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Use amalgam in a sentence

Definition of amalgam:

  • (noun) an alloy of mercury with another metal (usually silver) used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth
  • (noun) a combination or blend of diverse things; "his theory is an amalgam of earlier ideas"

Sentence Examples:

Still it is not without difficulty, on account of a singular crystallization of the amalgam.'

In that engine the boiler had a double bottom, containing an amalgam of quicksilver and lead.

He formed amalgams of different metals, that is he combined them with mercury, by electricity.

Sometimes special difficulties crop up in the process of separating the gold from the amalgam.

To all outward appearance the metal will be just the ordinary tin amalgam generally employed.

The process is continued until enough amalgam has been formed to pay for roasting or firing.

Thus, for instance, water on which sodium amalgam is acting contains hydrogen in a nascent state.

The combinations of metallic elements with each other are termed "alloys;" or if containing Mercury, "amalgams."

We do not want such an amalgam on our world causing unrest and disturbances of public order.

Gold unites with most of the metals, especially with mercury, and these mixtures are called amalgams.

These amalgams heated gradually to a bright red heat lose all their mercury, and hardly any gold.

Mercury is then added and thoroughly mixed with the mass, forming an amalgam with the silver.

Minor uses include the making of certain compounds for preventing boiler-scale, of cosmetics, and of dental amalgam.

It is as well to place a piece of paper between the iron and the amalgam to prevent adhesion.

Dust and scraps of amalgam were visible about the surfaces of the paper lining the instrument drawers.

The compound of gold and quicksilver is a soft white substance known as amalgam, utterly unlike either metal.

When the solid amalgam remaining was heated, the mercury was driven off and pure gold remained.

Limestone, sandstone, and huge masses of amalgam of gravel and sand, with quartz, have been all about us.

Carlyle's Religion was to the last an inconsistent mixture, not an amalgam, of his mother's and of Goethe's.

The extra mercury was collected, and the amalgam was put into a retort or kettle and heated.

This amalgam reduced to powder and incorporated with grease can be applied to the rubber of electric machines.

Form these into a fluid amalgam with mercury, and squeeze out the excess of the latter through leather.

As soon as the gold comes in contact with the mercury it combines with it and forms an amalgam.

Tin, with an outside covering of gold to protect it, makes a filling to which amalgam bears no comparison.

The amalgam is formed by melting the two metals together, and afterwards pouring them into cold water.

The platinum wires at the bottom must be completely covered by the mercury and the amalgam, respectively.

Sometimes the amalgam of gold is replaced by an amalgam of silver, which is readily poured and more economical.

Many amalgams are made with mercury, which is useful in various ways that will at once occur to the reader.

The stolen amalgam was then conveyed to that old shaft and stored away until it could be marketed.

Sunday I retorted all the amalgam we had on hand, and eighty-five ounces of pure gold was the result.

Keep the blankets wet with the solution, and when the amalgam is white, remove the plate and scrape.

It is taken up by mercury, forming an amalgam, from which the mercury may be driven off by heat.

And the nucleus, as well as the amalgam of all these elements, was the resident families of old Washingtonians.

"Amalgam should never be used in teeth which can be filled with tin, and most of them can be."

The act or process by which an amalgam is formed; hence loosely, the mixing or blending of different things.

In another case of the same character which came under notice, the offending material was a piece of an amalgam filling.

In this way an amalgam may even be made with iron, although iron in a mass does not dissolve in mercury.

The method of obtaining the metal is by filtration, or washing the earth, and by an amalgam of quicksilver.

The amalgam is formed by melting one ounce of tin and adding to it one ounce of zinc in small bits.

A new filling is harder than tin, softer than gold, but after a time it becomes as hard as amalgam.

A personality is an amalgam of likes and dislikes, of habit and prejudice, the product of circumstances and a will.

It is driven from the amalgam in the form of vapor, much as water may be driven off in steam.

This amalgam placed on a shovel and held over a brisk fire will soon show the yellow color of gold.

By introducing into this liquid a lump of soft amalgam of silver, the formation of the tree speedily takes place.

The metal of which these are composed is an amalgam of costly minerals, unknown even to the most profound philosophers.

The constitution drawn up by him for the new State is an amalgam of ancient traditions with modern practice.

Three pounds of amalgam, from which the liquid metal has been carefully pressed out, will yield one pound of gold.

Then take a large potato, cut off one end and hollow out a piece of it large enough to receive the amalgam.

Admit the one as the condition of the "election," and the other ceases; you cannot combine them into an amalgam.

He began abruptly: "Dan, you remember the time I brought the amalgam home in a vial, and it had turned green?"

These are used to silver mirrors, glass globes, etc., by warming the glass, melting the amalgam, and applying it.

When I showed him that stolen amalgam I expected it would swing him around to our side with a whole heart.

The pill of hard amalgam may be placed on a shovel over the fire or in a clay tobacco pipe and retorted.

This is then thrown into troughs of water, where the amalgam of silver and quicksilver will sink to the bottom.

