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Definition of wrangle:

  • (noun) an angry dispute; "they had a quarrel"; "they had words"
  • (noun) an instance of intense argument (as in bargaining)
  • (verb) to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively;
  • (verb) herd and care for; "wrangle horses"

Sentence Examples:

He remembered two or three bitter fragments of their wrangling which would condemn him if repeated.

"I should probably have let them spend the next half hour wrangling about what they'll do."

The disputing, arguing, wrangling, and vanity which lead to it are condemned by the word strife.

Then followed a wrangle, with the same prospect of conflict that occurred at no great time before.

Herbert and his mother held hourly wrangles, and frantically tried one thing and then another.

It was a long, miserable wrangle, lasting half an hour, before a possibility of agreement presented itself.

This second meeting of the convention was the signal for still further and bitterer wrangling.

The distracted owners toiled and wrangled to separate their goods from the ill-assorted mountain of heterogeneous property.

This mixture of politeness and wrangling is amusing, and, no doubt, to be found in all ages.

For once, during the wrangling that went on, Leslie Cairns honestly tried to keep her temper.

Besides barking, they snapped and wrangled with each other; and in this Harry must join also.

Seventeen hundred years of bitter wrangling and bloody conflict and cruel persecutions have taught it something.

Besides barking, they snapped and wrangled with each other; and in this Harry must join also.

There was great wrangling and disputing, as many of the men had been celebrating the occasion.

There was, in fact, during his last years, constant wrangling among clients to secure his services.

He would not be fighting for the Holy Fire or wrangling with beggars in the Holy Sepulcher.

And the two girls went on wrangling and wrangling till they began to freeze in good earnest.

While they were wrangling over the payment I crept down the passage again to the front door.

The singing ceased after a time, but they were still guided by the sound of wrangling voices.

Brown, of Georgia, who entered into a long wrangle with the administration on the constitutional points involved.

This eternal wrangling between the two factions is inherent, it appears, in the nature of the constitution.

Two men and a woman wrangling, fighting, tearing each other before the eyes of all the world.

We are ever in search of the enemy in our schemes of reform, our political wrangles, our moral crusades.

I decline altogether to wrangle out with him this petty personal quarrel in presence of this assembly.

Trust you men to argue and wrangle over things that can be settled without the least difficulty.

The district commissioner could not abide wrangling, so he promptly turned the conversation on to neutral topics.

Bitterly wrangling with one another, they were eager to call in the secular arm against their opponents.

While the parties were wrangling on the street a police sergeant and two officers in uniform passed.

From the forest house came the sound of loud wrangling voices, dominated presently by rhythmic feminine screams.

I am not disposed to wrangle about words, and still less to interfere with anyone's well-earned privileges.

Other women joined in the dispute, and the noise and wrangling lasted for more than an hour.

On such evenings as the pair came home without having had any success they used to wrangle together.

They were agreed upon the subject of affection, but wrangled upon the clauses in the treaty of marriage.

In the wrangling that preceded consent, one of the Danes hinted, in French, at a renewal of hostilities.

He began to piece together some fleeting impressions of the curious wrangle between the two outside the hut.

Catherine was pious and attached little importance to the wrangles between her father and the priest.

No grain was possessed by this village, but, after much wrangling, a little barley was produced.

They will wrangle among themselves, and they will never take the sheep away from the tavern.

Wrangling and quarreling are characteristics of a weak mind: leave that to the women, be you always above it.

It was discussed in Court and castle and cottage, and was wrangled over at the street corner.

Gone the rude joking and wrangling, the crying of children, and the shrill laughter of the women.

Poor Ellen had not had her supper; the wrangle at home had dismissed it from everybody's mind.

It was so bright, so safe back there where they had laughed and feasted and wrangled together.

The army existed only on paper, and yet they were wrangling about who should have the command.

Serene in your own little Terra, you do not even know of the wrangle we are now going through.

I have neither the mind nor the heart to recall the wrangles and passions of the controversy.

He always came away from these wrangles with a feeling as if he had been standing on his head.

It is not sinful to wrangle in religious controversy; and it is not sinful to slumber over a religious book.

Secretaries or Ministers wrangle, fight (that is the word used), as if life and death depended upon it.

When it comes to a straight, head-on wrangle the West Indian shines in a glory all his own.

