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Definition of wart:

  • (noun) any small rounded protuberance (as on certain plants or animals)
  • (noun) (pathology) a firm abnormal elevated blemish on the skin; caused by a virus

Sentence Examples:

Maybe I could transform you into a little brown wart on the left foot of a slimy old toad?

By them had slimy paths been trailed and scraped Round myriad warts that might be little hills.

Not a wart, or a wrinkle was to be left out.

He did work with a will and with a healthy appetite that left him scant time and energy for outside things; and between his books and his drawings he was far too busy to heed the ways and the warts of Jamie Lyman and his kin.

I've no sort of use for Jamie Lyman; he lisps, and he has warts, and he hasn't the pluck of a white rat.

Well, take care that ye don't, ye big wart, or I'll trample them new clothes and browse around on some of your features.

They say the like is done by rubbing of warts with a green elder stick, and then burying the stick to rot in muck.

We may consider it a wart on the political body, which merits the caustic.

Warts are generally only temporary and disappear as their possessors grow up.

Science resuscitates even the warts of the past ages.

Upon the first sight of the new moon stand still and take a small portion of earth from under the right foot, make it into a paste, put it on the wart and wrap it round with a cloth, and thus let it remain till that moon is out.

To moisten a wart for several days in succession with the fasting spittle removes it.

Wart, on the back seat, shuffled her feet and hemmed in vain.

Wart looked tidy and clean in the morning air; his lunch smelt savory in the basket.

As the nodules decay the warts will disappear.

Some artists think it necessary that each wart should be touched by a separate nodule.

They have no tails, that ancestral organ having dwindled to a wart the size of a pea.

Warranted to cure consumption, warts, heart-disease, softening of the brain, and the bloody pip!

Here he paused, as his face assumed its wonted seriousness, and that wart, now historical, looked brighter than ever.

X-ray warts are a late manifestation of chronic dermatitis and may become malignant.

The acorn is firm, elongated, and of moderate size; the cup is covered with little warts.

This mushroom is easily identified by its orange-colored cap, covered with white warts and pure white stem and gills.

The cuticle is covered with warts or scales.

The handling of a toad will cause warts to appear.

Dandelion juice will cure warts.

The finder will catch the wart which you had.

Take as many pebbles as there are warts.

Run a pin through the wart, and put the pin in the road; the finder gets the wart.

Take as many joints of oat or wheat straw as a person has warts, and burn them under a stone.

Kill a toad, and put its blood on the wart.

Warts are cured by tying a knot in a string for every wart, and putting under the eaves of the house.

Warts may be cured by applying to them water standing in the hollow of an oaken stump.

The plants whose juices are thought to cure warts are, it will be noticed, of wide botanical range.

There was her dimpled chin; and if that wasn't proof enough, there was the wart on her thumb!

Its fresh juice if rubbed on warts, first pared to the quick, will presently cause them to fall off.

If a piece of lint soaked therein be kept applied to warts, they will wither and disappear.

Take a snail and pierce it through with a thorn, and leave it to die on the bush; as it disappears so will your warts.

The tubercles are little knotty, wart-like growths on the roots of the plants just named.

Jackson wanted it to apply to some warts that annoyed him.

A devilish passionate fellow, with a wart on his nose.

He discovers a wart, he pries into a pore; and he calls it knowledge of man.

When the flower begins to open, or when it is of a frosty or wart-like appearance, it is less esteemed.

There was no "strawberry mark on his left arm," but both he and the dead prince, if, indeed, they were two distinct persons, had a wart on the forehead, and another under the right eye, and in both one arm was slightly longer than the other.

"So will mart and wart," remarked Willows, "instead of marred and warred."

Warts disappear under the operation of a strong belief in the efficacy of some nonsensical application.

He was a hideous old thorny cactus, all covered with warts and knobs and sharp spines.

"Your back is all over warts, and you are an old toad," he said.

Wrinkles and warts on the epidermis; this is the work of time.

When the picture of Achilles is drawn in tragedy, he is taken with those warts and moles and hard features by those who represent him on the stage, or he is no more Achilles; for his creator, Homer, has so described him.

"All the same, if you don't want me to snip off that wart I won't."

