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Use unethical in a sentence

Definition of unethical:

  • (adjective) not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior
  • (adjective) not adhering to ethical or moral principles;

Sentence Examples:

It is all too easy to compare this philosophy with other systems, past and present, and to prove its science inadequate, its implications unethical, and its attitude towards art banal.

It must soon be recognized as unethical and unprofessional for an optician who is also a skilled physician to refer patients to a medical practitioner ignorant as to optical science.

Ideas have been objected to as unethical which are really at variance not with a true perception of the constitution of humanity, and of the laws which regulate moral life, but with an atomic theory of personality under which moral life would be impossible.

If it were unethical to know the suffering of an acquaintance and be unmoved to assist him, he rationalized, giving special favors to one with no regard to the masses did not seem any more ethical.

Even the greatest idealists realize that from time to time, any government is going to need to use unpleasant, unethical, and possibly even illegal means to achieve something vital.

The only question was whether these two styles were aesthetically or morally suited, not whether the borrowing itself was illegal or unethical.

It is not that my law is illogical or unethical, it is only that they will not accept it, and I cannot escape from theirs.

Hezekiah suggested with a promptness which displayed unethical resourcefulness in the suppression of embarrassing witnesses.

This is important; for it proves my point that race antipathies are contagious, and that it does not matter whether the contagion springs from an ethical or unethical source.

It is ignorant, unethical and unworkable to attempt to impose or promote any kind of exclusive and conformist concept of "the economy".

The practice of economics is also murky, and our criticism of it too will remain justified as long as policies that are illogical, impractical and unethical are produced and enforced.

They are concerned about unethical conduct by public officials, and discouraged by activist courts that try to redefine marriage.

The fear of passion suggested the first rule, and the fear of monotony the second; all depth of feeling and any excess thereof were regarded as "unethical."

There is nothing unethical in a physician regulating his fees to please himself, provided no injustice is done, and none of his patients is oppressed in this respect.

No one could be called in any sense unethical who gratified his own desires only through the gratified desires of another.

It is an excuse for all sorts of unethical forms of conduct, for failure or inactivity, and yet carries with itself a deceptive air of mock refinement and distinction.

Until the medical associations declared such treatments unethical there was even a short fad of deliberate deformities, with horns at the temples particularly popular.