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Use back-off in a sentence

Definition of back off:

  • (verb) move backwards from a certain position; "The bully had to back down"
  • (verb) remove oneself from an obligation;

Sentence Examples:

He had burrowed his length and backed off again for breath, when he was forced to the realization that he could endure the air of the channel no longer.

Presently I discovered a small house, standing back off the road and showing a thin slit of light above the shutters of a downstairs window.

Helms now began to back off, but carefully kept his eye on Holman and continued his abuse as he went on to the saloon to get something to replenish his courage.

With our rifles ready and the electric lamp cutting a brilliant path in the darkness we walked slowly toward the edge of the sword grass hoping to see the flash of the tiger's eyes, but the beast backed off beyond the range of the light into an impenetrable tangle where we could not follow.

Captain Cartwright, do you deny that Captain Prescott did no more than to parry your blows and thrust you back off your balance?

A cook stirring gravy to keep it from scorching in the skillet is done in two minutes and backs off blinking, sweating and choking, having finished the hardest job of getting dinner.

The Mink wrinkled up his nose, showed two rows of sharp teeth and snarled in a furious manner, but backed off under a lot of roots.

He pushed his hat back off his forehead with a gesture not left behind with his boyhood, held the object the length of his long arm away and regarded it gravely.

Later on I had a letter from him saying that his favorite seat was an overturned nail-keg in the garden and that he was thinking of sawing the backs off his chairs.

And yet, while the boat was backing off, it was without exultation that he watched Bassett's sturdy figure slowly climbing the steps.

He then compelled me to wash her back off with strong salt brine, before she was untied, which was so revolting to my feelings, that I could not refrain from shedding tears.

They were occupied in hurling darts, arrows, and combustibles into the pirates as these backed off, in an already sinking condition.

Before I knew what he would be at, Richard was up with an oath, backing off to hurl himself, shoulder on, against the door.

The Gray Mahatma set down very gently the snake that had done his bidding, and then shooed the rest away; they backed off like a flock of foolish geese, hissing and swaying pretty much as geese do.

For a moment sheer desperation carried the day; but the white-coats, springing back off their platforms, poured in a volley and settled the question.

Satisfied that it was so, she backed off to take another look at us, and I thought an expression of pity overspread her face.

When rounding the point, the Tuscumbia touched, and as she backed off fouled the Forest Queen, causing great hurrahs among the enemy.

It resented the insult by shaking its head fiercely, and endeavoring to back off, but the barb had sunk into the wound and held on.

The crew had run the barge ashore and landed the whole crowd, but in the mix-up one of the women had backed off the gangplank into three feet of water, and the other had sprained an ankle.

He blundered into the camp, from which the hunter was absent in search of game, but the next moment he backed off, squeaking with pain and surprise.

The audience received this shot with shouts of laughter and approval, and they did not stop until the crestfallen mayor backed off the stage.

Finally, they backed off and rushed together again with such violence that our Buck's antlers were forced apart just a trifle, and his enemy's slipped in between them.

He was unable to back off; a rising wind and sea threw the steamer broadside to the beach, and here she churned a hole for herself from which a wrecking tug could hardly pull her.

Then he slowly backed off down into the water where the weedy growths were thickest, till once more his whole form was concealed except the insignificant head.

An ear-splitting succession of squeals had issued from the dark interior of the pen, and the bear had backed off in amazement.

The really complicated and difficult motions being "backing-off," revolving the spindles "during winding-on," and the guiding of the spun threads upon the spindles during the winding-on process.

As he spoke, he softly put back off her ear a stray lock of the beautiful brown hair, which fell behind her like a cloud of wavy brightness.

With his first look at that fierce, dark face, the doctor began to back off, finally scuttling around the turn into the main hall at what was little less than a run.

I will send this photo to truant watch in thirty seconds unless you four back off from this clue and let me and my friends here run it down.

He manipulates impulsively; seeing a possible opening he responds to it, and meeting a check he backs off and tries something else.

About a hundred feet, I should say, and this lightened his ballast so that he floated again and was able to reverse his tail motion and back off into deep water.

We had not gone far before we run aground, and in backing off, broke the rudder, and were obliged to lay there all night.

We backed off our ships as the explosions climbed into the air in stagger formation until they reached a height of three miles.

I crouched low and backed off obliquely, as though some value lay in the intervention of space, and as though something venomous were confronting me.

Finding no sign of flint or quartz, he growled out a curse, and backed off along the beach, to get a view of the cliff top.