Her lips drooped at the corners and there was a wart upon her chin.

The frog has a smooth skin; but the skin of the toad is thick, and is covered with warts.

The belief that warts are caused by handling toads has no foundation in fact.

I don't even feel safe about her after she goes to bed, since the time she went into the woods in the middle of the night to try some trick or other with a dead cat, thinking, silly child, that in that way she could cure a wart she had on her thumb.

Apply to warts and corns, a piece of soft brown paper moistened with saliva, and a few dressings will remove them.

The stem shows to be bulbous, and the cap covered with warts.

Then we came to the wart hog.

Said my uncle, after a pause, prodding the wart hog suddenly.

It was a chunky little animal, all covered with a rough skin like an alligator and dotted with square warts.

He was a homely little elf, with bright red hair, a slight squint in one eye and a wart on his nose.

Warts and endless calluses on each finger, and the palms.

On the upper length of the petals are heavy warts; the lower has a greenish tawny stain at base, like the slipper.

On the way the party of hunters with them brought in a wart hog and a small gazelle.

The old self-consciousness had returned and with it two warts on his finger and an intermittent spot on his chin.

He stepped out upon a bulging wart and peeped within the tree.

He had an obliterated wart on the right cheek, and another on the corresponding side of the nose.

Her chin was square and thrust forward aggressively, with a gray-bristled wart at one side of its obtrusive vigor.

To exorcise your wart you stick a pin in it and then throw the pin into this well; the wart soon vanishes.

The bark at its base is smooth and white, its downy leaves have a triangular base, and its twigs are free from warts.

In a later stage still the skin may be coarse and wart-like, and there is a great tendency for varicose ulcers to form.

It is of a pale yellowish color, with whitish warts on the surface.

The animal could bite no more; I immediately darted off in search of another, and soon returned, holding one by the tips of its wings, and said, I would myself hold it over the wart until he would operate on it.

Boys no longer brave the terrors of a visit to a White Witch to have their warts charmed, or a toothache healed.

I love her tenderly, even to her warts and blemishes.

Here sat the little wart: you cannot see a vestige of it now.

The eggs soon hatch into lead-colored caterpillars, largely covered with spiny warts.

The bark is broken into thick ridges set with warts, separated by deep fissures.

He had blue whiskers, a wart between his shoulder blades, a touch of colic, and an occupation tax on his breath.'

You try to get away without me, and I'll make you look like an interrupted spasm, you wart-headed Algernon!

I took the measure of her nose, and of my own, and carried them to the surgeon, who, in two days, gave me the two noses, and a wart, which Madame stuck under her left eye, and some paint for the eyebrows.

And all I want is to get hold of that parson; I'd know him again in a minute by his size and the wart on his nose.

The tubercles along the anterior edge of the carapace resemble small rounded warts.

Action and Uses: Caustic, for the removal of warts and other skin blemishes.

The caterpillar is velvety blackish gray; warts thickly set with densely feathered blackish hairs.

The warts may be conical, oblong, or sharp-pointed, and probably an inch in height.

When the twine is decayed your warts will disappear without any pain or trouble, being in fact charmed away.

Then you put the snail on the branch of a tree or bramble, and you nail it down with as many thorns as you have warts.

When the snail has rotted away on the bough, your warts will have vanished.

It may hide its toothache, but it cannot so easily hide its warts.

Wens and warts are often made malignant by surgical interference or other local irritation.

If a toad is hurt or roughly handled a whitish, acrid substance is poured out of the largest warts.

He was glad to see that the man of the wart was sitting apparently inattentive to the piles of accounts before him.

The commissioner with the wart readjusted his garments and his dignity.

A wart on his right upper-lip though large, did not detract from his good looks.

There are numerous short whitish hairs arising from little warts on the back and sides; the lines are yellow.

These ridges become thin as knife blades on the smaller twigs, which also have a sprinkling of small warts.

Long Neck wrinkled his nose till his wart moved up almost to his eyebrows and squinted at Mark.

The skin in this species is thrown into little warts, and on the upper parts is dark gray or blackish-brown.

Some rub the wart with eels' blood, and others believe in the efficacy of the ashen tree.

I've said the Indian must die, because he has no wart on his nose.