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Definition of elite:

  • (noun) a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status
  • (adjective) selected as the best; "an elect circle of artists"; "elite colleges"

Sentence Examples:

When you are a hacker, it is your own inner conviction of your elite status that enables you to break, or let us say "transcend," the rules.

Smaller-scale and less ambitious Internet hacking was a standard for the underground elite.

As far as he was concerned, elite status in the digital underground had placed him permanently beyond the intellectual grasp of cops and straights.

The deep attraction of this sensation of elite technical power should never be underestimated.

Morton, a dashing, fashionable woman, who determined to honor the bride with a party, to which all the elite of Worcester were invited, together with many Bostonians.

The use of this elite to deal with the emergency is accepted by civil authority as a matter of course.

When social division of function has produced and armed a military elite, leadership turns to this elite in any emergency arising from natural disaster or social crisis.

Our concern is not with the doctrines, opinions and ways of thinking and acting advanced by elite minorities.

Shortly after dark the whole of the elite of Calcutta society trooped in from their evening drive to exchange pleasant Christmas greetings with each other and to make mutual little gifts.

Certain then of favors to come, the Comte de Fontaine made every effort to collect the elite of marrying men about his youngest daughter.

While he read the great book he remembered what Brook had told him about his noble heritage, and the emergence of the elite group of people, that followed the global devastation long ago.

With a view to attracting the intellectual elite to a profession where this class is needed, I will tell you what I got for this.

The party must always represent the elite of the people. German blood is one of the prerequisites for party membership.

The consciousness based on symbolic models is requested in any situation when an elite group is necessary.

It is important to note that there are some positions in a society, which must belong to the elite.

The King - and the ruling elite - can derive their wealth (a) from exploitation or (b) from general productivity growth.

Here every Sunday exquisite music is rendered, and here come the elite to worship and to add liberal gifts.

After a time the young ladies descended to the spacious drawing rooms, which were rapidly filling with the elite of the city.

They remained, in fact, what they always felt themselves to be, an elite, "the chosen few."

Their role has been to serve the designs of whatever elite had temporarily assumed control of the process.

The Humanists or Classicists who for so many centuries constituted the educational elite, belonged to the past with its glories rather than to the age in which they really lived.

We hear that that excellent composer has in store for us not only an opera, but a pupil, with whose transcendent merits the elite of our aristocracy are already familiar.

In the evenings there was dancing in the main ballroom, behind glass walls which separated residents from citizens and citizens from the elite.

The elite of the Fair Play society were generally the political and economic leaders as well.

I think you will find something interesting on the third page, under the heading of 'Doings of the Elite,' Eleanor.

A stout, fat, priest-like man entered, accompanied by several others, it was the Governor and his suite, with a number of well-dressed citizens, who were no doubt the elite of New Mexican society.

I discovered, in the course of the conversation, that they were the daughters of a gentleman of very large estate, and belonged to the true elite of the country.

The countess gathered around her the elite of Florentine society; she selected her friends and acquaintances as carefully as she selected her dresses, jewels, and flowers.

It was in vain that I assured the Marshal that the regiment was in all respects as solid in one part as in another, he ordered me to put the elite company in the center, which I then did.

Two men from that car were in the act of entering the Elite plant through the same door the detective had used earlier.

Some few old friends, such as the archdeacon and his wife, had called, and had found the doctor and his eldest daughter; but the elite of the family were not yet known.

It was a society of conventional people, the elite of fashion and intelligence, who amused themselves in an intellectual but not too serious way.

Well, you see, it's because the parents of elite children will run over for a little visit in order to find out why the children do not come home.

Thus, the way to office is open to all, or almost all, and the law has taken no precaution whatever to reserve or provide places for the elite, who could best fill them.

Dennison and his colleagues were also in illegal possession of immortality, which is the privilege only of our governmental elite.

He assembled the elite of his troops, crossed the river, and overcame with ease all the obstacles which opposed his progress.

Let any group come to power, by whatever means, and they'll soon tell you they're an elite.

If I say, it seems to me democracy is a good thing, you give me an argument about the superiority of rule by an elite.

The last century saw the dictatorship of the elite and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

The lecture at the Temple of Mercury, last evening, was well attended by the elite of our great city.

At the top of the social pyramid is the small ruling elite composed of the top leadership of the party, government, security forces, mass organizations, and the various branches of the economy.

The main criterion for membership in the ruling elite is power derived from approved ideological orientation and political manipulation.

Membership in the ruling elite is accompanied by considerable insecurity because it is highly dependent on political loyalty and correct interpretation of ideology.

Any opposition to the ruling elite had come from within the party rather than from outside organizations.

The ruling elite is composed of the top communist leadership in the party, government, mass organizations, and various branches of the economy.

The main criterion for membership in that elite is power derived from approved ideological orientation and political activism.

She did not attend the exercises at the city library, where most of the elite of the town were present last night, because of a headache from which she suffered.

Another account says there were but sixty present, but that they were of the very elite of the city.

Admission to these could be had only by favor of the officers in charge, and even among the Elite of the colony those who went were a more elect few.

My bourgeois friends, and they ranged from the very elite to the petty, thought I was nuts.

