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Definition of elite:

  • (noun) a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status
  • (adjective) selected as the best; "an elect circle of artists"; "elite colleges"

Sentence Examples:

They paid tribute or taxes as the price of living within the defense perimeter of the ruling elite, conforming to the chief aspects of its culture and in emergencies taking refuge inside the city defenses.

Maintenance of large elaborate households by political leaders, and in later periods of empire building, by the successful merchants and technicians, led to the employment of many servants, including subordinate members and relatives of the elite.

It was an intermediate period, and the comparatively small group formed by the elite of the rich, refined, and intelligent classes led an existence in which the elements of publicity and privacy were curiously combined.

If it goes down to the bloody French Elite, a part of me will die as well.

You are a set of traitors, you pose as being the elite, but you are criminals, shame on such villainy.

The archers formed the elite of the Persian infantry.

Within the capacious grounds are several elegant cottages, which are greatly sought for by the elite.

Let them ask that the burden of culture studies be put where it belongs, that is, on the shoulders of those who are the sole beneficiaries; and that free popular education be made popular, that is, for all, and not for an elite of society.

Our horsemen could cross here only one by one so that there was congestion, and the elite company lost several men.

This probably was not because of a relaxed attitude on the part of the ruling elite; rather, it was more likely because of the lack of technology necessary for jamming operations and the expense involved.

The ruling elite, apparently feeling insecure both for their personal safety and for the future of the country, launched an intensive campaign to win popular support by appealing to the people's nationalist and patriotic sentiments.

Came a sharp command from the elite corp of three thousand disciplinary units.

None of these elite were making any effort to approach the buffet or the portable bar at the other side of the room.

The ruling elite also includes members of the cultural and intellectual elite who, by virtue of their political loyalty and willingness to serve the regime, share in the privileges usually reserved to the top leadership.

Social restructuring has resulted in a system wherein the party elite occupies the highest level.

Children of workers and peasants will not be denied opportunity for higher education, but it would appear that the path to opportunity will be easier for children of the party elite and the professional classes.

All the elite of the city, wealth, beauty, fashion, gallantry, and talent, were mingled in gay confusion.

A special bribe got her from under the nose of some of Pasadena's elite who were besieging the employment agency.

Prim chanced to be entertaining the feminine elite of Oakdale across the hall.

The implication that hackers form a sort of elite of technological Jedi Knights is intended.

"I do not exaggerate their value, but they are the elite."

He organized a chosen group of men from the elite of his companions, and formed with them a secret association, of which the object was to fix and maintain among its members the principles and points of honor in their strictest form.

These details, while significant, tend to blur the cardinal change: the transformation of the Nationalist party from a revolutionary elite with long-range effectiveness into a mass organization designed for propaganda and immediate general measures.

Our hero was now living amongst the elite of the metropolis, and his daily communion with men of taste, feeling, and education, produced a quick and remarkable change for the better in his manners and personal appearance.

With the advent of the information and action technologies of the twenty-first century, the present concept of professions as repositories of esoteric knowledge employed by social elites is rapidly becoming outdated.

Resolving, therefore, to keep up those halcyon days at all hazards, the great saloons of the stately hall were thrown open, and now they were filled with the elite of the city, all waiting impatiently for the coming of the bride.

It abdicates in favor of its elite, and consents to obey whoever that elite may confide in.

The Revolution of 1789 had as its real object the substitution of the power of the nobility by that of the bourgeoisie; that is, an old elite which had become incapable was to be replaced by a new elite which did possess capacity.

It was an immense assemblage, composed of the elite of what was foremost in the city for property, talent, respectability; and took for its business the consideration of the times: the distress of the times, and the nature of the remedy.

I'm fortunate to have a father and no questions asked, yet just because I can write me check, as they think, for a million and have it honored, I'm 'my boy' to the elite of the land, the 'best people.'

Children and young people who are too intelligent, too good, in other words, children of the elite class demand a special treatment, just as much as any other class of beings that pass beyond the bounds of average normality.

Ever the adapters, the former communist elites converted to ardent capitalism.

They are the upstarts, those who seek to undermine the existing elite, to replace it and, ultimately to join it.

Both prescribed the unabashed, unmitigated, unrestrained, forced transfer of wealth from one elite to another.

For the most part, elite hackers seem to work alone, because of the well-advertised risks of getting caught.

Most elite hackers couldn't care less about the average person's home computer.

The next generation of elite hackers are a diverse bunch, and relaying their stories would take another book entirely.

One might have found such a place catering to the elite of a big city.

A banker now is bankrupt, and the guy in the Elite is selling out his socks and pants to put him on his feet.

The wealthy elite sons and daughters of the hacienda studied at institutions of higher learning abroad.

In the control room, however, there was a platoon of elite guards, clustered so closely about the commander and his officers that needles could not be used; a group that would have to be wiped out by hand.

The elite librarians could still identify the books they had blessed, but the provincials could have their say as well; and, given the variability of literary tastes over the ages, the latter in some cases might prevail anyway.

His company would make a fortune selling pricey information to the elite.

Let us subject this social elite to a philosophic examination.

Is this the best idea that the elite bureaucrats in the Ministry of Agriculture could come up with?

He was entertained royally by the elite of the golden people.

"I know that Monsieur Thierry was in very comfortable circumstances and had most desirable social connections; that he went into society and received at his own house the very elite of persons of intellect."

With a dread of being alone he attached a few friends, but since they were not among the elite of the school, he used them simply as mirrors of himself, audiences before which he might do that posing absolutely essential to him.

I have the command of a flying corps, composed of the elite of the troops.

Leaving the elite on one side, would science suffice to pacify desire, lull suffering, and satisfy the dream?

After this the doors were thrown open to the invited guests, and for the remainder of the evening the house was thronged with the elite of the city, and with friends and acquaintances from other parts of the country.