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Definition of usury:

  • (noun) an exorbitant or unlawful rate of interest
  • (noun) the act of lending money at an exorbitant rate of interest

Sentence Examples:

No instrument of oppression ever surpassed in severity the usury of incorporated wealth and retained the pretense of respectability.

First, a purpose with regard to open, mortal sins, such as adultery, homicide, fornication, theft, robbery, usury, slander, etc.

I happened to have some weightier things to think of than usury and compound interest, as I, indeed, have at this moment.

Their customs in marriages and dowries, divorces, adoption, and inheritance are described; also in usury, trading, and punishment for crimes.

The missionaries adjust various family quarrels, and put an end in the islands to the practices of usury and unjust enslavement.

Here belong all the teachings about avarice, unrighteous wealth, usury, guile, deceit, injury and hindrance of one's neighbor in temporal things.

Then shall we root out the miseries engendered and nourished by public and secret usury, deceptive paper money and fraudulent speculations.

I believe every candid reader doing this, and having a logical mind, will fully and heartily concur in the condemnation of usury.

This drink was usury administered among the Hebrews "so that the delinquent might lose clear consciousness through the ensuing intoxication."

And a man of morality must shudder, while he reeds the legal prosecutions and adjudications in England upon their statutes of usury.

In this behest is forbidden robbery, theft, stealing, and usury, and unfair dealing with others, in order to have for his own.

In other words, the doctrines of the just price and of usury were founded on the same fundamental precept of justice in exchange.

Wealth cannot be so fortified and guarded as to successfully resist the attack of superior wealth when the practice of usury is permitted.

The angel whose beneficence once hovered above this quarter being dead, usury, on the lowest scale, rushed in and took his place.

He laid "the ax at the root of the tree" and charged the fault to their covetousness, to the exacting of usury or interest.

The testimony of a person who receives usury is inadmissible; and so, also, of one who plays for a stake at dice or chess.

All usury was looked on in the Middle Ages as immoral (although illegal only for Christians), while excessive interest was habitually exacted.

The artifice of covering the usury by a pretended purchase and sale of certain wares, even now practiced, was then at its height.

We shall give a very brief account of the other prohibitions of usury before coming to deal with the scholastic teaching on the subject.

Does this not offer a fine comment on the grievous usury so cruelly enforced in after years by these people upon the Gentile races?

He seemed to think that, considering the great risk he was taking, a hundred per cent per annum was not an exorbitant usury.

The justification of interest rested on precisely the same ground as the prohibition of usury, namely, the observance of the equality of commutative justice.

Usury was one of the chief causes of this widespread distress; and usury, as we have seen, was practiced even by Romans of good repute.

This edict of Elizabeth adds: "In the interpretation of the law it shall be largely and strongly construed for the repression of usury."

He is nearest himself when he bursts out, "It could be wished that all usury and the name itself were banished from the earth."

As in other countries, their laws respecting debt and usury underwent some changes, according as society advanced, and as pecuniary transactions became more complicated.

They gave liberty to many slaves deprived thereof unjustly, they restored the usury they had taken, and everything that they unjustly held.

Relying upon their new nationality, they addict themselves openly to usury and to other transactions of a doubtful and often of a dishonorable character.

Indeed, in one sense, North goes even further than Adam Smith, for he argues against the usury laws in terms Bentham would hardly have disowned.

And abuse the Public for allowing merit to an act whose only object is to snatch misfortune and imprudence from the rapacious Relief of usury!

He believed, with Gladstone, that thrift of time would repay him in after years with usury, and that waste of it would make him dwindle.

To quote from these parables in the defense of usury is as flagrant a perversion of the truth as the famous quotation to prove that Paul encouraged theft.

If this had not then been possible; if there had not been tempting opportunities, there would have been no sin of usury for them to reprove.

Doth not contracting for a certain sum of gain, make usury to be in that case unlawful, which might lawfully be taken of one that is free?

Notwithstanding this sanction, many were displeased with the design, and considered the receiving of interest, however small it might be, as a species of usury.

She drew from us her luxury, her arts and the embellishments of her life; perhaps also her vices which she repaid to us with usury.

For example, it insisted meticulously upon the right of labor to glean and upon the seller giving a "full measure brimming over," and it prohibited usury.