The blank is then fluted or gashed to form the teeth, after which the tops of the teeth are relieved or backed off to provide clearance for the cutting edges.

This last blow seemed to have a cataclysmic effect on Chester's opponent, for the victorious Chester backed off and waited, still crouching and lowering, for his victim to rise.

As he sat still and allowed the new teacher to administer justice, Daniel resembled a kitten backing off, with flattened ears and ruffled fur, and submitting to a severe slapping for some misdemeanor.

It was wounded, began to weaken, and soon was hustled back off the platform and on through the grass behind a near-by bush.

Little Johnnie mumbled and flushed and stammered and backed off; and it was well that he did, because Rivers had begun to get red around the wattles.

Slowly the man backed off the verandah and along the path to the yard gate, Puck following every step, loathing with all his fury that unfair advantage of gleaming steel that kept him from his enemy.

We rolled on the ground together, and the other three just backed off to watch the fight, and a pretty moonlight tussle it was.

As they removed their hats to greet Jack, their unkempt locks blew over their faces, back off their foreheads, in the greatest disorder.

Artie shoved a shock of dust-colored hair back off his broad, dull pink forehead, and jabbed excitedly with a grimy forefinger at the diagram.

At low water, even in the lower reaches of the river, a boat is liable to run aground often, and has to be backed off to try her fortune in another place.

Then the screw churned the water, and the ship backed off, sound, but beaten; for the pan of ice lay, unbroken and unchanged, in its place, with but a jagged bruise, where the blow had been struck.

As she backed off he heard the choking cough of the other craft which had now been blotted out by the darkness and driving sleet.

I did so; I ripped the back off and looked in the space between it and the canvas upon which the odious caricature was painted.

I'll give a whistle and make him look this way, then I'll flash the letter, lay it on this bale of cotton, and we'll back off and give him a wide berth.

Then he backed off carefully and raised both clenched fists to shake them in a gesture of anger and defiance, before he whirled silently and made his way out of sight.

It was only a few minutes before the train backed off the docks, switched onto the main track and began to crawl slowly out of the dingy city.

He stepped back off the road and from his covert he could see a squad of cavalry headed by the captain and a sailor cantering past.

I think, that with both propellers tugging at her the River Swallow will back off into deep water just as nicely as anything.

Our ambulance and mules were driven on along with other teams, and we walked into the midst of rearing and plunging horses, that threatened every minute to back off the lighter into the river and drag us with them, while our craft was making its slow way to the opposite bank.

After ineffectual attempts to back off, boats were lowered to make an examination of the hull near the water line, and a careful inspection made of the hold.

Her body lay extended on her couch as on a cross, her arms outstretched as if powerfully wrenched; her head hung on one side, bent somewhat back off her pillow, and unsupported by anything.

He heard the sound of the foam as the propeller turned over, and he feared that with every revolution the vessel would back off into deep water.

To enable this contact to take place a ring groove is formed in the boss of the backing-off wheel, in which a claw engages, which is oscillated as afterwards described.

The backing-off friction is out of gear, the necessary motion is given to the roller shaft, and as the claw clutch is engaged the front line of rollers is revolved, roving being delivered.

This allows the strap to move, in a manner more particularly described afterwards, on to the loose pulley, so that the backing off friction can be engaged.

The snail is geared by a ratchet clutch which engages only when the tin roller is revolving during backing-off, being disengaged during the whole period of spinning.

The winding chain shortening, or, as it is more correctly called, the nosing motion, and the backing-off chain tightening motion, are of this class, both tending to an increased efficiency.

Frank backs off, saying that he had forgotten about Martin's "matrimonial speculation," and he advises him that though he needs the cash, Martin had better keep it.

The Governor, having finished his conversation with the Earl, motioned to George, who advanced as the Earl backed off, it being inadmissible to turn one's back on the Governor.

Say the word, old man, and I back off the scene, hiding my wounds, smiling a twisted smile, I believe it is, set lips, serene face, while a vulture gnaws at my inwards.

There, unseen in the muddy water, the monster glides up stealthily, seizes his victim by the leg, and holding it tightly backs off into deep water and disappears.

One day, somewhat to his surprise, the old leader actually backed off and away from Mogul, bellowing and calling his followers after him.

That made me remember our own pair, and I hurried to get back off that log I was straddling; but before I'd been able to make the shore, hang the luck, they'd gone.

I concluded that my normal mind was slipping out of gear and proceeded to back off and avail myself of a tube of stimulant which I carried in my pocket.