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Use back-off in a sentence

Definition of back off:

  • (verb) move backwards from a certain position; "The bully had to back down"
  • (verb) remove oneself from an obligation;

Sentence Examples:

Then they'd give her a choice between the two of 'em and the one that lost would simply back off the boards.

It is about three miles back off the road, over toward the river from the place where you two had that accident yesterday.

The rat charged him then and striking the creature away with his hand the man rose and backed off, searching for something with which to strike a harder blow.

"If I could only get a tug we might do better," observed the captain, "in fact, since I've had the engines going I don't think we can back off under our own power."

Every hat on board and ashore was waving, and every voice cheering, and so we backed off, and steamed out of the basin.

She pushed the hair back off her son's forehead as she spoke, and revealed a long red streak, made, apparently, by a blow from some solid substance.

I called to him and asked him if he'd been in a fight or something, and he just got redder than ever and backed off into the woods.

When I roped you, he backed off same as if you had been a steer, and pulled for all there was in him.

Tom failed to appreciate the wit of the reply, and backed off towards the door, with one hand upon the stock of his revolver.

Suddenly a great, bleeding hand was raised to his mane of fair hair, and he smoothed it back off his forehead helplessly.

They cannot do less, for to back off in this critical moment means sure death to the weakening party.

You've got to whip that panel in line and do it fast, Henry, we're in this thing too deep to back off now.

The rocks tumbled back off the stage, and the heavens roared and the graves of the dead were wrecked, and it seemed as if the earth itself had foundered in its voyage through the sky.

August sprang to his feet and threw his hair back off his face; the blood rushed into his cheeks, making them scarlet: his great soft eyes flamed alight with furious passion.

The best they would do for me was to back off to the other side of the room, eyes and ears wide open, and there they stood.

And if you will turn your horses and drive back off of Crawford territory I'll be glad to see the back of you.

Hilda stepped back off the block as he went up perhaps a third of the way, and then came down.

She foundered in a few minutes; but her crew fought her to the last, cheering as they ran out the guns, and sending shot after shot against the ram as the latter backed off after delivering her blow.

Backing off, he again went all steam ahead, and actually surged over the slippery logs of the boom.

They backed off, shifted direction towards the center police lane and began shoving the debris, foam and snow out of the green lane.

He stood licking the glass for a little while; then his greed getting the better of him, he backed off and gave the glass a quick hard knock with his horns.

Billy was no coward, so he backed off as far as the table would allow, and then butted forward as hard as he could.

Without a moment's delay they backed off, and were soon seen making out of range of the guns, like a troop of wild fowl scattered by the shot of a fowler.

She not only stopped, but she backed off until nearly a quarter of a mile away, where she stayed.

The little boy backed off, but Joanna put her plump hand on his shoulder, murmuring soothing things.

Dave backed off some distance, and standing on his left foot, pulled off his right boot, shaking out a roll of money on the floor.

Much to my relief, Addison now backed off a little, as if he had made his best bid and was going away; but to my consternation he turned when near the gate and cried, "Nineteen fifty!"

When I said that about his being tired, he pushed his straw hat back off his face, and I could see his hair lying wet and dark on his white forehead.

At the foot of the steps Fee stopped, and taking off his hat, began pushing his hair back off his forehead.

"He might make a break, and get his paws on to the boat before we could back off, if you shouldn't kill him," said Hobbs.

By then we'll be shoved back off the stage while the big wheels grind painfully slow but exceedingly meticulous.

When he at last came suddenly upon the pen-trap one day, after it had been baited for some time, he gave a surprised grunt and backed off a few feet to get a better view.

The lieutenant immediately ordered the boat to be backed off, and her head being turned in the direction of the ship, the crew once more gave way.

In spite of its struggles, the vast monster was dragged up to the bank; and feeling its feet touch the shore, it made the most terrific efforts to back off.

The small boat was also ordered to back off, and those in it obeyed not a moment too soon, for immediately after receiving the deadly wound the whale went into a violent dying struggle.

Then the news was brought to Eli the priest, and the old man, when he heard it, fell back off his chair in a fit, and broke his neck and died.

Some of those hurricane rallies of his would stop Daddy grinning if they could get home, and he has to fall back off his stool in order to get away from them.

He began to back off the porch, and had his ankle not pained him so, he certainly would have set off on a run.

I feared she would not back off quickly and that she might get stern way on and knock the stern in and founder.

He spoke a few words to the old nurse, and as she backed off into the nearby wood, he covered the retreat.

"Served him right," said Owl, but Coal and Ember backed off as though fearing their turn would be next.

Then they went trotting around the stack, the men backing off to get a better view of the exhibition.

On being urged he tried to back off the road, and I had some difficulty in persuading him that he could not kill me without killing himself.

Saw the marks the Brothers'd burned into a couple of the walls inside, and backed off right away to call in the Royals.

Stopped, it stayed stopped, and backing off granted no new impetus, though he tried, again and again.

Having located the fence the blind dog backed off, looked up as if trying to see, started to spring, hesitated, started again, and finally leaped.

Encouraged, he went to her and leaned against her knee; she brushed his hair back off his forehead, just as she always did.

And not very long ago, at the country store up the road, when a big boy had tried to bully him, Frank had come to his side and growled, and the boy had backed off, his face white.

We've become so fixed in our pattern of solving a problem we can't change, can't back off and take another look, see the problem not as it appears but as it really is.