His was an order of mind that would accept the most burdensome charges, and by some species of moral usury make a profit out of them.

She is the asylum of all sciences: everywhere else study is neglected for gain, commerce, agriculture, or usury, so that all vestiges of knowledge have disappeared.

And thus the poor farmers soon had to work for nothing, all their sweat and labor going with usury into the pockets of the tradesmen.

Their trade, already crippled by the competition of bankers, was annihilated by the royal order which bade them renounce usury, under the pain of death.

He had that singular beauty which distinguishes the old who have escaped the usury of life; pious, enlightened, energetic, he felt himself made for great undertakings.

A convicted felon, who had served his sentence, he bore himself as one who had suffered wrongs and injustice from society, which he repaid with usury.

Well, he will receive no exorbitant interest from me on the ten dollars he loaned to poor old Ann, for I know what the laws on usury are.

It is quite true that the temples were great landowners, and had steady incomes, and possessed treasuries; but there is no evidence that they lent on usury.

He, indeed, drew the revenues of his diocese, but only as rivers draw their waters from the sea, to pay them back again to it with usury.

It rather increased thereafter and for several centuries, the so-called "Dark Ages," civilization was strangled by the power of this idea of the sin of usury.

To this succinct declaration of policy may be added from his earlier letter that he advocated a law against usury, and laws for the improvement of education.

Now, as I said, I had been surpassing fool enough to trust him with some money, on which he did profess he could obtain great usury within a month.

Nor can those who have grown fat by the practice of usury, condone the crime by tossing back to them a portion of the unjust gain.

It would appear that in New York, at least, the practice of the most audacious usury was an early and favorite means of acquiring the property of others.

For they well knew that their expectations of our bounty would not be defrauded, but that ample repayment with usury was to be found with us.

His zeal in suppressing "usury" was not so fortunate, but he restored the Papal finances to such a degree that he could at length indulge his cultural tastes.

It was shown even more distinctly by the appearance of a shoal of special treatises on such subjects as contracts, exchange, and money, not to mention those on usury

This man must have been an early and a deep adventurer in the trade of usury, or he never could have gained wealth so great as he appears to have amassed.

It is partly the result of covetousness: Antonio has hindered him of half a million; and, when Antonio is gone there will be no limit to the gains of usury.

It required more than fifteen centuries to get this idea accepted, and to reassure the consciences that had been terrified by the anathemas pronounced by Catholicism against usury.

Had it stood here, the transaction would have been of the most audacious strain of fraud and usury perhaps ever before discovered, whatever might have been practiced and concealed.

Devoid of any proper plot, the play merely brings together various incidents to exhibit such social evils as usury, legal corruption, filial ingratitude, friction between master and servant.

He filled all the forms of friendship with an unaccustomed charm, and when he expressed his gratitude, it was with that deep emotion which recompenses kindness with usury.

The existence of usury laws, limiting the rate of interest at six per cent., operated to shut out Northern capital, which could find investments nearer home at more remunerative rates.

If Jean Jacques was not so busy with his farms and his mills and his kilns and his usury, he would see what a woman he has got.

Money, from want of security, being locked up from circulation, interest was therefore enormous, and the usury of the rich has aggravated the misery of the laborer.

With their aid poverty and usury have been banished, sterile fields have been made fertile, production has been increased, and agriculture and agricultural science raised to the highest point.

And these are illegal (as judges or witnesses), one who played at cards, or lent on usury, or bet on the flight of doves, or trades in the Sabbatical year.

Eighty broad Johannes is no bad return for a few packages of furs; and even avarice itself will own, that six months is no long investment for the usury.

The plea of usury is always disgraceful, even if true, especially where the security was negotiable to bearer and had passed, for full value, into the hands of bona fide holders.

The roof is studded with stars, and round the frieze runs the inscription: "He only that shall not have deceived nor done usury, shall be worthy of eternal life."

Your chastisement shall wait till the fitting season, and when it does come, I trust you bear me out that I have not omitted to add due usury for the delay.

And because they have taken usury, though they were forbidden it, and have devoured men's substance in frivolity, we have got ready for the infidels among them a grievous torment.

Thomas had stated that all their property seemed to be derived from usury; to which he replied, that if this were so, they might lawfully be compelled to make restitution.

