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Definition of veneer:

  • (noun) coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood
  • (noun) an ornamental coating to a building
  • (verb) cover with veneer; "veneer the furniture to protect it"

Sentence Examples:

The veneer of a spurious civilization seemed to have fallen from him.

Veneering was known to these workmen, probably arising from the scarcity of wood.

Distinctly marked national customs, which one would naturally expect to find in such an isolated part of the world, are sought for in vain, and again and again the stranger remarks that everything has been learned and is only a veneer.

"It is fortunate that my conceit was only veneered on."

By this sort of veneering he converts, without loss of time or hindrance to business, articles, which in their original state might hang in the market, into such goods as are not likely to disgrace those among which they are placed.

Something deeper than the veneer of her culture overpowered her.

This, in turn, had vanished before mahogany veneer and brocade.

At present there is less than one-fourth of a normal supply of veneer timber in sight.

There is no attempt at varnishing or veneering the surface of a lax moral order.

Of course much of this was but veneer, and back of repartee and well-told story, we were intent upon our own problems.

There was something absolutely fiendish, terrifying, in the veneer of culture around him.

"They hide their dirt with a thin veneer of cheap finery," said Dolly to her father.

Conventionality, years, and the veneer of society were lightly laid upon one who would always be a boy.

When the glue is sufficiently dry, the next thing is to make the veneer smooth and fit for varnishing.

Only the stern-faced and silent senior partner knew how thin the veneer was which shone so deceptively upon the surface.

His sensibilities were too well concealed, beneath a tough veneer of conceit, to be wounded.

The statements of others are examined, their actions are stripped of all veneer, profession and practice are balanced, and death sentence is passed upon the influence of any life that fails to meet the test.

The veneer had been warped and twisted and burned off down to the raw animal flesh.

He rings true at every impact of life, is free from dross and veneer, and is genuine through and through.

She was a woman with all her sex's instinctive response to passion and emotion, though as yet the primitive impulses that stir the hearts of men had been covered if not wholly hidden from her by the thin veneer of civilization.

There was a good deal of walnut veneering done, and the best logs were saved for the purpose.

How remorseless poor humanity is when the veneer is stripped off!

To be sure, there were things sometimes to reveal the basic savagery and thin veneer.

Color was lavished in veneers of rare marbles, and costly mosaics and frescoes covering the walls.

Under the veneer of his knowledge of decent customs he is a cad.

The veneer was almost entirely off the bedstead.

The Wharton serial, "The Eagle's Eye," already referred to, was the first in which historical facts were reproduced in their logical order, held together and made more interesting by a veneer of fiction.

Thin veneer, hardly able to conceal our apathy and unwarranted timidity.

The veneer of the City speculator had fallen away.

This thin veneer of politeness is like their polished lacquer that covers the crumbling wood within.

Don't juggle with ridicule or sarcasm, for people look beneath the veneer nowadays.

Truthfulness is essential to culture, which, without it, will be only a veneer.

Tacks are useful only in fastening to wood thin material, such as veneers, textiles, leather, matting, tin, etc.

It jeers at ignorance coated over with an extremely thin veneer of pretentious foreign culture.

The veneer of grown manhood, even the polish of a prefect, had, as it were, peeled off him during the afternoon.

Real old San Domingo mahogany that is, with perfectly lovely crotch veneer in the panels.

Along with a copious and easy flow of language, he had a veneer of education which helped his cunning.

It was based on that primal instinct of self-preservation that underlies our thin veneer of humanity.

This man had all the ready veneer of the art connoisseur.

His face was suddenly reddened, beneath the veneer of tan.

There was a specious justice in them veneering their cruelty; I am glad to say that I gave utterance to none of them.

It was silky, silken, a wonderful silk that veneered and flossed the softly moving, wavy water.

Her disposition was sour and malevolent, despite its elegant veneer.

Sometimes a chap who has perhaps been a body servant or something of the kind, who has picked up the kind of veneer he could catch by aping his master, will furnish food for smiles to every one he comes in contact with during his stay.

Everything is the best of its kind and devoid of veneer and sham.

The baffled lover lost his head, and with it went his common sense and veneer of gentlemanly breeding.

The above illustration shows method of loading kiln cars with veneer on its edges by the use of the Tilting Platform.

It is used for veneer plates and dishes made for pies, butter, lard, and many other commodities.

To avoid this, which is apt to draw attention to the repaired parts, a larger piece of veneer than necessary should be first bent into the proper curve and the part nearly small enough cut from it and then made to fit.

It was on this sofa that I had cast my eyes, to make a fiddle out of the cedar wood veneer.

The tinsel and veneer of civilization which she has acquired doesn't change her and can't endure.