Back off carefully, filtering the muddy part at the bottom through several thicknesses of cheese cloth.

Two large tears of rage brimmed her eyes, and rolled down her battered cheeks; and backing off a few paces she sat down upon the saw-horse to consider the situation.

A moment later, that light was cut off, and Tremont began to back off into space as he had the first time.

Says he, backing off suddenly from the maple question, which had covered a world of hidden meaning, and looking out to sea, with a delicate wish, no doubt, to spare my blushes.

Scotty lowered the anchor and made it fast, then hurried back to join Rick, who backed off until he felt the anchor dig in.

The young engineer, having taken in the situation, leaped upon his engine, and was about to back off when Moran signalled him to stand still.

Another one caught hold of her little garden-shawl and pulled it away back off her shoulders.

He had filled his program, and had a beautiful partner for each number, but he had to back off and sit down.

He leaned on it, keeping it vertical, and put his weight into the job of driving its owner back off balance.

We came together like two battering-rams, then backed off for vantage-ground, and went at each other again and again.

She foundered in a few minutes; but her crew fought her to the last, cheering as they ran out the guns, and sending shot after shot against the ram as the latter backed off after delivering the blow.

If he pulled it to the increase only part way, he would, he knew, have sufficient power over his muscles to pull it back off, or slide again from the chamber, as he had done before.

He looked up at the sudden disturbance and backed off suspiciously, looking for a way to escape.

She backed off as far as the bed, on which she sat down, fanning herself violently with a newspaper.

Then the audience burst into a great laugh, and bowing awkwardly to them and to her, I backed off, out of sight, as quickly as I could; she, bowing like a young prince, followed me.

Before beginning to back off the teeth, it is a good plan to color the work either by heating it or dipping into a strong solution of copper sulfate.

The lovers had to walk round it; and the children, chasing one another, dashed into them headlong, or, backing off from pursuit, bumped up against them.

He backed off into the center of the reception room and studied the situation from every angle.

Still with the utmost deliberation he stepped back off the tee, and Carleton took his place.

Norah Walsh he took by the shoulder, and flung back among the others, and as he turned on him, the man who held Roper's wrist released it and backed off.

The little men below were scattering in all directions, and the train started to back off down its track.

Should a horse back into difficulties; he must be turned with his head towards the danger, and then backed off, until there be sufficient room to handle him.

They fire wildly, wheeling about and backing off towards the hills; but our men waste no shot, and we speed up the slope, spreading out unconsciously in open order to right and left.

When I backed off, so I could keep one eye on his friend he up an' plugs me through my gun arm.

Andy went over the side so suddenly that, until I saw him balancing on a rock and trying to keep the boat from backing off into the current, I thought he had been thrown overboard by the impact.

Thick locks of curling silver hair were combed back off a high and well-formed forehead; and beneath this appeared a countenance pale, but clear, and of serious and benign expression.

It became necessary for the umpire to delay the game while he put the madly leaping boys back off the coaching lines.

At their approach it backed off a dozen yards or so to the edge of the bushes, and stood gazing at them with soft, anxious eyes.

They would back off a few yards and then come at the tree with a bound, snapping on the jump; then they would chew the bark of the trees.

Hats are seldom worn, the hair is plainly and extremely neatly dressed, brushed back off the brow, and secured in a simple knot behind by means of a silver or silver-headed pin.

We then backed off, and threw the anchor over the dam, and tore away a part of the dam, and, raising steam, ran her over the first trial.

Then he backed off a few steps and made a rush and a spring, flinging his shoulder against the door, with the whole weight of his body behind.

For a time I held him through interest and curiosity, but presently he backed off a few steps.

He thrust his cap back off his forehead, thrust his hands into his trousers-pockets, and remained motionless for a few moments.

I knocked, and immediately the door was flung open, and there was father in his dressing-gown, with his beautiful gray hair pushed back off his forehead.

He did this for only two or three seconds, when he backed off and took his place beside his master.

The great paddle-wheels were instantly reversed, and the vessel just managed to back off before striking.

Of course, I put it to him good and plenty, but the criminal creature, on purpose to tempt me, backed off down stream and clean through the arch into our neighbor's water.

Billy, however, jerked away and backed off for another bump, and the man, jumping up, grabbed the shelf with the foolish notion of climbing up out of range.

Before Billy could back off for another stroke Hans turned quickly and was just in time to grab Billy by the fore legs.

Lowering his head and backing off a little way, he gave a run and bumped Hans a good one which he felt he still owed him for the whipping of the morning.

I saw in a minute that there were too many bears for me to tackle and was just about to back off over the hill and clear out, when one of them saw me and started running toward me as hard as he could.

Billy laughed and straightened up, as the cow, grieved and surprised, backed off in the dark.

He will edge up to it carefully, take a bit, back off to meditate; then, if he decides he likes it, he walks up boldly and eats his fill.

Slowly she backed off the shallow bar where she had grounded, gained deep water, turned and started out into the open sea.

Then she was backed off into deep water, and continued up stream, firing into every enemy she could reach.

Cut both shoulder straps where they attach to the cups and lay them back off of the shoulders.

If you see any kind of trouble, anything, cast yourself free and back off this thing, do you understand?

He had fallen back off the narrow ledge, fallen with the broken pieces of the heavy glass jar.

I backed off once more around the table and had come so far that he was on one side and I on the other.

The only way I could get free was to back off and pull the coil, so that the battery wires would pull the cells off the shelf and thus break the circuit.