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Use acutely in a sentence

Definition of acutely:

  • (adverb) having a rapid onset | sharply, sharp | sapiently, shrewdly, sagaciously

Sentence Examples:

Are you really suffering so acutely?

"Acutely answered," he said at last.

Doubtless you can feel pain acutely.

Because I feel this very acutely.

Missy longed acutely to be alone.

Louise said she felt it acutely.

My wife suffered quite as acutely.

He hates the ideal more acutely.

Poor Papa felt his position acutely.

He must feel his position acutely.

The audience made me acutely sick.

He is beginning to suffer acutely.

This thought distressed him acutely.

Becker felt acutely their sufferings.

The doctor was acutely distressed.

The two men listened acutely.

They proclaimed their discomfort acutely.

Ruth felt the change acutely.

Shelley felt his expulsion acutely.

And yet she suffered acutely.

Suddenly she was acutely disturbed.

Macdonald was still suffering acutely.

His loss was acutely felt.

Threat was stirring acutely now.

Gregg was listening very acutely.

Exclaimed Dorothy, looking acutely distressed.

"No one ever needed one more acutely."

He awoke, acutely uncomfortable and ill-rested.

Hunger suddenly came acutely upon me.

Of course, he despised himself acutely.

They were acutely conscious of it.

Martin began to feel acutely miserable.

Their open admiration tried him acutely.

This time he was listening acutely.

He began to pity himself acutely.

Do I not feel acutely for you?

On the contrary, I feel it acutely.

He was acutely aware of it now.

He was acutely aware of his isolation.

She was acutely critical of it.

She was by now acutely jealous.

He felt acutely sorry for himself.

This man felt his humiliation acutely.

He was obviously and acutely nervous.

The Vicar felt that so acutely.

Who has distinguished them more acutely?

Jack looked ashamed and acutely distressed.

His mind became suddenly acutely conscious.

They were acutely conscious of each other.

His situation was an acutely distressing one.

He was acutely aware of Rowena's eyes.

It was acutely stinging as in reality.

He became acutely conscious of his position.

Not half so acutely as I did.

Julie had never been so acutely stirred.

This time it would be acutely painful.

Voltaire was not an acutely original thinker.

He became acutely desirous of a successful exposure.

Fanny felt for him most acutely.

Acutely uncomfortable, she changed the subject.

Asked the young man, rather acutely.

He seemed to feel his position most acutely.

Here, the smoke-reek stung less acutely.

She feels her daughter's slight acutely.

Some people feel it more acutely than others.

She suffered acutely under the cross-examination.

But the boy was acutely disappointed.

She was feeling the difference acutely.

We suffer quite as acutely as we enjoy.

"The Thermos bottle," thought Madge acutely.

Pendleton went up-stairs feeling acutely uncomfortable.

It's the injustice I feel most acutely.

The aspect of her pained Edwin acutely.

"Benny Merritt is coming," still more acutely.

Demonstrations of sentiment made him acutely uncomfortable.

This I felt acutely at that moment.

He did not suffer acutely even then.

Nor was either of them acutely unhappy.

Cary became acutely conscious of every sound.

He suffered acutely at that sudden meeting.

Telemachus feels it acutely and at once.

He was acutely conscious of her perfume.

Acutely and painfully alive to his faults.

Everyone feels blame more acutely than praise.

The lumber-king looked at his boy acutely.

He was acutely conscious of this himself.

He felt the grief again, even more acutely.

Then everyone became acutely aware of the cold.

But he was quite acutely aware of them.

She was in a condition to feel acutely.

How acutely did she now feel it!

She listens acutely to his every syllable.

She was acutely conscious of trifling things.

I listened acutely, my heart beating hard.

She felt it, and felt it acutely.

She is nervous and has suffered acutely.

Hollis saw that he was suffering acutely.

She was acutely conscious of his presence.

The pains returned more acutely than before.

How acutely did she now feel it.