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Definition of acute:

  • (adjective) Extremely sharp or intense | keen | ending in a sharp point | High or shrill | of an angle; less than 90 degrees (acute-angled)
  • (nonun) a mark (') placed above a vowel (acute accent)

Sentence Examples:

Macaulay's name he added, 'Johnson's acute and unanswerable refutation of her levelling reveries'; and after that of Hawkins he put 'contradicted and corrected.'

In that case there would be a continual easterly current, which could scarcely fail to have been noticed by so acute an observer as Simpson.

It is the acute, florid type, and presents a striking picture, but must not be regarded as the common form of the disorder.

At the height of four feet its trunk took on an acute angle and extended nine feet to leeward, then rose vertically for three feet.

He, as well as other pioneers of the Nature Cure movement, realized that elimination is the keynote in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases.

For ages people have been educated in the belief that almost every acute disease will end fatally unless the patient is drugged or operated on.

Why, for example, should worry cause the muscles of the stomach to stop completely, thus bringing on thousands of attacks of acute indigestion?

With the selection of Hector's first school, an affair productive of acute anxiety and many misgivings, commenced the education proper of the man-to-be.

This promise lulled the discontent for a while; but the long-continued delay in bringing it out brought the feeling to an acute stage.

As much to escape from his acute observation as for any other reason, I left the dining-room, and wandered aimlessly into the hall.

His hearing is remarkably acute, for he can detect the difference between a familiar and a strange footstep, however light it may be.

A ragged, half-blackguard-looking set they were, but allowed to be amazingly acute and intelligent, and also faithful to any duty entrusted to them.

For either calamity I am altogether unprepared, and consequently figure on the homeward journey to be one of acute hardship, and consuming an indefinite period.

The priests glanced at each other doubtfully, but remained silent, for they were more acute men of the world than their worthy host.

And indeed the older an acute distemper is, so much the more easily it is cured; but a chronic one, the more recent it is.

Murchison, whose treatise on typhus stands out as a monument of acute and accurate observation, traces out in detail the resemblance of the two diseases.

If her explanation was acute and probable, her manner of making it had convinced me that my explanation of her gaiety was wrong.

For example, acute indigestion may be caused by a change of diet, watering the animal after feeding grain, by exhaustion and intestinal worms.

His senses, refined and rendered acute by long vigils and slender diet, seemed to detect audible words in the voice of the storm.

The eyesight of these people is uncommonly acute; and their swiftness is such as to enable them to chase the wild hog with success.

I watched them without acute anxiety, deploring the threatening destiny, but hardly nearer to it than one is in the stalls to the stage.

The important place in the story, however, taken by this creed did not escape the most acute and painstaking of the critics.

The situation became acute owing to the indignant feelings of the visitors, now reinforced by the dwellers in the various houses of private entertainment.

The dweller in ether is chiefly distinguished from the mundane mortal by his acute senses and his ability to subsist without food.

Concerned with symptoms, with the allaying of acute and catastrophic miseries, it cannot, if it would, strike at the radical causes of social misery.

Although of a morning, when he first woke, his shins caused him the most acute pain, he always spent half an hour in practice.

He asked; and I could see that his acute business mind was ready to pounce upon my scheme and search it hopefully if mercilessly.

Any amounts or quality of food which are capable of giving rise to an attack of acute indigestion may secondarily lead to an attack of appendicitis.

This lack of vitality may be due to chronic disease, or it may have been caused by a very severe acute illness, such as typhoid fever.

An acute sensitiveness to the suffering of others, without a corresponding power to reach the sources of comfort, leads to the abyss of madness.

The case, therefore, while it shows us an unquestionably acute interference with the intellectual processes, does not give us useful information about its nature.

An unreasoning fear seized her, and it steadily grew more and more acute as the exhaust from the engine exploded less and less distinctly.

His resentment of my visit became more acute as the days passed, and I was beginning to fear that he would forcibly eject me.

Margaret, at first, would not admit that any such document existed, and appeared to feel acute pain from Lionel's urgent solicitation to see it.

Nevertheless, Asia and Africa are to-day in acute ferment, and we must not forget that this ferment is not primarily due to the war.

Each knife blade was a triangle, an inch broad at the handle, and tapered to an acute point, four and a half inches away.

Heat and moisture of the skin are more often met with together in the fever of acute articular rheumatism than in any other affection.

By the door stood Bernard Charolais; and his natural, boyish timidity, to judge from his frightened eyes, had assumed an acute phase.

In another minute the surgeon's work was accomplished, and the acute pain having passed away, the man recovered his self-possession and impudence.

The disappointment was so acute that, as she sank back upon the seat, the earth seemed to be whirling round in front of her.

The active swelling and abundant effusion, belonging to the acute stage, subside, but an undue amount of fluid remains, with some pain and weakness.

The important place in the story, however, taken by this creed, did not escape the most acute and painstaking of the critics.

The acute familiarity of this house, which he had built for his marriage twelve years ago, the changeless pleasantness of it all seemed unthinkable.

Acute articular rheumatism is never absent; it occurs at all seasons of the year, although subject to moderate variations depending mainly upon atmospheric conditions.

The cause of failure was long a mystery to the engineer; but one day his acute powers of observation enabled him to unravel it.

She began her duties easily, and her alertness stimulated Bronco till his senses, too, grew sharper, his observation more acute and lightning-like.

He had by nature an acute and far-reaching eyesight, which, however, in middle life became impaired by excessive reading both in print and manuscript.

It had often been suggested that if Tim could have a congenial occupation his grief for his lost liberty would not be so acute.

In acute articular rheumatism, where there are no gross pathological changes or stiffening in the joints, splendid results have followed the use of combs.