One of our richest and oldest aldermen was going to be proceeded against for usury, and the principal witness against him was a gentleman who owed him considerable obligation.

The severe laws which Moses made against usury shew the character of the people for whom they were necessary; yet those laws were ineffectual to check this inherent vice.

The uncle of Atticus, the brother of his mother, whose family tomb we are now examining, left him at his death an enormous fortune, which he had amassed by usury.

In his attack on the abuses connected with usury his indignation at the mischief, and his ardent longing to help the oppressed, frequently called forth impressive and heart-stirring words.

The custom of usury was never reasoned into practice, but was permitted to creep in while reason was diverted to abstract, abstruse, scholastic subjects by those who claimed to be scholars.

"Interest on investments" was a species of tax on industry which a person possessing or inheriting money was then able to levy, in spite of all the efforts to put down usury.

The duty of the Eighth Commandment is to do good, to give and lend willingly, to be liberal; the contrary is covetousness, stealing, usury, fraud, and to wrong in trading and dealing.

In the first place, there was an element of usury in every loan, anything between one-fifth and one-third of the money ostensibly lent sticking to the fingers of the European bankers.

Our view is that the teaching on usury was simply one of the applications of the doctrine that all voluntary exchanges of property must be regulated by the precepts of commutative justice.

Now that he could see his little plantation grow and prosper beneath his hands, every hour repaid with nature's usury, he began to feel the elation that a man finds in independence.

Altogether, this foolhardy venture is achieved; and if I have but nine months of life and any kind of health, I shall have both eaten my cake and got it back again with usury.

For a time the money capital formed by means of usury and commerce was prevented from conversion into industrial capital, in the country by feudalism, in the towns by the guilds.

Those acquainted with Calvin's "Institutes" will not fail to notice the timid manner in which he treats the subject, as if uncertain of his ground and endeavoring to excuse usury to please his friend.

By bill or by bond, by living usury, or by post-obit liquidation, by all the means that private friends or public offices could supply, the sinews of war would have been forthcoming.

Your heart, Psyche, has ever been too insensible, and you must not wonder if, to repair the insult, Love now pays himself with usury for that which your soul ought to have granted him.

Our system is such that we can loan until we come to the legal limit; and is deficient in that respect, as we cannot loan at a greater discount because of the iniquitous action of the usury laws.

As the profits which can afford such an interest must eat up almost the whole rent of the landlord, so such enormous usury must in its turn eat up the greater part of those profits.

She had heard such things, had listened to such hopes, had been dazzled by such sums that she was well-nigh reconciled even to that which the old Squire dubbed "the trade of usury."

The noblest of the early patricians, as well as the commonest plebeians, tilled the soil with their own hands; nor did they disdain to engage in trade, or even in the letting of money on usury.

The two bankers, Phelps and Elder, sat off in a corner behind the dinner table, where they could finish their discussion of the new usury law and its effect on chattel security loans.

It is his property that is exalted, and for which he claims the service must be rendered, and if the borrower will think closely, he will find that in paying usury he is serving a thing.

In his youth he had been charged with usury; no one knew by what means he had become rich, for the little drapery trade which he called his profession did not appear to be very profitable.

Among the laws demanded by the growing trade was an act fixing interest at six per cent., and making contracts for higher rates usury to be punished by the forfeiture of principal and interest.

I requested him to shew it me, and asked if he could place so much confidence in me as to entrust it to me for a day or two, adding that I would return it to him with usury.

He put the question to himself if going with a visit so soon after saving the lady he would not be like an importunate creditor who wishes a debt to be paid with usury and as quickly as possible.

They were almost the only persons who exercised usury, and thus drew to themselves the odium and wealth of the whole kingdom; but they were only a canal, through which it passed to the royal treasury.

Titmouse had acquired, through sharp dealing, usury and in many other ways a considerable sum of money and property in the course of his life, yet he was not the man to part with any of it needlessly.

Many, who have been successful in accumulation early in life, retire from active work while yet in full vigor, because they are relieved of the necessity by the income of usury or increase, and the most valuable portion of their lives is lost to the world.

In addition to the large structures of wells and traps, such as have been represented, we need small and cheap arrangements, by which we may satisfy ourselves and our questioning friends and neighbors, that every part of our buried treasure, is steadily earning its usury.