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Definition of wean:

  • (verb) gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk;
  • (verb) detach the affections of

Sentence Examples:

Mothers looked with despair on infants who could never be weaned or learn to walk.

The actual fact is that you weaned my wife's affections from me.

The child grew and was weaned, and Abraham made a great feast at the day of his weaning.

Perhaps the child is being weaned; well, is there any error here?

First food to be used after weaning.

Weaning should never be sudden.

If we regard his future health or happiness, he must be weaned gradually.

The health of the mother, too, during the period of weaning, often needs great attention.

Proper age for weaning.

The spring the best time for weaning.

Let it stay and be weaned, maybe?

His faithful wife did her best to wean him from the fatal habit.

For every calf weaned a half penny.

They said I wasn't weaned yet.

A puppy, a little puppy scarcely weaned.

She fed the children that was weaned.

When Rita comes back we shall have a big task before us to wean her from her old habits.

When it comes to weaning, babies know best.

Desires her to love her still, but with a weaning love.

Lambs are weaned usually at the end of four months, kids in three, pigs in two.

"I wish I was, too," she murmured, weaned from her weeping and talking into his coat.

Thumping luck and fat weans.

You should wean him from such dependence.

There are no regular periods for feeding, neither is there a definite time for weaning.

The drinking is repeated, and the weaning father receives a present from the child.

The ceremony of drinking wine is the same as that gone through at the weaning.

It's weaned my sister-in-law away from the world altogether.

It weaned me of all further desire to rail at Mary, and I felt an uncommon drawing to her.

"Ain't Ellis weaned, or must we break into the cream a dozen times a day for her?"

If you love me, try to wean me; and not to encourage hopes of what never, never can be.

He was not weaned till he was eight years old, a singular circumstance.

She was wedded to her music, and no lover, she vowed, should wean her from her allegiance.

At a very early period the child was fed, and sometimes weaned altogether at four months.

It weans them from revolutionary notions, and makes them conservative.

How have they been weaned from drink?

Long after the latter were weaned she nursed and mothered the squirrels.

Farming weans man from his sorrows.

When should a child be weaned from its bottle?

What is the principal reason for weaning earlier?

Serious illness of the mother, or pregnancy, may make weaning necessary.

At what age should the weaning be completed?

When should a child be weaned from the bottle?

What would be the proper proportions for an infant weaned at four or five months?

What would be the proper proportions for an infant weaned at nine or ten months?

You must be to Wilford just what you always were, unless you wish to wean him from you.

You must wean the animal.

From the day she weaned him, no one had ever seen her caress the child.

It became time for them to be weaned.

It's a pity it's ever got to be weaned.

It is weaned, however, and something about it must be decided.

The consequences of sin are meant to wean from sin.

Usually occurs before the weaning stage, as a rule in swine not yet ten days old.

The boy will soon be weaned.

If a child is weaned, it has a little basket of his own.

He loved them with a devotion from which no fairy tale could wean him.

You have done with school, and may wean yourself from school-fare.

He believed that he was quite weaned from that temptation.

Yet he was determined to wean himself.

Sometimes I fear that her father's marrying again did wean her a little from him.

Take all and wean it; it may prove an ox.

The weaning of that child will never fade from my recollection.

In fact our mother used to say that that boy was never weaned.

Then, even before they are weaned, they will teach them to suck raw beef; for what?

I gently weaned him from this tender habit.

His loving nature was weaned to indifference, to a selfishness worse than death.

All the arts of Haman had been needed to wean him from her and to teach him to forget her.

It is no easy matter to wean one's-self from flattering and long cherished illusions.

He was born a shooting, and killed squirrels before he was weaned.

If you wean a calf at the time of the full moon, it will make less fuss.

Would he become weaned from the old happy home life?

I have been so successful in my profession of nurse that I shall wean Armand in December.

Happily, the baby is weaned; my milk would have poisoned him.

They depart that we may be weaned from earth.

It thus reveals a weaning, subduing, elevating power, in sorrow.

Beautiful is this weaning efficacy of sorrow.

It is desirable to wean the baby between the tenth and twelfth months.

In these cases it is best to wean at once.

The child should be weaned if it is not gaining in weight.

The child will not therefore develop normally, and it may be necessary to wean it.

This procedure will make it easier to wean at any time.

The child thrived, was weaned, and began to cut his teeth without any trouble to mention.

In two or, at the outside, three months this calf would be weaned.

Joe says they're all ready to be delivered, just weaned and everything.

The doctor said Mrs Greenly must be sent for, and the baby must be weaned.

Children should be weaned at the end of the tenth month.

"Surely the lad is weaned!"

In weaning, the nurse should begin by using this alone.

In weaning, the mother often suffers as well as the child.

Where mother and child are both sickly, weaning must be carefully conducted.

By which I set great store, but a child must be weaned.

My baby had just been weaned.

He tried to divert her mind to pleasant subjects, thereby weaning from sorrowful memories.

She has just weaned Julia.

And Clare says the kid ain't seen the mother since she was weaned!

One is not weaned from this generous wine without discomfort.

A child can be safely weaned at one year of age, and sometimes less.

A wife, therefore, who suspects herself to be pregnant, should wean her child.

To wean an infant in the city in hot weather, is to expose it to almost certain death.

His widow and weans are there now.

What an impressive word is "weaned!"