The rivalry between these two products has been acute for decades, now one, now the other usurping the center of the stage.

Certain forms of crime seem to me to be acute, like the most dangerous fevers which may kill, but recovered from do not recur.

His feelings were extremely acute, and the affection of those whom he loved and esteemed was the only treasure he was solicitous to keep.

In the majority of instances in other diseases where bacteria themselves locate in tissues we are able to recognize focal lesions of acute necrosis or inflammation.

His anger at George had been the more acute, because the thing happened at a time when his affairs were on the edge of a precipice.

It was perhaps that final miracle of humanity, acute self-consciousness, stronger in some men than in others, strongest of all in the creative artist.

Murphy, as we have seen, speaks of the first vehemence of his grief as being so acute that fears were entertained for his reason.

"I had to reduce the dislocation, of course," he told her, "and he bore the wrench splendidly, though there is almost no pain more acute."

But one of the curious concomitants of my state was that all my senses, and especially my hearing, had become most abnormally acute.

But to my acute disappointment, Martin merely growled, shaking his head gloomily; and in this significant gesture he was closely imitated by Hawkins.

He used it not only as a means of giving acute and healthful pleasure, but he made it the medium for moral and intellectual advancement.

When the power of volition is exerted on any of our senses, they become more acute, as in our attempts to hear small noises in the night.

In the heart of each was a knowledge of the great tragedy, not surmise, but the certainty that acute intelligence deduces from facts.

Tender exceedingly to the pain of others, they wept for their own powerlessness to help; and their own susceptibilities were almost morbidly acute.

Officers and soldiers listened to the gradually lessening sound of their footsteps, with feelings all the more acute because they were carefully hidden.

Afterwards my eye-sight became so much more acute, that I could see very well to every corner of the cave in which I was embedded.

He will not be forgotten by the man who was stricken with acute appendicitis at a post where no medical detachment was stationed.

This maneuver placed us on the port tack, and the consequent leeway, to me, seemed on shore, though at an acute angle, to be sure.

He is an acute mental philosopher, acquainted with the secret springs of human action, and accurately perceives who can best promote his aims.

The history of the last hundred and fifty years, especially in England, is surely one long story of ceaseless banquet and acute indigestion.

My sense of hearing now became painfully acute, and, impelled by a fascination I could not resist, I held my breath and listened.

Until his trouble has reached an acute stage, the alcoholic feels little interest in any of the methods advertised as remedial for alcoholism.

As it was, she felt merely the unwillingness to be disturbed, of a creature in whom the numbness of apathy has succeeded to acute anguish.

Tonsillitis in a more or less acute form, however, sometimes so mild as to be almost unnoticed, probably precedes most attacks of acute inflammatory rheumatism.

With his acute discernment of the soul of a book and of its author, his subtle appreciation of all diverse qualities, he was splendidly impartial.

No matter what may be your condition, never suffer feeling to become so acute as to dim your sober thoughts, and paralyze your right actions.

The relationship between two warring states is not one of complete severance; on the contrary, in wartime the relationship becomes abnormal, acute, sensitive.

Not only did he suffer constantly from acute dyspepsia, but also from diabetes, which varied in sympathy with his general state of health.

A true New Englander, thoughtful, acute, reticent, and opinionated; yet earnest withal, intensely patriotic, and often humorous, despite a touch of Puritan austerity.

The longer Matt chewed the cud of anticipation the more acute grew his regret that he had threatened to throw his successor overboard.

Into such acute self-consciousness had his mood now moved that he could not imagine her crying as being connected with anything beyond himself.

The noises of the streets, the disjointed exclamations of her father, the feverish throbbing in her head, caused Gertrude the most acute suffering.

This terminal gangrene of the extremities is of frequent occurrence in typhus, but is rare in plague, and very rare in other acute infectious fevers.

As a critic he has proved himself just, bold and acute, while his prose compositions generally, evince the man of talent and taste.

Repeated meetings between the elders of families take place, and acute arguments ensue, properly to equalize the worldly goods to be given on both sides.

In his attempt to 'smash 'em in detail' the Prince was acute enough to use the Colonel, and condescending enough to use me, as supporters.

Acute bronchitis is especially common in the horse, while the chronic form is more often met with in the smaller animals, especially hogs.

Addison remarks, the air becoming sonorous and the sound of the sea changing from grave to acute after sunset and during the night.

Saying them to her was a great joy, and an indulgence, but it increased painfully his passionate feeling, making it more accentuated and acute.

Still wearing his evening clothes he flung himself heavily upon the sofa and fell at once into the profound sleep of acute bodily exhaustion.

The man had been confined to his bed for weeks in the summer, with an attack of acute rheumatism, and to the house afterwards.

The result was, a thick quarto volume, every page of which bristles with evidences of acute erudition, and the most accurate reasoning and discernment.

His eyes were no longer human, but transformed into that kinship with those of wild beasts or red embers that comes with acute mania.

His face was a brilliant crimson and his embarrassment and confusion were so acute as to be laughable, although Phillips was far from laughing.

In acute cold in the head it is soothing to the mucous membrane of the nose, if used diluted with warm water as a nasal douche.

The pup, however, usually exhibits it in the acute form, whereas in the other description of animal it mostly appears in the chronic type.

The acute pain of biting is first felt when the mandibles have not quite penetrated and subsequently during each distinct movement of the abdomen.

The acute agony of that immovable position, with the cords seeming to cut into his flesh every time he attempted to move, became unendurable.

These blows were generally harmless, the rounded butt of the spar glancing off from the acute angle presented by the molded stern-plates.

The dragon could have finished him off in a second, but the huge and kindly animal was afflicted with an acute sense of humor.

Then we might have plays in which nobody could raise the mortgage and the rent crisis in our own lives would seem less acute.