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Use amnesty in a sentence

Definition of amnesty:

  • (noun) a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment
  • (noun) a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense
  • (noun) the formal act of liberating someone
  • (verb) grant a pardon to (a group of people)

Sentence Examples:

Usurpation granting amnesty to right!

The amnesty decree was thereupon revoked.

The generals want amnesty, the wise want disarmament.

Yes, I could have obtained that amnesty by solicitation.

He granted an amnesty to the vanquished and re-established order.

Thousands of the colonists were coming in and accepting his amnesty.

A Royal amnesty to deserters from the army was also proclaimed.

Just when the revolution was rife Pius the Ninth proclaimed an amnesty.

After a decent interval the others became clamorous again for general amnesty.

The amnesty so solemnly promulgated proved to be nothing less than a farce.

They offered me amnesty because I was young, and they wanted a figurehead.

For past misdemeanors and crimes the king granted them a complete amnesty.

The very pith of the thing was the act of amnesty and oblivion.

From this proffered amnesty, however, John Hancock and Samuel Adams were especially excepted.

Therefore, clemency alternated with rigor, and declarations of amnesty with edicts of proscription.

It's a town festival, a cross between Home-coming Week and a general amnesty celebration.

To order an enrollment of all electors who may take the President's amnesty oath.

He had, indeed, overstepped the prerogatives of a Minister in asking for the amnesty.

"All parties in the Commons unanimously demanded amnesty and indemnity for the Loyalists."

Accordingly, an edict of pretended amnesty was hastily drawn up, and as expeditiously published.

The Grand Duke will entreat the Emperor to grant an amnesty for the past.

It would grant amnesty in individual cases; for the principle of proscription it stood fast.

Yet amnesty is an issue to be grappled with by the Iraqis, not by Americans.

He sees already that, in spite of the promised amnesty, there must be internecine feud.

Clemency and amnesty it proposes; and these, in my judgment, constitute a measure of reconciliation.

It must not be imagined that this amnesty ushered in a reign of oblivion and mildness.

Even a general amnesty towards every form of crime could scarcely produce results more deplorable.

A general amnesty was granted to all the delinquents who had taken to the mountains.

No general amnesty attended his coronation, no act of clemency has been extended to political exiles.

They have issued an amnesty, pardoning even those who have committed the most frightful atrocities upon us.

Instead of granting amnesty and oblivion, treason was to be made odious and traitors to be punished.

He showed great magnanimity, granting a general amnesty, and then set about to remodel the government.

Arrived at the citadel, he negotiated, promised an amnesty, forgiveness for all, actual rewards for some.

On the other hand, Sir George Cartier and the French Canadians were in favor of an amnesty.

Then a promise of an amnesty was obtained at the price of Tu's head, and an enormous indemnity.

The amnesty, although far from being everything, was, nevertheless, a beginning, and one of favorable omen.

Of the other persons implicated in the rebellion only three were excepted from the general amnesty.

Every patriot must wish for a general amnesty at the earliest epoch consistent with public safety.

The despotic captain, the surly second officer, become almost popular, and a general amnesty is proclaimed.

After this they took physic, and fasted for three days, and a general amnesty was proclaimed.

Important business was in hand, the registration of a royal edict of amnesty to the coureurs de bois.

A general amnesty was also promulgated against the revolted provinces; they received it with contempt and defiance.

This rebellion also extended to other provinces, but was quelled by the proclamation of a general amnesty.

Wallenstein advised him to proclaim a universal amnesty, and to meet the Protestant states with favorable conditions.

He took the ground of amnesty to the Tories and the resumption of commercial intercourse with Great Britain.

I oppose amnesty, because it would encourage further illegal immigration, and unfairly reward those who break our laws.

Even when measures of partial amnesty were passed, their application was nullified as far as possible by Ministers.

One law granted amnesty to all persons excepting those who had been convicted of certain peculiarly odious offenses.

In pursuance of this policy all officers above the rank of captain were denied amnesty, and shot wherever found.

In the face of this, he issued his decree of amnesty to all insurgents laying down arms within forty days.

You have lied to us and about us and betrayed us in the past and I resent your hypocritical prattle about amnesty.

Now that his own pledge of suspended vengeance had been exonerated he would no longer need that bond of amnesty.

On the 9th of April the Queen granted the amnesty, on the formula of a request by the European powers.

Spare, if you please, the worm it employs; but do not, I entreat you, yield amnesty to this murderous wickedness.

He profited by an amnesty issued by Leo X on his accession, but he was relegated to poverty and obscurity.

Somewhat later, the government offered amnesty to those outlaws who would lay down their arms and come home.

Several times during the siege Titus offered terms of pardon and amnesty to the besieged, but all in vain.

They, too, favored the speedy passage of an act of general amnesty as well as a repeal of the confiscation law.

The public force always arrived too late to punish; excuse was always to be found for sedition, amnesty for crime.

Both came under assumed names, as they were among the Confederates who were at that time exempted from the amnesty.

He in return granted an amnesty to all who had taken arms against him, save only certain of the ringleaders.

When he was most peaceably inclined he would give up his claim if he could have an amnesty for the past.

The new government was ready to carry out the Emperor's policy of full and free amnesty and pacification by concession.

The horrors of civil war had ceased, and were succeeded by an amnesty of its bitter feuds and bloody animosities.

The bird himself has been, in that facile amnesty which he has granted to us, his tyrants, my living conclusion.

At the same time he promised to entreat the emperor to grant an amnesty, and to take, in general, the mildest measures.

