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Definition of cadaver:

  • (noun) the dead body of a human being

Sentence Examples:

Ordinary cadavers must be dug up after five years, to make room for their ghastly successors.

You can see what happened before your lab partner went in there and messed up your cadaver.

We also use animal parts and parts of cadavers where necessary to determine the characteristics of these things.

I repeated, flinging the cadaver into the middle of the bed upon which a pool of blood appeared.

The cadaver is then exposed in the open air to the tender mercies of crows, foxes and wolves.

This committee made many experiments upon the cadaver but failed to arrive at any definite conclusion by that means.

I'd respect you if you had the nerve to rob a live man, but you always stole from a cadaver.

As to the Cadaver business Valentine agreed with him, as to the "war babies" she kept a more open mind.

Especially revolting, he says, was the sight of the toes of the cadavers; often there were no more soft parts.

Of course, I was not foolish enough to cry over the cadaver of a dog; and yet it was a pity.

Remove the tissue or organ from the cadaver as soon after death as possible, using great care to avoid distortion or injury.

One circumstance which always strongly points to suicide is the finding of the weapon firmly grasped in the hand of the cadaver.

He should be trained by work upon the cadaver and the lower animals and by watching and assisting experienced operators.

When she was again alone at the airport showing her boarding pass she walked to the plane like a propped up cadaver.

Great stress has always been laid by Osteopaths upon the amount of study and research done by their students on the cadaver.

Some other Universities had to be content with the cadaver of a single criminal per annum for the whole body of students.

And then later, when the body is cold, above all should the cadaver, which the soul has just left, be respected.

That of the cadaver of an elephant occupied several sessions, and was of such interest that the monarch himself was a spectator.

A second rat cadaver, found at the same time in the same building, during cleaning operations, was similarly treated with identical results.

It is in the recent and well-preserved cadaver, or, better still, in the living subject, that the professional signs are of importance.

It has been found in small numbers in the blood and tissues of yellow fever cadavers in a certain number of the cases examined.

Long before they reached the slicing rooms, they would be familiar with electronic cadavers and be able to make better use of the real ones.

Now the human cadaver is placed on the table; all eyes are turned upon it, for such a demonstration occurs only at long intervals.

Burnt bodies were lying in the ruins of the houses which had been burnt, the entrance of these places being almost blockaded by cadavers.

Get the hell out of here and handle those files carefully if you value that cadaver you probably think of as the repository of your soul.

Not one man in ten who leaves them has ever been practically exercised in operations on the cadaver, and the proportion was still smaller before the war.

And was a series of tests performed under your supervision on the portions of human cadavers simulated to the wound inflicted on the wrist of Governor Connally?

In my own experience I have observed that ants are likely to attack the cadaver early and to obscure the deductions by their destruction of the body.

Time was when the funeral rites in the disposing of the dead, were performed by fire, and the cadavers of the greatest emperors were burnt to ashes.

Kingly had developed in his work a preserving solution which he used in such instances, thereby prolonging the time for examination of the cadaver, without experiencing deterioration of the tissues.

The captain had mistaken his place, and while he read on without purpose we froze our ears and resented this final hardship thrust upon us by the helpless cadaver.

The account relates how one of them died, and the survivor bore her dead sister about for three years before she was overcome by the oppression and stench of the cadaver.

She held the chair of anatomy in the University of Bologna for many years, and is noted for a number of important discoveries made as the result of her dissections of cadavers.

In other words, she is dealing, not with a subject, a cadaver, so to speak, that can be classified, but with a live being that for her purposes belongs in a class by himself.

As a result, it is possible now, by law, in most States to obtain a reasonable number of cadavers, not only for the study of anatomy, but for the performance of all the usual operations.

The cadaver must not differ much in height from the person that has been insured; and its lungs must not show that they were those of anybody dead before thrown into the water.

Heaven forgive me if I denied my conscience and my reason, but I was born here, must live here, I have a mother, and I abandoned myself to my fate, as a cadaver to the wave that rolls it.

He could not have been able to give the detailed instructions that he has for the treatment of every portion of the body only that he knew them by actual contact in the cadaver as well as the patient.

This task could be accomplished only in part; the mass of cadavers was too great for the time given for the removal of all of them, and those who crossed had to walk over flesh and blood.