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Use back-against-the-wall in a sentence

Definition of back against the wall:

  • (noun) A very difficult situation with no beneficial options available for action.

Sentence Examples:

I thought she was coming my way, and instinctively drew back against the wall.

He sat cross-legged on the floor, his back against the wall.

They shrank back against the walls, open-eyed, open-mouthed, trembling.

You can tip it back against the wall if you like.

Here he found the owner occupying a chair tilted back against the wall of the building.

"Much better," she repeated, stepping down and placing the chair back against the wall.

Quest turned, as the Colonel thought, to put the gun back against the wall.

Burleigh, with a sharp cry of horror, reeled back against the wall.

He got up almost violently and set the little chair back against the wall.

As he passes the three women they draw back against the wall.

There, sitting with his back against the wall, was their missing comrade K.K.

Chester stirred in his sleep and the man shrank back against the wall in the darkness.

I fear I shall die with my back against the wall, sir, and my boots on.

Said a voice in his ear as he was dragged back against the wall.

He shrank back against the wall.

She drew back against the wall, trembling from head to foot.

The girl leaned back against the wall near which she had seated herself.

She was sitting back against the wall, watching the crowd with eyes as sharp as needles.

Tad helped himself to an old chair, and, leaning back against the wall, lighted his pipe.

Each drew back against the wall to let the other pass, with a wary eye for daggers.

He leaned back against the wall and devoured her with eager, disturbing eyes.

My chair and Minima's would be standing back against the wall.

With her hands clutching at her throat she reeled back against the wall for support.

She struggled to her feet, then shrank back against the wall.

He stepped in, dropping his rope, and moving slowly again, his back against the wall.

She shrank back against the wall, a little sick.

Ned sat down with his back against the wall, and he did not share in the general joy.

By this time Edgar has his back against the wall and is breathing hard.

He left the room, and Ambrose heard the chair tipped back against the wall once more.

At the second, the quack reeled back against the wall.

She did see him; he was leaning with his back against the wall of his house, smoking.

Gantry put his back against the wall of the corridor.

"I wonder," Rip's eyes were narrowed slits as he leaned back against the wall.

Smith leaned his back against the wall with assumed indifference.

All this time the man was leaning back against the wall, but uttered not a word.

She leaned back against the wall, a sob coming into her voice.

Takes off' his hat, drops it on ground, and leans his head back against the wall.

They leaned back against the wall and talked.

She fell back against the wall and covered her eyes with her hands.

There was something in Nigel which loved to have its back against the wall.

Near the pile was a pair of scales, shoved back against the wall of the car.

I helped him to sit up and lean back against the wall.

A little back against the wall my mother and the white woman slept.

Mara was on the floor of the Temple, leaning with her back against the wall.

Something heavy struck his chest and flung him back against the wall.

She stood back against the wall, and Rawson-Clew came in.

This flag was very thin and could easily be raised and placed back against the wall.

He commanded, standing over her as she shrank back against the wall.

He adjusted his back against the wall and again opened the conversation.

The signalman was sitting on a chair tilted back against the wall.

Her chair had been pushed away from the table, its back against the wall, opposite to me.

A shot rang out, from below, as the door swung back against the wall.

Trench leaned back against the wall.

He leaned back against the wall with an air of extreme relief.

He leaned back against the wall, his eyes closed.

The old man sat leaning back against the wall.

Anybody will fight when he has his back against the wall.

True, the little table stood back against the wall five or six feet from the door-way.

Two soldiers took hold of him and placed him with his back against the wall of earth.

Then he leaned back against the wall opposite the door and waited.

Ross dragged his prisoner back against the wall of the cave.

I leaned my head back against the wall with a little sigh of relief.

He himself was hurt in the thigh, and reeled back against the wall.

She shuddered and drew back against the wall.

Another, and he had reeled back against the wall, drawing his weapon as he fell.

She sprang to her feet, leaning back against the wall, not daring to look again.

And Terry put her back against the wall and fixed her eyes on her enemy.

The men were smoking; all were seated in chairs tipped back against the wall.

I had lost all presence of mind; no thought of standing back against the wall came to me.

She swayed back against the wall.

She had fallen back against the wall again, her eyes roaming as she remembered.

The Very Young Man and Aura shrank back against the wall, close by the door.

Leather sank back against the wall, and gazed wildly toward the house.

Clayton with his back against the wall and looked straight into his face.

The accused man dropped back against the wall and his eyes closed.

Jack caught the fellow, grasped him by the ears, and flung him back against the wall.

"He killed the gamekeeper," he grinned, leaning back against the wall.

The man shrank still farther back against the wall: "Yes."

Betty sat up in a corner, and rested her back against the wall.

The other man crashed back against the wall and hung there dazed for a moment.

The Fatherland was standing with back against the wall.

I like to have my back against the wall, and then I know there can be no one behind me.

The man sank back against the wall in silent terror.

Dick came in, and found his sister leaning with her head back against the wall.

She paused, leaning back against the wall, holding her hands tight.

Then he kicked it again, spinning the Spencer back against the wall.

Tom shrank back against the wall, certain they had not seen him.

Greg threw his shoulder into a hard left, slamming Tawney back against the wall.

All the rose shades are off the lights and the furniture is pushed back against the wall.

She leaned back against the wall and covered her eyes with her hands.

Trembling, he drew himself back against the wall of rotten wood as far as possible.

He allowed himself to sink back against the wall, his hands tightly clasped before him.

He stopped on the first step and leaned his back against the wall.

He closed the door behind him, and stepping on one side, put his back against the wall.

He fell back against the wall, his face working.

Do stand still where you are, with your back against the wall.

For a second or so he stood back against the wall.

"Out with it," said Morgan, tilting his chair back against the wall.

Lizette fell back against the wall, her face gone white and her lips parted.

Then Bill leaned back against the wall and his hand came in contact with a button.