More than any other race they served as the amalgam to produce, out of divergent races, a new race, the American.

Together the scout and the mine-owner left the laboratory, Nomad staying behind to look after Jacobs and the amalgam.

It's the new amalgam which makes 'em look to Holy Mother Spain as the core of a new empire, it's ...

Do the same with a silver and amalgam (gold and silver) ring respectively, and the ceremony will be at an end.

The gold particles quickly mix with the mercury to form an amalgam, which later can be scraped off the plates.

As a consequence of their action on water, the alkaline amalgams are changed by moist air, with production of free alkali or alkaline carbonate.

It consists of six drawers or layers of plates punched with holes about half an inch in diameter, and covered with amalgam.

They make a good amalgam for a mob, dress being the last consideration, apparently, with a medical or law student in Paris.

After all the quicksilver was passed through the leather, the amalgam was put into a large retort, and screwed down.

The amalgam is then separated from the mass of ore by a system of washing similar to that practiced in collecting gold.

Destitute as he was of speculative power, he attempted no transcendental amalgam of diverse conceptions, of Love and Law, of Mercy and Justice.

Then turn in water and wash off the dirt and the amalgam will be found in the bottom of the pan.

Each active moment is an amalgam of sentiments and wills and multiple elements which split apart as soon as the purpose is achieved.

We call it strange, though such amalgams of contrary ways of thinking and feeling are more common than careless observers may suppose.

The paste is thus dissolved in the water, and the gold, quicksilver and amalgam have an opportunity to fall to the bottom.

Proximal cavities in children's teeth are very easily filled with amalgam by this method, and without causing pain in cutting tooth structure.

It also unites readily with gold and silver, and several other metals, into a kind of shining paste, which is called an amalgam.

These two plants, separately or together, composed, thanks to a slight amalgam of chalk, sea-water, and bruised pepper-corns, the most delicious tobacco.

The mercury and the gold form an amalgam which is carried off by a pipe into another tub along with the water.

These can be increased, however, to three inches, if the glass is of the right quality, by treating the rubber with amalgam.

A glass bulb containing mercury is placed in a bath of sodium amalgam, and a current is then made to pass from within outward.

The amalgam is sometimes half an inch thick, and is usually, at cleaning-up time, a hard mass, which must be loosened by heat.

The wire is an alloy, and the constituent metals have not yet been determined; but it is not an amalgam, for mercury is absent.

I do not know how this positive religion can come to be allied in me with subjective idealism; it is an obscure amalgam, like all heresies.

The rubbers are covered with an amalgam made of mercury, zinc, and tin, two parts of the first to one each of the others.

No one can say what strange amalgams of virtue and vice may have sufficient stability to hold together during a journey through this world.

Sodium atoms are formed at the surface of the mercury cathodes in the outside compartments and dissolve instantly in the mercury, forming sodium amalgam.

An art-form therefore must be sought that will be an amalgam of the two, with the advantages of each and the defects of neither.

Algebra is the oracle of the absolute truth, because it reveals nothing but what the mind had hidden in it under an amalgam of symbols.

We shall see that it will save the precious metals of racial culture, fused into an amalgam of physical perfection, mental strength and spiritual progress.

When the amalgam is subjected to heat, the quicksilver is driven off in the form of a vapor, and the gold is left pure.

With a mercury cathode, it is dissolved and becomes a metallic amalgam, which also breaks down into gas with much bubbling of the mercury.

With this material it has a smaller field of application, and in my hands does not yield as good results as in the use of amalgam.

An hour or two later Jim brought from the tub the amalgam formed by the combination of the pan gold-dust with the mercury.

In retorting amalgam never fill the flask too full, and apply the heat gradually, and always from the top of the flask downward.

The gold remaining after the quicksilver has been driven off by heat from the amalgam, is a porous mass, somewhat resembling sponge-cake in appearance.

The amalgam sinks to the bottom, and the mud and water are let off by an aperture in the lower part of the well.

The buttons having been covered with the amalgam, as before stated, the mercury is discharged, that the gold may adhere directly to the brass.

The alloys of mercury, with the other metals, have usually been called amalgams, and we see no inconvenience from continuing the use of that term.

The mercury is then separated from the amalgam by the ordinary process of evaporation, and in the same manner as if removing it from gold.

A city operator must have more than the usual quota of courage to stand before the societies and state "he has been using amalgam more freely of late."

It readily combines with most of the metals, and when it is used in a sufficient quantity to make them soft, the mixture is called an amalgam.

A thoroughly wetted piece of thin leather is placed between these two casts and well pressed, the amalgam enabling the plaster to bear the pressure.

As soon as a solid mass of amalgam forms in the middle of the pan, the contents must be stirred slowly, and a little more sodium added.

It was no longer a question of ore and amalgams, it was a question of when he should see again that sad, slender woman with the hopeless smile.

"The Table" has always shown an amalgam of Conservative and Liberal instincts and leanings, though the former have never been those of the "predominant partner."