The Majority Socialists' proposal for unconditional surrender was rejected, that of the Independents for surrender on conditions of amnesty accepted, and the conditions were agreed to by the Government.

The conditions suggested, as the instructions show, contemplate a general amnesty to those concerned in setting up the Provisional Government and a recognition of all its bona fide acts and obligations.

The contracting parties reserve to themselves the right to make further agreements according to which each party may grant an amnesty of penalties decreed on account of actions committed to its disadvantage.

Blaine, expert in the appeal, had revived it over the proposition to extend pardon and amnesty to Jefferson Davis, but his frantic efforts, as he waved the "bloody shirt," evoked no general enthusiasm.

A general amnesty, from which were excluded only a few military men who while in active service had joined revolts, was issued; exiles returned to their country, and regularity in affairs was restored.

Amnesty is proclaimed in favor of all who, having belonged or still belonging to armed bands and having committed no other offense, shall present themselves to the authorities before the 10th of next November.

At last, despairing of his project, he secured for his associates entire amnesty extending to all their people, and for himself, as some say, on condition of never appearing again within sight of any Roman.

What was my surprise when, having been set at liberty after the amnesty which followed the acceptance of the constitution, he presented himself to the Queen, and was received with the greatest kindness!

To all others in arms against the Government we hereby promise unconditional pardon, amnesty, and oblivion of all offenses against ourselves, our crown and dignity, on their return to their homes and peaceful pursuits.

Meanwhile, on October 2, the standing committee met again at Parkinson's Ferry, and unanimously adopted resolutions declaring the general submission, and explaining the reasons why signatures to the amnesty had not been general.

An amnesty has been proclaimed to the officers and soldiers who resisted the Government during the quasi revolution last year; but the amnesty is coupled with conditions by which its efficacy is greatly impaired.

For if the government to this extent recognized the importance of the issue raised by the amnesty bill, it was possible that in the end some compromise would be agreed upon that would give substantial satisfaction.

Instead of these harsh and severe proceedings, pass an amnesty on their youthful errors; clasp them once more in fond, affectionate arms, and I venture to affirm you will find them children worthy of their sire.

The incidents of the Emperor Frederick's ascent of the throne, the amnesty and liberal-minded proclamations to his people, and in particular the heroic resignation with which he bore his fate, are events of common knowledge.

It was not a question of storming their towns with artillery, mines, and trenches, but of getting round them with amnesties, concessions to the merchants and elaborate engagements to respect the privileges of the clergy.

Commanded the corporal, and in a clear and resonant voice he read the amnesty proclamation to the rebels, beneath the cannon planted by rebel hands to destroy the fabric of Government established by our fathers.

In point of fact, I have no doubt, if we had remained in office a fortnight longer, we should have effected that recognition; for it was never intended to make the proposed amnesty an indispensable condition of that step.

And now the enemy approaches with a proposal, which, however unacceptable it may be to us in other respects, includes the promise of amnesty for our Colonial brethren who have been fighting side by side with us.

He withdrew promptly the financial decrees that had caused such general discontent, yielded to most of the demands made by the people, and offered a general amnesty to those who would return to their allegiance.

I beg leave to say that I am in favor of general, or, as this word is considered more expressive, universal amnesty, believing, as I do, that the reasons make it desirable that the amnesty should be universal.

Then the noble Earl says, that the state of things just mentioned existed when he came into office; and that the late government was willing to recognize Don Miguel, provided he would grant a general amnesty.

It was a condemnation of his amnesty proclamation and of his general policy of reconstruction, rejecting the idea of possible reconstruction with slavery, which neither the President nor his chief advisers have, in my opinion, abandoned.

Not only had the general mass of rebels been pardoned by the amnesty proclamation of May 29th, but many thousands of the classes excepted in that instrument had afterwards received special pardons from the President.

The right also usually includes the power of amnesty or the power of granting by proclamation pardons to large numbers of persons, as in the case of uprisings or insurrections against the laws and authority of the state.

Granted that, he was willing to promise fair compensation for the Navajo who had been slain, and amnesty for the subsequent outrage of carrying off the girl; and also he was ready in person to guarantee these terms.

One of his early acts was to issue on the 28th of June an amnesty to all who had engaged in the late insurrection on giving security for their good behavior applicable to those in custody or who had fled.

Nothing short of an amnesty, ensuring freedom of worship, and perfect civil equality to all, would induce the majority of us to return to Ireland; and, indeed, it is not easy to see what we could do if we got there.

There was thus, in these projects, at the same time, an act of accusation under the name of amnesty, and an invasion of the powers already exercised, as well as of the limits already imposed, by the royal authority.

In naming persons for such places the Governor promised to be guided by the recommendation of the people if they selected men of good reputation who had taken the amnesty oath, which would be a prerequisite in every case.

And Cicero, following with various remarks such as the occasion called for, persuaded the senate to imitate the Athenians, and decree an amnesty for what had been done in Caesar's case, and to bestow provinces on Brutus and Cassius.

The march of Douglas across the country was marked by the most revolting excesses, and scarce had he lost sight of the capital, when the people's eyes were opened to the sort of amnesty intended for them.

She escaped, and his policy was, in his own interests, to appear to prosecute her, and secretly to advise and aid her; to win, if not her forgiveness, an amnesty, if she returned to power, which he believed to be inevitable.

Rudolf, on his part, while conceding the amnesty, tried hard to throw difficulties in the way of the complete equality between Protestants and Catholics; and he further hoped to stir up division between the different sections of the Protestants.

At the Restoration he necessarily lost both the position and a considerable part of his property, and for a while he went into hiding; but through the efforts of Marvell and others he was finally included in the general amnesty.