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Use batter in a sentence

Definition of batter:

  • (verb) strike violently and repeatedly
  • (noun) A beaten mixture of flour and liquid | a heavy drinking session | a ballplayer who is batting

Sentence Examples:

They battered against the dipped oars making them vibrate like an electric current.

Pour this batter through a colander, letting it drop into the boiling corn.

Fish to be fried, must be covered with egg and crumbs, or batter.

Now do not begin to batter me with that aggressive truthfulness of yours.

The door of the engine-house was battered in and the desperate men overpowered.

For a moment they stiffened to face a battering rush from the stairs.

The man found a beam and began methodically to batter in the door.

The alkali will remove the acidity, and increase the lightness of the batter.

Drawled the umpire again, and the batter took his place at the plate.

One blue and one white powder will suffice for two quarts of batter.

Put on a large ladle-full of the batter, and bake the cakes fast.

The alkali will remove the acidity, and increase the lightness of the batter.

Sides beveled with the lower or larger face battered about the entire periphery.

When oil is used in the batter, less or none is required on the griddle.

She looked at the batter, and she looked at the frothy egg whites.

A physical wreck, battered, torn, dismantled by the storm and fire of disease!

In all, leave room for batter, bread, rice, and cracker puddings to swell.

A small quantity of finely-minced onions, mixed with the batter, is an improvement.

The pebble is battered at both ends, and slightly worn away by use.

Drop a tablespoon of batter from tip end of spoon on hot griddle.

Use fresh buttermilk, and make the same as batter pudding, but without eggs.

More shells were hurled over, to fall and explode, battering at the ravine.

A figure with battered face above vest and pants bounded from its room.

Rub in lard with hand and make a fine batter with cold water.

In that case, add an extra tablespoon of melted shortening to the batter.

Pour batter in pan over pineapple and cherries; spread to sides and corners.

She was too good to be tied for life to a battered hulk like myself.

We had chicken hash and batter cakes and dried venison that day.

Exclaimed McClure as the improvised battering ram left his strong right arm.

Elliott rummaged about, and set the rough table with the battered service.

It looked battered, puffy, and inflamed, as if he had been drinking and fighting.

Then he stretches himself thereon with hands clasped behind his battered head.

Stir into a quart of flour sufficient lukewarm milk to make a thick batter.

He looked to where a wan plate of battered silver hung in the east.

Like a battered bark I lay half submerged at the edge of the slide.

In reality, a very large proportion of these battered ones are there as drinkers.

Dismayed, she inspected the battered loot; then was inspired to quick alterations.

On a spike of one of the railings hung a tarnished and battered milk-can.

The old walls were blown down by gunpowder explosions and by battering-rams.

The first batter for Brill in the ninth inning was plainly nervous.

Add a pint of berries and enough milk to mix to a stiff batter.

Make a batter with two eggs, one teacup of flour and a little milk.

Make a batter in the same way, and add a gill of grated ham.

If a gill of the batter is left, it will raise the next parcel.

Stir in, while it is hot, enough flour to make a tolerably thick batter.

That was the pile driver battering your values down into the mire of loss.

And as he spoke there came the sound of battering on the oaken portals.

Bobby whiffed the first batter that faced him on three successive strikes.

They will break down the oak stockade, batter down the ancient gates.

"Sure," answered Norah, and then with mutters of waffle batter, she disappeared.

On a stand made of three worn-out cues stood a long, battered leather-covered telescope.

This batter may be kept in a stone crock for a week or longer.

Mix these, dredge them thoroughly with flour and stir into the batter.

Scallops can be stewed the same as oysters, or fried in batter, or crumbs.

Cover with bread crumbs and cheese, and dot with bits of batter.

Have ready in a frying-pan some lard and batter mixed, and make it boil.

Peter caught a glimpse of a shapeless, battered, gory mass under trampling feet.

He gave you the idea of iron battered in all the arsenals of the world.

There was batter-bread, I remember, and an omelette, and peas from the garden.

In the cathedral, and amongst its crumbling battered aisles, a strange peace rests.

From the center of the ring to the ropes he was battered, staggering.

It is not very heavy, but the batter wields it with considerable force.

He now saw that the hulls of the French frigates were sorely battered.

Another gash was ripped in his arm and something had battered one ear.

Again the giant battering-ram stove at the door and the middle bolt crashed.

I'll make a fermented batter from its pulp that'll keep indefinitely without spoiling.

We rushed to help her drag the old battered tricycle to the Porch!

Drop batter by spoonfuls into the boiling liquor of the ham and apples.

His hat was of battered felt with a rent in the creased crown.

An expression of the deepest humility and cringe was on his battered countenance.

The battered villages and disorderly ruins looked like hieroglyphics traced on wet sand.

The watchman disappeared into a shadowy corner and returned with a battered derby.

Walt, battered and seasick, gave up and collapsed with the rest of us.

She has in the Reformation a battering-ram which she makes good play with!

He took off his battered drab hat, and put his bread into it.

If you find the batter too thin, stir into it a little more Indian meal.

The river defenses were battered down and preparations made to storm the citadel.

A whole volley followed, smashing more glass and battering at the factory walls.

As she did so, the end of a small battered tin box protruded.

Drop in the batter by the spoonful and fry to a light brown.

The crew of an English ship emerged badly battered from one heavy gale.

Close up, she revealed herself as an old fishing dinghy, battered with wear.

Add two or three tablespoonfuls of cold water if needed to make a medium batter.

There was a grinding and a battering as the spars met the hull.

Dip the tripe in the batter and lay it in the hot fat.

They hoisted skulls up in the same way and banged and battered them.

Captain Hurley was the first batter to face Frank in the second inning.

Hicks, the first batter, stepped out to the plate, looking sympathetically at Dick.

His blanket was tied with twine, his battered billy hung on to it.

With his fists he battered against a wall of metal and splintered it.

Cried Uncle Squeaky, when he had pulled poor battered Wiggle out from under.

And he laughed cheerily, as if it were all a joke on the battered man.

It was a mongrel of many makes, small, battered, and of a complaining habit.

It was easy to understand now why castles deemed impregnable were sometimes battered down.

She repeated, and then the two battering-rams, revolving their fists country-fashion, engaged.

Willing hands now refilled the battered bucket and washed his tear-wet face.

A tipsy tramp, with his battered bowler over one eye, wheezed out, 'Drunk again!'

Add yeast to lukewarm milk and mix enough flour to make a thick batter.

Driscoll hovered near a moment, then reluctantly rode ahead of his battered dusty warriors.

It succeeded better later, on May 9, when the battered Vindictive was sunk in the channel.