At that time the newspapers and political magazines of the country were always wrangling over the same subject.

These men would quarrel and wrangle among themselves, and would consume time and neglect their work.

After wrangling with the tenants for a few years, Joseph brought a Bill against them in 1632.

Not that you would stoop to wrangle about money or gowns, but that you would control those things.

One night, after a long wrangle which ended in a discourse by the "father," a strange thing happened.

The orator when he wrangles with his opponent or the philosopher when he rebukes the vices of mankind?

Even between the different wards and streets of towns and cities we find this same wrangling and difficulty.

At the ranch he found Riley at the bunk house wrangling with the boys over his lost wardrobe.

That made another wrangle, but the friendship of the chief to Carson saved the lives of us both.

Of fighting, wrangling, struggling, without pause, or promise of pause, from day to day, or even from year to year?

Said Alice wearily, for it seemed hard that the usual wrangling should begin the moment she returned home.

Soon the three boys began to wrangle over their prey, and Matilda breathed a gentle sigh of relief.

Stepmother and uncle wrangled from morning until night, and no one gave a thought to the child Raphael.

For this reason or from fear of Spain, she had a great wrangle with Leicester the next night.

Mary the Queen and Bess the Countess might never have wrangled and made friends in this beautiful valley.

Instantly, with a greedy shout, the whole gang were upon us, crowding us on all sides, wrangling, yelling.

Yes, the beginning of it has escaped me altogether, but I remember it as an odd exceptional little wrangle.

Whether in this wrangle he risked the life of the child-King or not mattered to him not at all.

At the turn of the staircase they were stopped by the sound of wrangling voices in the office below.

From that moment men have been wrangling in every court of conscience and society to secure decrees of divorce.

How long the wrangle might have gone on, and to what riot it might have led, cannot be told.

And that is the only way to settle this business, this everlasting wrangle between labor and capital.

The result will be that they'll get into a fight until the whole nation is in one immense wrangle.

We found our way through the narrow streets crowded with vendors, wrangling merchants, camels and what not.

Wrangle is a recent purchase in this county by the present representative of the male line of the family.

The problem is how to reconcile those two persons so that they'll stop wrangling and shaming each other.

With just such accent he had heard a wrangling woman retort upon her husband at the street corner.

Not a lady showed her face upon the street; drinking, wrangling, fighting was the order of the day.

Yesterday we had wrangling and disputes enough, both at the time of the hunt and during the banquet.

During this interval young Burton must have gone to his room, probably sick at heart with the wrangling.

Then we wrangled for ten minutes gaily about whether she had or had not promised me that kiss.

They wrangled for some time over this, until suddenly Danny landed his friend a blow between the eyes.

There were many bitter wrangles at the table, but the English tongue was never adopted on such occasions.

That having been agreed to on the 24th of March, days of tedious wrangling followed upon objections raised by opponents.

When was ever an account of fifteen years' standing adjusted, whether between nations or individuals, without much wrangling?

Gabe left the crowd of men, who were already wrangling among themselves, and hurried to find Keith McBain.

There was a long wrangle over the document, and at length when they reported, a sensation was created.

Now and then there was a little wrangle in the press over the merits and tendencies of Strauss.

There was a little delay at the gate, while the boys wrangled as to who should stand treat.

In short, I thought you on the brink of eternity, ready to take your final farewell of this wrangling world.

The children of this world may wrangle and give one another wounds that even my good ale cannot cure.

When he saw me he stopped wrangling, and we talked a little, while I had the embroidery wrapped up.

"Judge, you wrangle firewood while Mack and I just give this placer idea a ten minutes' trial, will you?"

Four pairs of men worked within a hundred yards of the girl, taking equal turns at riding and wrangling.

There were many wrangles and, to look back, it is a great wonder that anarchy did not reign supreme.

They wrangled about the price for five minutes, and then, in an outburst of generosity, Mr. de Vinne agreed.

The President became angrier as the wrangle progressed, for, in the face of the hostile majority, he was powerless.

The wrangling sisters had no more to say on the subject except to apologize for not having them met.

Never mind, you may make yourself as unpleasant as you like, but you won't get me to join in a wrangle.

To secure ourselves in this world, first, we must aim at nothing that men count worth the wrangling for.