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Use batter in a sentence

Definition of batter:

  • (verb) strike violently and repeatedly
  • (noun) A beaten mixture of flour and liquid | a heavy drinking session | a ballplayer who is batting

Sentence Examples:

To dip them in egg batter, then in bread-crumbs, and fry them in drippings is a common and good fashion.

It has been battered and worn by the wind, the hail and the rain of nearly two thousand years.

She felt her will beat out from her as wings beat, beat and batter at the glass between them.

The lantern hung battered, but its light was not out, and the prisoners looked at each other in despair.

Then he lay down again, and went to sleep, his mean little face half hidden under his battered hat.

The one the boys had purchased had been a fine machine in its day, but was rather battered now.

A battering-ram of a man, one would think, who hammered his way through life by sheer force and drive.

A breach was soon made with a battering piece, and after several attempts, the castle was carried by storm.

He picked up the battered opera hat which had been part of his costume and started towards the door.

Batters had brought us to an apartment which seemed to be used as a repository for the treasures of the temple.

Their heads were battered, but of course they did not die until put in the soup-pot the next day.

Even if the captives should pull the bunks to pieces for battering-rams, they were safely caged for the present.

If baking is to be delayed only an hour or so, slip the bowl or pan of batter into the refrigerator.

I leaped onto his desk and seized him by the throat and battered his head against the desk top.

The tumult had ceased, and the setting Sabbath sun glowed peacefully upon the battered countenance of Hush Hall.

"Of course we might batter down the door, in time, by using some of these boxes as rams," said Tom.

The sun shone down warmly on the house's battered shell and through the stark skeleton of the barn.

Your kind turns by instinct to such work as this, as a last resource for the mending of battered fortunes.

Immense sums were also appropriated for aircraft and for huge guns powerful enough to batter to pieces the strongest fortresses.

You've got a battered head, a broken arm, and had the breath knocked out of you, and that's about all.

In vain the mob endeavored to break down the massive iron bars of the windows, and batter in the doors.

If the ball falls even a half inch from the expected line, the batter is liable to strike over it.

At last, with a queer expression on his battered countenance, he walked across and held the message out to Steve.

Only instead of the figures being new, and gay, and pretty, they were battered and grotesque and inhuman.

They sprang out and shot him, and, not content with that, bruised and battered his features beyond recognition.

There were two certain keys that were battered in a peculiar manner, and another key that was out of alignment.

Our ship, a colossal bulk of battered, gleaming metal, had come to a lighting point some fifty yards beyond them.

The factory boys couldn't get the hang of his pitching, and the best batters fouled nearly every ball.

It looked as if all was up with the Americans, all of whose ships were being battered by the enemy.

After many weeks of assaults and desperate defense, the guns came, and the old walls were battered down.

Not a grain of powder was left in condition to be used, and their armor was battered out of recognition.

The Esperanza was, the next day, towed into the harbor where lay the battered hull of the Lion.

In order to have all the cakes of the same size an equal quantity of batter must be used for each cake.

The batter should be very thick and of the consistency to coat completely the article it is intended to cover.

Lee started visibly at sight of his battered face; and Dixie smiled knowingly as she glanced at his half-closed eye.

The first ball he pitched went wild, and the next one struck the batter, giving him his base.

The penalty for going beyond this depth is a battered-in vessel, for the pressure increases with the depth.

Beat to a smooth batter, add the corn, then beat again, adding the well beaten whites of the eggs last.

And they wage continual war upon the body's defenses; they batter in vain upon the gates of our sound health.

My very own self, as I ha' seen myself time and again in the glass, but sore battered and misused.

The old man had finished cleaning his rifle; he entered the cabin and returned with a battered violin.

In this case, the cakes must be baked in half an hour after the powders are mixed into the batter.

Then put it into small, deep pans, or cups, that have been well-buttered, filling them about two-thirds with the batter.

The batter, too, could step out of the box to reach for a ball, and they took advantage of it.

All women are when the tempest batters down the frail curtains that hide the gentle from the lowly-born.

She would have to attempt either biscuits or batter bread, for, of course, cold bread was out of the question.

It is terribly damaged, and it is difficult to trace the story of the Saint in the battered little panels.

The girls all laughed, and he went over and watched the kettle singing and the batter cakes baking.

They were trying to batter down some houses, near the iron bridge, all the morning, and making a tremendous noise.

It kicked and pawed the helpless gangster until there was nothing left but a battered and bloody mass.

His moist, blue eyes became yet more watery, while his battered old face assumed an expression indicating deep inward satisfaction.

