to appear that he himself made a business of letting out masking apparel for hire, and found his prices undercut by those of the Yeoman.