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Use enema in a sentence

Definition of enema:

  • (noun) injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation; sometimes used for diagnostic purposes

Sentence Examples:

The enema is absolutely necessary.

Or enema injections may be employed.

A simple enema is given each morning.

Another valuable procedure is the cooling enema.

An enema will often give instant relief.

The thirst is relieved by saline enemas.

We used occasionally the warm water enema.

Every night an enema of warm water.

The enema bag you select is important.

It forms an excellent enema with olive oil.

The bowels are regulated by oil enemas.

If constipation occurs an enema may be given.

The routine use of enemas deserves to be condemned.

Constipation now should be treated with an enema.

He understood the use of enemas and artificial feeding.

A high enema is really an irrigation as described above.

The following remarks apply to low enemas only.

Enemas are generally used to cause evacuation of the bowels.

This efficiency cannot even be approached with an enema.

All enemas should be given through a colon tube.

They will not even bear the mention of an enema.

The following nutrient enemas may be ordered by name.

Either the hot or the cold enema may be employed.

This is occasionally true in the case of the hot enema.

Your patients certainly won't have to wait for enemas and purges.

Once you get the right idea, all enemas will be superfluous.

Usually it is best to use plain water for the enema.

He did enemas daily even though it wasn't his favorite thing.

A similar objection is offered concerning the use of the enema.

There are several postures in which an enema may be taken.

The temperature of the enema should be agreeable to the patient.

The essential thing is the doctor, the enema, the temperature.

The bowels were confined five days, and then opened by enema.

This is the point to learn an advanced self-administered enema technique.

Should your stomach raise objections to the enema, change the time.

Sometimes an enema will be required if the medicine will not act.

It may be necessary to clean out the bowel by an enema.

Don't screw around with him, or he'll give you a Tesla enema.

Administer enema of warm water in which a little soap is dissolved.

Between the nutrient enemas it is advisable to give one of saline solution.

An infusion made from the seeds of the tree is used as an enema.

Move the bowels with salts and, if necessary, give an enema also.

An ordinary syringe or enema syringe with suitable nozzle should be used.

An enema of cold water is in such cases often an immediate cure.

The enema, regularly and properly used, is the remedy par excellence.

Thirst is relieved by bits of ice, and enemas are given if necessary.

Nearly all persons can take the enema with comfort and satisfaction.

If necessary, give enemas of warm water three or four times a day.

I depend chiefly upon an enema of warm water when constipation is present.

To quiet the excited bowels, nothing is better than enemas of cool water.

The enema came into use soon after the invention of the apparatus itself.

A large hot enema should be given after each evacuation of the bowels.

Enema after enema should be given until the water comes back clear.

If this does not take place naturally, it should be obtained by an enema.

And all of them will not be removed by the tenth enema.

What an erroneous and absurd idea that the enema should weaken the bowels!

Few people these days have any idea how to properly give themselves an enema.

At the start and end of the fasting day he also took an enema.

Should I use an enema when I feel like this, or wait for natural results?

After that she had never gone a day without a pill or an enema.

Enemas (see) of either cold or warm water, as required, will also greatly help.

If he refused to have an enema, she'd chase him through all the rooms.

An enema should never be given to infants in the presence of older children.

Should his stomach reject it thus administered, it must be given as an enema.

What more gentle means of exercising the large intestines than by the enema?

What more gentle means of exercising the large intestine than by the enema?

The temperature of this enema begins one degree higher than that of the body.

When a change for the better took place, enemas were applied and relief afforded.

This treatment will often cure without enemas, which may then be dispensed with.

The temperature of the water used for an enema should be about one hundred degrees.

If the first enema should prove ineffective, it should be repeated in half an hour.

A fourth objection is that after taking the first enema the constipation is worse.

The number of glucose enemas given each day must be regulated by the physician.

A simple enema of warm water will be all that is needed to aid in this.

The cleansing enema should be given one hour before the nutrient enema is to be given.

The condition for which an enema is used is disturbing and poisoning to the system.

The high enema should be administered, thus removing the contents of the lower bowels.

On learning this fact, the attendants were instructed to employ the enema in this way.

A rectal enema must be given every twenty-four hours if the bowels have not moved.

If your life is of no greater value than theirs, for leisure's sake don't use the enema!

Saline enema as above, with the addition of white of eggs, to be repeated every half hour.

At all events it will not answer to leave the enema and its administrator unspecified.

The first three nights I directed a hot water enema to be given every night.

The normal salt solution is the best agent to use for a high enema in infants.

The first plausible objection to the use of the enema is that it is not natural.

From three to four nutrient enemas a day is about the limit for the average patient.

The condition for which an enema is used is one of disturbance and poison to the system.

Nourishment must be given, and, if necessary, this can be in the form of nutrient enemas.

The way that Nature prescribes is the resort daily, two or three times, to the enema.

At the same time, an enema of warm water and vinegar should be given twice a day.

Then this objection to the use of the enema will indeed be the most important of all.

Repeat in three days and continue as long as worms are being brought away by the enemas.

Twice a week they give her medicine, and the other days an enema; both do her good.

When the medicine cannot be tolerated by the stomach it may be given by enema in milk.

Do not make more than three attempts to fill and clean the colon with an enema bag.

Give S.S. enema, provided you have the time to do it in, and the syringe to do it with.

It is given by the mouth for round stomach worms, and as an enema for pin worms.

And while I can eat with my mouth I propose to get along without the nutrient enema.

Show how to prepare and administer a salt and water enema to a grown person; to a baby.

He drinks a lot of pure spring water, and he flushes his bowels with two or three enemas.