He became attentive, and with a veneering of the usages of polite society managed to fascinate the farmer's daughter.

Veneers are both saw and knife cut; the saw wastes about as much as the thickness cut in sawdust.

The French saw-cut their veneers thinner than the English do.

We can always give our imperfections a little veneering by saying that they were an inheritance.

This veneer is misleading, for at heart the French are sad.

Goldsmith adorned, but not with mere polish or veneer.

His bravado had ever been but the veneer of the surface.

Without artificial stain, or varnish, or veneer, it is what it seems, a genuine thing, a jewel in the rough.

When I got to the parlor I was in a fine frenzy concealed beneath a veneer of frigid courtesy.

The cornices, held only by mortar, had fallen, and the rear exterior wall had lost its brick veneer.

It had stripped from Hal, the cad, the veneer of false social rank based on wealth and found there also a man.

Like most men who outwardly are very pompous and dictatorial, his blustering was only veneer.

This resultant he claims is further deteriorated by the later "veneer" or hybrid culture borrowed from the same sources.

Sometimes it was the roughness that was concealed only by a transparent veneer of amiability.

At first the cheap pine article may look as well as if it were made of the costly wood with which it is covered; but in the wear and tear of every-day use the veneering will come off in places, showing the common wood beneath.

All the cheap veneer of cynicism was gone now, and he did not know what to say.

It was savagery, coated with the veneer of civilization.

They save us much long and often irksome study; they impart a veneer of general knowledge.

It was a face in which the poetic principle was obscured by an ascetic veneering.

A veneer of grace and elegance concealed the precocious degradation of the four beauties.

She had none of the languid veneer of many of the young women in towns and cities.

He would turn out two veneered chests of drawers in a week, and the work was faultless.

It is used for hubs of wheels, saddle trees, boats, ships, barrel hoops, and veneer for baskets and crates.

Well, the chivalry is mostly veneer.

He does not resort to legal paint or putty, or to verbal varnish or veneer.

And with it all there was a sham veneer of deference that was but added insult.

That she could not answer the other woman's accusations, that by telling Nora she was above replying to those charges she was only hiding behind a front of false superiority, a veneer of assurance that was as artificial as it was thin.

Cisneros yielded outwardly, but under the veneer of display he led the ascetic life.

And, like many a later American, she sought to cover any possible reputation scars by a European veneer.

It was customary at one time to veneer almost every work of furniture, and even to place the grain of the veneer in a manner totally at variance with the true structure of the framework which it covered.

Such things had been, she knew; for beneath the veneer of unbelief the old superstitions held her in thrall.

The veneer of home and college influences had peeled away, leaving him the young male of the tribe, eager to prove himself by deeds; the commonplace exit of the train on the other side left him always slightly disappointed.

And he would cite living parallels, drawn from the life of neighboring villages, calling the characters by name, to demonstrate what a foundation of selfishness was covered by the veneer of affection people are so fond of exhibiting.

We had by this time lost a lot of our veneer of desert sunburn, and the pallor of sickness stared out from our faces.

It is a very rare occurrence to find a specimen of the real wood exposed to the weather as, being but a thin veneer, it would be quickly affected by the extreme changes of temperature to which it would be subjected.

Italians like to write stories concerning historic incidents and to embellish them with a veneer of verisimilitude.

It is made into veneer, but of the cheaper sorts, such as are suitable for crates and berry boxes.

It is one of the most important of American veneer woods.

First, it goes farther, and second, a well-built article with veneer outside and a core of other woods which stand well, is superior to a solid oak article, except in cases where great strength is the object sought, or where deep carving is desired.

Working the large roots in veneer has not been undertaken, but good judges of veneers, who know what the stumps and roots contain, have expressed the opinion that a field is there awaiting development.

As a veneer material, it is demanded in four times the quantity of any other species.

Later, walnut stumps were pulled from field and wayside, and went to veneer mills.

In veneering rare woods upon less costly foundations, the Egyptians far surpassed any modern efforts.

A similar fate awaited a machine for cutting veneers by means of a species of knife.

I want my friends without veneer, straightforward as can be; and I will grant them outlet for innate depravity.

Her complexion, well-nigh flawless, bloomed beneath the unnecessary veneer.

With the refined and cultivated mind it must first pierce the outer shell, the veneer, and filter into the subconscious depths, as the sunlight penetrates the forest twilight and brings to life dormant seeds lying there.

It is, beyond any reasonable comparison, the most characteristic and accurate composite picture we have ever had of an old, brave, human, free, and distinctive life that has changed incredibly to the veneers of modern society.

Hard knocks had been chipping off a youthful veneer of sentimentality.