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Use verisimilitude in a sentence

Definition of verisimilitude:

  • (noun) the appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true

Sentence Examples:

Still, enough verisimilitude remains to make an amusing half-hour.

This fantasy had not the shreds of verisimilitude!

He sneezed again, as though an encore might confer verisimilitude.

In other words, verisimilitude, not verity, is wanted in fiction.

Moreover, the verisimilitude is enhanced by a scrupulously simple style.

Even farce misses its true effects if it contains no verisimilitude.

To give verisimilitude to the pretense, he even pulled out his watch.

This is a delightful monograph, executed with consummate skill and verisimilitude throughout.

He must describe all these to give his narrative verisimilitude and concreteness.

For the sake of verisimilitude he laid the scene in his own barracks.

With more verisimilitude than is usually the case, she too is piteously slain.

The measure of verisimilitude attainable by any story is limited by its content.

Wiley wanted to add clinching verisimilitude to the document and took a long shot.

He is describing an actual journey, and his exactness makes a part of the verisimilitude.

And then to add verisimilitude to his narrative, he appended: "Him and four other boys."

The great charm of these works, which had captivated the million, was their verisimilitude.

Moreover, a story as a whole will gain in verisimilitude by judicious distribution of its mechanical elements.

It was, of course, a pointless gesture for the illiterate Americans, but for now verisimilitude counted.

No solid foundation for this tradition is known, though there is a certain circumstantial verisimilitude about it.

Italians like to write stories concerning historic incidents and to embellish them with a veneer of verisimilitude.

A very complete verisimilitude is sustained throughout his story, and the humor never degenerates into farce.

It offended verisimilitude, like the pretended anxiety of Robinson Crusoe and others to escape from uninhabited islands.

The woman's homely wit, solid common sense, and big heart are given with satisfying verisimilitude.

The point is that, in previous fiction, circumstantial verisimilitude of this kind had hardly been tried at all.

Maryland has the tradition of Catholicism, but New Mexico has the verisimilitude of a Latin country in Europe.

One touch of verisimilitude is lacking; none of the guests gives him a tip, yet he maintains his urbanity.

Neither the model, the wood, nor the varnish possesses much verisimilitude at different periods of his career.

The attempt to represent it in art would have so little verisimilitude that it would be flat and uninteresting.

Cicero was no doubt unscrupulous as an advocate, but he could have gained nothing here by departing from verisimilitude.

To give verisimilitude to this last statement, he added the further detail that he found his bride personally repugnant.

The book is a good tale of adventure; it has plenty of astonishing incidents which yet have an air of verisimilitude.

He must be a miserable inventor of fiction indeed, who cannot clothe a narrative in some verisimilitude of this kind.

There was a desire to give names and other details in order to throw an air of verisimilitude over the fable.

Your portrait on that easel is very like, but I confess I do not recognize the same verisimilitude in your narrative.'

This is another to be added to the many proofs that verisimilitude is not in the least an essential element of verity.

Verisimilitude is of course the highest merit of either sort of setting; but whereas verisimilitude with the realist lies in resemblance to actuality, verisimilitude with the romantic lies rather in artistic fitness.

The story accordingly commanded general attention, and most people believed it contained a sufficient degree of verisimilitude to warrant the expense of a special exploring expedition to put it to the proof.

History, accordingly, does not regard verisimilitude or necessity, but only truth; poetry must take care to establish the probability of its subject in verisimilitude and necessity, since it cannot regard truth.

When this method has once been recognized, discomfort on the score of lack of verisimilitude practically disappears, and the reader yields himself to the joy of the rich, subtle, and stimulating analysis.

Only rarely is the object of Anderson's stories social verisimilitude, or the "photographing" of familiar appearances, in the sense, say, that one might use to describe a novel by Theodore Dreiser or Sinclair Lewis.

As is generally the case with erroneous propositions, the intention of those who employed and employ the concept of verisimilitude has no doubt often been much more reasonable than the definition given of the word.

What is important in his art is, of course, the beauty of his conceptions and his power in pursuit: indifference to verisimilitude is but the outward and visible sign of this inward and spiritual grace.

From the greatest to the least they have a wonderful verisimilitude; they are living persons standing before us, not with the qualities of one time more than another, but with the human qualities of all time.

If he had sought a parallel to it in the plastic arts he would have found one, not in painting, which by reason of the greater flexibility of its material demands a more exact verisimilitude, but in sculpture.

The dialect in which they are written enhances their verisimilitude without impairing their dignity; and the flashes of humor which light up the gravity of the narrative are never out of place nor out of tune.

He had, however, some literary power, while the necessary verisimilitude was provided for by the adaptation of numerous personal experiences, and the book has preserved a certain reputation for graceful sentiment and attractive pictures of nature.

The author humbly craves indulgence if he has in any way exceeded the license allowed him in spinning the incidents necessary for a novel of this type while seeking verisimilitude in settings with which he is familiar.

Scientifically, I am told there is nothing wrong in the description of the ingenious device which provides the means for the expression of the emotion, though readers unfamiliar with such devices may question the verisimilitude of the action.

It is true that we are constantly struck with the want of verisimilitude in their representations of the high society in which they seem to live; but then they betray no closer acquaintance with any other form of life.

This verisimilitude on a universal rather than a specific plane assumes still greater significance if we consider it in the light of what Strindberg has told us about his purpose with the main characters of his first great play.

In communicating it to Napoleon, the King is said to have added 'that Italians would lose their last drop of blood before consenting to disruption,' a warning which he was not unlikely to give, but the whole story lacks verisimilitude.

Before visiting her, therefore, I recalled to memory those facts which touch us no more nearly than a dream on the pages of written history, but when studied from the living models and relics gain much life, color and verisimilitude.

In this, my second attempt in the same direction, I am conscious that I have set myself a difficult task, for it is not an easy matter to give verisimilitude to a story of a visit to another planet about which we necessarily know so little.