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Definition of embodiment:

  • (noun) a new personification of a familiar idea; "the embodiment of hope";
  • (noun) a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept; "a circle was the embodiment of his concept of life"
  • (noun) giving concrete form to an abstract concept

Sentence Examples:

It is a monstrous embodiment of disease.

Is the embodiment of craft absent?

Perfect embodiment of the legal mind.

He became the very embodiment of restlessness.

She became the embodiment of possible failure.

It is the embodiment of popular ideals.

Prometheus became the embodiment of pure reason.

He is the embodiment of the ordinary.

The missionaries are the embodiment of hospitality.

He was an embodiment of perpetual motion.

It is the embodiment of turmoil, unrest.

You seem the very embodiment of truth.

He is a living embodiment of contagious energy.

He is the embodiment of a good follower.

He was the very embodiment of cheer.

He sat there, the embodiment of disappointment.

The guy was an embodiment of silence.

He was the embodiment of spiritual knowledge.

He was the embodiment of beaming joy!

She is there the embodiment of restriction.

He was the embodiment of searching coolness.

Such embodiment will maintain its individual existence.

He was considered the embodiment of wisdom.

They are the very embodiment of desolation.

How far is truth susceptible of embodiment?

He was the embodiment of refined cruelty.

A bovine bull is the embodiment of heaven.

Amid war, be the living embodiment of peace.

Howe's life became an embodiment of this romance.

We are the embodiment of hope for progress.

The code of which life is the embodiment.

He was the human embodiment of a cause.

This mother was the embodiment of maternity.

It is the embodiment of an idea or thought.

He seemed to be the embodiment of joyous life.

His imagination was essentially one of distinct embodiment.

My cousin is the embodiment of the anti-tradition.

A glacier is the embodiment of irresistible force.

He is the embodiment of the cosmic relation.

She is the vigorous embodiment of sensible womanhood.

The object is an embodiment of the force.

She seemed such an embodiment of vital things.

There he stood, a living embodiment of terror.

They seemed a concrete embodiment of practical advice.

He was an embodiment of forces mutually antagonistic.

It seemed the embodiment of cold, silent strength.

Forms are the embodiment of thought or law.

He regards the creation as part of our embodiment.

He became the physical embodiment of that one idea.

Human language itself is an embodiment of social force.

He was the embodiment of the slave power.

She was such a burning embodiment of pride.

There was need for this embodiment of troops.

The treasure represents the embodiment of worldly power.

Was this not an embodiment of their dreams?

He was the embodiment of piety and honesty.

Universal religions have given these attempts an embodiment.

They may be the very embodiment of reason.

She had become the embodiment of the music.

She was the embodiment of a perpetual pain.

Rosamond has always been the embodiment of health.

She was simply the embodiment of his ideal.

He seemed the very embodiment of woe and degradation.

He is the living embodiment of hope and faith.

Their embodiment is utilitarian, that of art is aesthetic.

Hughes was the embodiment of force without power.

Her singing was the embodiment of dramatic expression.

The place was the embodiment of calm prosperity.

The embodiment of life in seed is a universal sacrifice.

"The embodiment of goodness, charity and kindly feeling."

She was the very embodiment of faint desire.

It seems the very embodiment of violence and force.

The embodiment of her ideal might be among them.

She is inspiring, the embodiment of your best ideals.

They're a sort of embodiment of romance, that family.

His features present an embodiment of three distinct races.

She stood there the embodiment of an imperative question.

The figure is the very embodiment of energetic action.

He was transformed into the very embodiment of despair.

Again the apartment seemed to become the embodiment of repose.

He looked to be the embodiment of sunshine and health.

He is the embodiment of a program, a walking tendency.

Some mental and emotional contents are incapable of definite embodiment.

You always seemed to me the embodiment of common sense.

Wilton, the embodiment of all that is purely woman.

She has committed no sin in her present embodiment.

Here was the living embodiment of money and power.

"No better embodiment of stately grace could be found."

A white embodiment of purity and gentleness she looked.

The military arm is part of this moral embodiment.

The fatal drink is the visible embodiment of fate.

This embodiment, again, constitutes the moral progress of mankind.

And she bustled around, the embodiment of beautiful life.

Verve was there none in the whole ephemeral embodiment.

He returned the picturesque embodiment of the far West.

Nature became the embodiment of an intelligent, sympathetic, spiritual force.

We are the embodiment of convention, the product of tradition.

He was the embodiment of the spiritual ideal in life.

Because one's friends are only the embodiment of one's ideas.

Phil Bourne must be an embodiment of his grandmother, then!