The elite of the intellect constitutes an aristocracy which would fain replace the aristocracy of birth.

Thus are the masses of the people ... separated from the elite, leaving these free to continue their forward march.

Then he was a well known young man of Louisville's elite society, wealthy, respected, esteemed and sought after.

Sunday not being the fashionable day for San Franciscans to drive to the Cliff, the New Yorkers concluded that the elite would not be seen that afternoon and returned to the hotel.

A college may be good as an institution of learning and still fall far short of supplying what we feel this elite college did for us.

Restrictions and social codes made by and for the elite were gladly followed, and those who bent under their weight, stooped willingly.

After the opera the elite of the court were invited to a supper, as was the custom in the time of Augustus the Strong.

On the first evening the opera of "Orpheus and Eurydice" had been triumphantly represented before the elite of the city.

Here gather the elite, in numbers on concert nights, and more or less on other fair evenings.

He saw his efforts rewarded at length, and during the last ten years of his career his audiences comprised the elite of the city.

I made good use of this anecdote at the excellent dinner Silvia gave to the elite of polite and agreeable society.

"Well, I'll show you that I can, and get you not only a full house, but the elite of the place."

And, as he met the more elite, he was surprised that they paid so little attention to the condition of the masses.

He was a general favorite in Richmond society and his being there meant at least that her girls had not lessened themselves in the eyes of the elite.

As a new elite, with a new ideology, it broke the monopoly of leadership, the monopoly of thought.

Julia Juniper had both, she was the acknowledged belle of the country, the leader of the elite and the ruler of fashion.

Theatrical companies visiting town would sometimes remain for a week exhibiting every night to large audiences of the elite of the town.

Among them, an elite few were entirely willing to spend as much time as necessary to study every beast in a herd, so that they might finally select the one best fitted to their requirements.

They managed to embark the elite of our party, in their small vessel, and, as we crossed the lake, amused us with an account of the excitement our shots had caused.

Not one of the elite in the great audience that night ever dreamed of the battle I had gone through that day in Cleveland for the privilege of sitting in that honored seat!

What gives crime the edge, the competitive advantage versus the older, ostensibly better established elites?

The transfer of wealth (and the power associated with it) from one elite to another constituted the subversive element.

Two hacking groups, Elite and H.A.C.K., guarded entry to their yet more exclusive back rooms.

Even if you managed to get entry to the Inner Sanctum, you might not even know that H.A.C.K. or Elite existed.

He has dined with the elite and smoked in the opium dens; he has done everything that one expects a detective of fiction to do, and which the real detective seldom does.

The elite of every district were instructed and disciplined in a manner peculiarly his own.

She learned the economical value of soups and salads, and schooled herself, at least every other day, to leave the boys for an hour or two with Elite, and walk out for a little bracing solitude.

It is every evening crowded with the elite of the Frank society of the capital, mixed with distinguished natives.

The fact that this assumption was perfectly true and the fact that the elite was condemned by its superiority to a life of the most grinding toil would not be considered; the difference would.

And besides all this, he gave every year three grand balls in Carnival; and his house was at all times open every Sunday and Wednesday evening to the elite of the society of the city.

The police detective usually lacks the training, education, and social experience to make him effective in dealing with the class of elite criminals who make high society their field.

Now and then some aspiring young matron of the "elite" would try to set up a salon after the fashion of the continent, and would gather a few feeble wits about her for a time.

I think that it was a calculated lie, for at this time it was necessary to handle the elite gently.

At the other end of the scale stand the members of labor organization, on the whole, the elite of the labor world.

Cavalrymen, the elite of the force, were armed with lances, swords for slashing, and daggers.

Apparently the locality they were approaching had been set aside as a very exclusive residence district for the elite of the country.

The society editors must have been there for one thing, judging from elite galaxy of names which appeared next day.

They are occupied by the elite of the East Side; that is to say, doctors, lawyers, politicians, who still find it profitable to live among their clients and constituents.

On this occasion they were brilliantly lit up, and filled with the elite of the native population.

The terms of play, as well as the management, were such as to exclude all except the wealthy elite.

That same day, on the seventh tee of the Elite course, Toots promised to marry Ripley two weeks from Wednesday.

"Yes, Sir," replied the young doctor, sounding the proper note of deference for a man who communed daily with the political elite.

The chief pointed out that Winthrop was to be one of the elite, one of those whose work justified the existence of the huge staff.

High or low, rich or poor, the elite or the multitude, let us pity each other, let us pity every one.

It must cease to be the property of an elite academic dispensing agency, and become the property of those, who, valuing form less than substance, will not so much dispense it as interpret it.

Some remarkable literary lion had come to town, and the elite had turned out to see him feed and hear him roar, if he could be induced to perform.

In the past their social position has been well below that of the lawyers, doctors, soldiers, and civil servants who were the elite of the old middle class.

The building is a handsome one, with an extremely fine ballroom, where dances, given every week through the season, are attended by the elite of Sofia.

Visions of his future work flashed across her mind, implanted there by childhood hours spent watching other members of this elite profession at their thrilling work.

The early labor movement which strove to organize the mass of industrial workers was soon replaced by skilled trade unions which aimed at the organization of a labor elite.