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Definition of embodiment:

  • (noun) a new personification of a familiar idea; "the embodiment of hope";
  • (noun) a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept; "a circle was the embodiment of his concept of life"
  • (noun) giving concrete form to an abstract concept

Sentence Examples:

Angelica is the embodiment of mortal frailty.

She is the embodiment of actual girlhood.

She was an embodiment of tortured indecision.

He was the very embodiment of probity.

His call is the embodiment of cheerfulness.

Every movement was the embodiment of stealth.

They defy embodiment in clear-cut determinate forms.

The vision was too sweetly ethereal for embodiment.

The embodiment was as natural as a sunbeam.

Here we have the embodiment of prayer, of supplication.

They seem the very embodiment of graceful drowsiness.

In him Modernity finds a most malign embodiment.

Richard listened, looking the embodiment of generous contrition.

The embodiment is perishable, the source of it imperishable.

He is the concentrated embodiment of spite and viciousness.

To them granny is the embodiment of great happiness.

Her drooping figure is the embodiment of dazed remorse.

The warship itself is the embodiment of tactical ideas.

He was an embodiment of exulting hope and fine aspirations.

He preaches unselfishness, while himself the embodiment of self.

It is the embodiment and vindication of our transatlantic liberty.

He glanced again angrily at the embodiment of irreverence opposite.

An Indian hotel is the embodiment of dirt and discomfort.

His life was an embodiment of the virtues he inculcated.

Indeed, he was an admirable embodiment of the American scout.

He was a lovable personality and the embodiment of honor.

The feudal system was a very complete embodiment of despotism.

It is the concrete embodiment of love, self-denial, and reverence.

He was the embodiment of kindliness and consideration for everybody.

She now seemed the embodiment of all goodness and loveliness.

He was the very embodiment of treachery, ferocity, and bravado.

The ascetic priest is the embodiment of this very wish.

In brief, because she is the embodiment of all womanly virtues?

He was the embodiment of the boyhood of our new world.

The room seemed to him the embodiment of luxury and magnificence.

Madame de Mortemart is the very embodiment of subtlety and cunning.

Little, indeed, is there of the tonal embodiment of subjective ideas.

Half a sovereign is a very convenient embodiment of ten shillings.

"You are a practical embodiment of the beauty and expediency of selfishness."

I loathe you as the embodiment of all the wickedness on earth.

She is represented as the embodiment of pure, the purest philanthropy.

She seemed the embodiment of sensuous youth and health and life.

One of his functions is to act as an embodiment of virile power.

Wherefore an embodiment of sorrow walked hand in hand with Jeff.

And especially abhorrent to him was their free embodiment in art.

It was an exhilaration even to look at that embodiment of physical development.

The lithe, lean, springing body seemed the very embodiment of speed.

He was the embodiment of manly independence and vigorous, tireless militancy.

It mingled in every feverish dream, became the embodiment of every vision.

A battleship may be taken as the concrete embodiment of this view.

It wags the philosophic tongue at every conceivable embodiment of popular superstition.

He was to them an odious embodiment of the abhorred principles of Abolitionism.

We cleave to the abstract idea closer even than to its concrete embodiment.

Now, it was unmistakably himself, the handsome, brilliant embodiment of it all.

She seemed to Mohammed the very embodiment of loveliness, chastity, and innocence.

The howling dog, an embodiment of the wind and herald of death.

He reproved her optimism in vain; for was he not its embodiment?

Such an embodiment of light might have done much to enlighten the world.

She appears to the reader as the embodiment of human abnegation and devotion.

She was not Rachel, but some new embodiment of surrender and acquiescence.

You are to me the embodiment of what is charming and serviceable in woman.

They stood, a solid embodiment of law and order, discipline, and decorum.

Her love, her hope, the embodiment of her desire for unearthly joy!

It is now a rhetorical or poetical name for the embodiment of impenetrable hardness.

The secret of this personality was the embodiment of an unshakable religious devotion.

Madame de Sta?l was a plain, energetic embodiment of the most impassioned genius.

Hildegard, who had ever appeared to him the very embodiment of conscious equanimity!

I am, then, the embodiment of this wonderful candor that you have discovered.

Walton leaned back in his chair, the embodiment of peace and placid content.

You know the gesture well; it is almost the embodiment of childlike humility.

I have the somewhat whimsical idea that you are the human embodiment of her.

She's a charming little creature; the very embodiment of cheerfulness and good humor.

Another voice chimed in now, which was the very embodiment of refined horror.

He has great intelligence and power and is the very embodiment of blasphemy.

He is the embodiment of routine and conservatism, because he is the embodiment of mediocrity.

She, all unconscious, smiled genially, and indeed seemed the very embodiment of mirth.

To the mountain mind the policeman becomes the embodiment of a righteously executed law.

It was an embodiment of all that was skillful and beautiful in manly action.

The whole theory of government is the embodiment of parental love and filial piety.

Socialism is the very embodiment of selfishness; its aim is that of legalized plunder.

To him, at present, Juliette represented the perfect embodiment of his most idealistic dreams.

The idea of law as the embodiment of absolute power pervaded the Roman mind.

They are claimed to be the embodiment of the finest American skill and workmanship.

Even tradition, however, is often simply the corporeal embodiment, as it were, of heredity.

I had become the embodiment of my own epigram, "a tariff for revenue only."

The words are more a clothing for the thought than an embodiment of it.

The Doge, the living embodiment of the Republic, presided over all these assemblies.

He was the embodiment of kindness, and his consideration for others was unfailing.

He was an embodiment of ideas which, abstractly, were too exalted for her to reach.

I never saw the man, but he is the living embodiment of an illiterate age.

Fog and drizzle, frost and fog, were the embodiment of its unvarying mutability.

Is it the astral embodiment of "They also serve who only stand and wait"?

I wish I had been an austere embodiment of the seven deadly virtues like you, amigo.

Its application is its embodiment; without it, it is a mere figment of the brain.

Franklin was received with ludicrous adulation as an embodiment of republican virtue and philosophic thought.

There stood an idle group that suddenly gave before a reeling, haggard embodiment of hatred.

It is an embodiment of the hard and unrelenting tyranny of the powers that are.

As a matter of fact, the totem is already itself the embodiment of a soul.

A Gothic cathedral of the thirteenth century is an embodiment of the infinite world itself.

In legendary lore the embodiment of chivalry is Roland: in history it is Godfrey de Bouillon.