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Use amalgam in a sentence

Definition of amalgam:

  • (noun) an alloy of mercury with another metal (usually silver) used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth
  • (noun) a combination or blend of diverse things; "his theory is an amalgam of earlier ideas"

Sentence Examples:

The amalgam remains behind.

After squeezing, the amalgam is retorted.

Cerium also forms an amalgam with mercury.

The alloys of mercury are called amalgams.

These should be kept in different amalgams.

Retorted amalgam is likely to contain mercury.

This union of theirs is called an amalgam.

Would this acid do in case of silver amalgam?

Amalgams are used in considerable quantities in the arts.

Amalgams are alloys in which mercury is one constituent.

Always scrape off old amalgam before adding new.

The amalgam was put back into the war-bags.

The action of amalgams is not very clearly understood.

Compounded or blended with quicksilver; formed into an amalgam.

In retorting amalgam, much care and attention is required.

True amalgams used for this purpose are made as follows:.

All alloys of metals having mercury are called amalgams.

Old Nomad stood grimly over the bags of amalgam.

In this latter case the mixture is called an amalgam.

Paracelsus uses the term in the sense of an amalgam.

After the amalgam is once made, it is safe as sugar.

The quick and the gold make a sort of amalgam.

Since adopting the above combination I have almost abandoned amalgam.

A similar amalgam prepared with silver is used for silvering.

This sodium amalgam is not absolutely necessary, but is desirable.

The cushion should of course be well smeared with amalgam.

The amalgam has a silver-white color and a fine gloss.

Behind the mirror is an amalgam of quicksilver and tin.

Wash off the sand carefully, and collect the amalgam.

An alloy of a metal with mercury is termed an amalgam.

Taft said he had never used amalgam as a filling material.

Dentists ignore tin, because it is easier to use amalgam, less trouble.

The amalgam is then heated, to drive off the mercury.

The combinations of mercury with other metals are termed amalgams.

On the justification of this peculiar amalgam there is little agreement.

When zinc amalgam is used, alkalies would, of course, be detrimental.

The name amalgam is given to alloys of metals containing mercury.

The amalgam is then squeezed in a leather bag and washed.

Smoke and Steel is a rich amalgam; indigenous to the core.

With tin and mercury, it constitutes amalgam for electrical machines.

They divided this their amalgam into a number of incoherent republics.

An important application of copper amalgam is that for cementing metals.

Such a benign amalgam is the only realistic hope for reconciliation.

The amalgam process is not so much used as it was formerly.

I have used tin extensively, and found it more satisfactory than amalgam.

The positive element is an amalgam of zinc, the negative is pure mercury.

An amalgam is next prepared by uniting the mercury and sodium.

Dissolve the amalgam in the acid and then add the alcohol.

The amalgam of gold and quicksilver is collected in sheet iron buckets.

Six lumps of amalgam about the size of small hens' eggs remained.

I filled the canals with tin and the crown with amalgam.

Fresnillo has large amalgam works for the reduction of silver ores.

There are ridges in the pan, too, against which the amalgam lodges.

The first stratum consists of an amalgam of salt and dark-colored clay.

"I have made the amalgam," he said, "but the mercury is not perfect."

The proportion of pure silver in the amalgam is about twenty-two per cent.

The quicksilver clings to the gold and forms an amalgam with it.

Last clean-up I brought you two pounds of amalgam if it was an ounce.

When taken out, the amalgam is separated from the sand by washing.

The amalgam was squeezed through leather, which separated most of the quicksilver.

Tin is good for children's teeth, when gold or amalgam is not indicated.

The artist's judgment, in artistic matters, is an amalgam of sensations and superstitions.

For the same purpose an amalgam of tin, silver, and gold is employed.

You know that the chemist distinguishes between a chemical combination and an amalgam.

These are the places in which the gold, quicksilver, and amalgam are caught.

The filling with amalgam is proceeded with and finished in the usual manner.

Sometimes the amalgam is shaken about in a wooden tray with chalk while cooling.

As soon as the gold came in contact with the mercury it formed an amalgam.

This mercury united with both the gold and the silver, making an amalgam.

Is it not better than amalgam, although the patient may believe it less costly?

After straining, the amalgam is put into a retort which is heated at its base.

I wondered if amalgam would stick to cement as the cement does to tooth structure.

The amalgam at this mine was in this way afterwards treated with great success.

He got off a lump of amalgam as big as his fist, and was content.

This metal catches the gold and forms an amalgam as it does in the quartz-mills.

The cushions were greased and the amalgam in a state of powder spread over them.

This metal only readily forms an amalgam when in the form of a fine powder.

It is composed of an amalgam of gold, silver, and copper, richly flourished and figured.

Above hung a cracked looking-glass, with the amalgam at the back gone in broad patches.

One of them is the amalgam of mercury with tin, which is used to silver looking-glasses.

Sodium amalgam is best made by the miner himself, enough for one clean-up at a time.

The gold is then recovered by heating the amalgam to drive off the mercury.

His beloved pupil, Thomas Aquinas, gave us the word amalgam, and it still serves us.

I have experimented with it and find that the amalgam is one-half gold by weight.

The mercury combines with the silver, and the amalgam is then separated by washing.

"The most available plan for us to follow is to make an amalgam of tin and mercury."

That's how Corinthian was born; neither one nor the other, but an amalgam of all.

I put in some at first; then cement, and I have used copper amalgam in crown cavities.

We have no retort as yet and I have on hand nearly ten pounds of dry amalgam.

I came back to the inn, asked for some large empty bottles, and made the amalgam.

In the settler the pulp, quicksilver, and amalgam are kept in motion for about two hours.

It is impossible to unite them in any amalgam that would not mean the destruction of both.

The shading of the thin walls by the amalgam is absolutely prevented by the cement.

This, if carefully used, will remove the bulk of the amalgam without injury to the plate.

Very soon the amalgam began to pile up on the copper plates as I had never before seen it.

It is in this last work, it is said, that the word amalgam occurs for the first time.

Pour off the water and grind the amalgam to a powder by pounding the grains with a hammer.