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Use amnesty in a sentence

Definition of amnesty:

  • (noun) a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment
  • (noun) a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense
  • (noun) the formal act of liberating someone
  • (verb) grant a pardon to (a group of people)

Sentence Examples:

Mutual amnesty.

Reciprocal amnesty.

Amnesties are granted periodically.

National amnesties require a national law.

Amnesty proposals must be far-reaching.

My father has been amnestied.

All political offenses were amnestied.

"Complete amnesty," he assured her.

Government amnesties require a national law.

I can guarantee you complete amnesty.

"Your welcome includes full amnesty."

The amnesty was no longer one.

A general amnesty has been proclaimed.

A general amnesty had been proclaimed.

Amnesty was likewise decreed on submission.

He had already granted an amnesty.

Albania is to grant a full amnesty.

He also proclaimed an amnesty to criminals.

Finally, a complete amnesty was granted.

That was a very prompt amnesty.

What had become of the prescribed amnesty?

In every amnesty their names were excepted.

"Will a general amnesty satisfy you, then?"

Fleeing Earth to gain settler's amnesty on Io.

A complete amnesty for all political offenses.

There has been complete and universal amnesty.

Universal amnesty was extended to political prisoners.

There was further a general amnesty proclaimed.

A complete general Amnesty was my condition.

Then he had vague news of different amnesties.

There are some things no government will amnesty.

The amnesty even applied to cases in court.

At first an amnesty was granted to all.

After every day's fighting Cortes offered amnesty.

Lee surrendered to our offers of peace and amnesty.

It is not so difficult to grant an amnesty.

The amnesty was granted without this condition.

An amnesty of the past is assured to you.

An amnestied king returned powerless to his palace.

The Czar alone has the right of amnesty.

The main division was between vengeance and amnesty.

Stephens's offer was an amnesty and fair compensation.

He is now not only amnestied but accepted.

Sir, the time has not come for amnesty.

An amnesty was to be granted to its people.

A general amnesty was agreed upon on both sides.

A general amnesty was issued to all political offenders.

And then there is an established practice of amnesty.

An amnesty was brought about through a happy accident.

A general amnesty was to be granted for offenses.

Is it too much to plead for a general amnesty?

The amnesty was complete, although never formally proclaimed.

We must have an amnesty in that direction, I think.

We would not make ourselves responsible for that amnesty.

Universal amnesty for crime may serve to increase crime.

A general amnesty proclamation had been granted by Gen.

The country would gain much by such an amnesty.

Let your first act be to publish a general amnesty.

Amnesty is to me the grandest word in human language.

They endeavored to exact a promise of amnesty from him.

His followers were expressly excluded from all amnesty acts.

Amnesty is for me the noblest word in human speech.

I renew my previous recommendation to Congress for general amnesty.

There was to be a complete amnesty for the past.

The general amnesty after the war had excepted Davis.

I will obtain Jacob's amnesty; I have influence enough for that.

Universal amnesty was proclaimed for all offenses and quarrels.

To all of you I promise complete amnesty and entire pardon.

Proclaim amnesty, mercy, and fraternity to all Frenchmen in Vend?e.

Now was the time for amnesty and reconciliation all round.

There may be amnesty and oblivion, but no honeyed compromises.

A few days afterwards followed the amnesty to Suffragist prisoners.

The second provision was couched in terms of general amnesty.

And now she proclaims the amnesty, and I am forgotten!

Buford under promise of amnesty and was confined at Ft.

Pardon affects individuals; amnesty and oblivion are said of great numbers.

Carrie only listened as one who has granted a temporary amnesty.

A law was at once passed granting amnesty to political offenders.

When general amnesty was proclaimed they again secured the ballot.

Forty thousand persons had signed the petition for his amnesty.

They might also proclaim complete amnesty for all political offenses.

This is their truth, their amnesty; this, my sheltered honor!

The sensation created at Naples by this amnesty was intense.

It was not done before, because the amnesty was not given.

What principles do you think should govern the granting of amnesty?

After the blessing, the amnesty I have promised will be read.

His first act was a proclamation of amnesty from the Queen.

That a general amnesty should be granted to all without reserve.

Amnesty was extended to those who wished it and deserved it.

Lincoln marked out his own plan of reconstruction in an amnesty proclamation.

General Johnston issued a universal amnesty to all soldiers absent without leave.

My mother writes that within a year there will be an amnesty.

Notwithstanding the formal promises of amnesty, numerous warrants of arrest were issued.

Even the latter, however, were obliged to express approval of the amnesty.

A general amnesty will cause to disappear the traces of civil discord.

The tea duty was to be repealed, and a general amnesty granted.

The prison doors were opened and innocent and guilty alike received amnesty.

Deeming his popularity equal to the emergence, he demanded a general amnesty.

A few individuals mentioned by name were alone excluded from this amnesty.

Another demand was for a general amnesty for all political prisoners.