I felt considerably exhausted still from the battering about the day before, and I had a craving to be alone.

When the batter is smooth, beat in the remainder of the liquid mixture and pour the batter into the mold.

His left hand carried a long and heavy rifle, ancient and battered, worn by time and hard service.

If there were really defenders, they would have fired before now; and again the battering-ram made the great gate tremble.

He has a curve that no batter can hit, and I understand that he is in perfect form this season.

The poor sinner raised his arms to Heaven, with a cry, in which his battered, stricken soul took joyful flight.

The covered bridge, battered by time and tempest, is bound up in history and geared to the march of events.

The siege lasted for three weeks, during which he continually battered the walls and gates with his engines.

It was impossible to scale the guard, or either to burn or batter it down, except by vigorous, prolonged labor.

Then the captain coughed, blew his nose with vigor, and, reaching into his pocket, produced two battered cigars.

Well, Captain Dave, here I am, battered out of all shape, you see, but not seriously damaged in my timbers.

The bear's head was battered out of all shape; its jaw was broken, and one of its eyes driven out.

Look round you at these stout walls; no engine that man has yet devised can batter a breach in them.

Speaker of Boston becomes a member of the high honor group by being the leading batter of two-base hits.

If the batter should be too thick, stir in enough cold, sweet milk to make it run easily from the spoon.

Wherewith the worthy sexton took his way with a battered tin can to get his "fours" at the Feathers.

When it is quite cold, cut it in long strips, dip them in a batter, and fry them a nice brown.

And there was Vetch, trying to batter down the door of the cabin in which she had locked herself.

The batter hits the ball with the open palm of his hand and runs bases, as in regular baseball.

Basil sprang up with dancing eyes, and with three blows like battering-rams knocked the footman into a cocked hat.

Hickory at once recognized the battered doll under the aristocratic title which Polly had long ago bestowed upon it.

It was characteristic of Beatrice that when she looked at his battered face she asked no questions and made no exclamations.

After a while the ship returned, battered and worn, having discovered nothing beyond a series of exceptionally violent tempests.

Through the trees one could see that the farmhouses and cottages farther on had mostly been battered and broken.

"This slide is very carefully fitted, and, if I am not mistaken, it will stand some battering before we are released."

The change of pace is used mostly when a batter has two strikes and is worked up to the anxious pitch.

They shouted vulgar insults; and there was talk of battering in the doors and setting the house on fire.

Kimball he'll make one of his jokes over bread-dough an' bats an' batter, but I'll be too wore out to care.

"Even the most battered and sickly architect who ever lived could hardly have had a worse inspiration," said Napoleon.

Basil sprang up with dancing eyes, and with three blows like battering-rams knocked the footman into a cocked hat.

Hickory at once recognized the battered doll under the aristocratic title which Polly had long ago bestowed upon it.

The ship had been badly battered but still held together, and would hold unless the storm came up again.

Even to this day ships are battered to pieces in those rock-strewn waters and no one survives to tell the story.

Sara seated herself in a somewhat battered armchair and proceeded to take stock of the room in which she found herself.

The captain of the battered Florencia took wiser counsel with himself and perceived that he had threatened over hastily.

Within a week I was ordered home by the surgeons who saw the state my battered body was in.

Joe felt better after that bit of advice, and was calmer when he wound up for the next batter.

He took a final drink of water from the creek and stood up, his sore, battered muscles protesting violently.

Press two slices together, thus making a sandwich, dip into the batter, and place in a well buttered bag.

He saw them taken apart and put together, he saw them brought in battered, broken, almost wrecked, and made as good as new.

The animal made a desperate struggle on the bank, and its head had to be battered in with a club before it could be mastered.

He resolved to try the same ball once more, as he thought the batter would probably think that he would try something else.

Again and again Stewart acted as a battering ram, but only vague echoes rewarded his efforts; the logs were evidently unusually firmly founded.

Darling was lucky to make an escape from a window before the door of the room in which he had taken refuge was battered down.

When a man marries, he offers his wife the battered remains of a heart that has been dragged through all kinds of filth!

They battered the new fortress for several weeks, without being able to make a breach, and without attempting to take it by storm.

Through the woods of a high bank on the left came a tank, looking rather worse for wear, as though battered in battle.

In the morning, add salt, white flour, soda and butter, and stir in enough cold water to make batter of the right consistency.

Moreover, the fat must be hissing hot when the batter goes in if you would not have them grease-soaked to the very heart.