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Use enema in a sentence

Definition of enema:

  • (noun) injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation; sometimes used for diagnostic purposes

Sentence Examples:

A turpentine enema should be injected.

A copious enema should be immediately exhibited.

Take an enema or a dose of castor oil.

Should the insensibility continue, give a Turpentine enema.

As soon as possible, administer enema or dose of castor oil.

The bag is designed for either enemas or vaginal douches.

Enemas should be carefully given and the liquid slowly injected.

A tobacco enema has resulted fatally within a few minutes.

They are administered in the form of a decoction, by enema.

The ethereal enemas should be simultaneously exhibited, and repeated every half-hour.

This material does not respond to laxatives or casually administered enemas.

I drowned three times and a purple octopus gave me an enema.

This patient had been treated by enemas, laxatives, diet, etc.

Its place may be taken by a daily enema of tepid water.

Even ailments like jaundice can be cured by the application of the enema.

If distention were present, plain soap enemas with turpentine gave very satisfactory results.

Not a few persons use the hydrant pressure of their houses in taking an enema.

In urgent cases a starch enema should be given containing a minute quantity of laudanum.

To bring away a quantity of feces does not exhaust the purpose of the enema.

An ethereal enema, and a dose or two of the medicine, will generally restore the animal.

Injected warm, this enema is found to have a powerful and immediate effect in intermittent fevers.

If not an emergency, the bowels are emptied by a laxative and enema the day before.

Babies may be given a few teaspoonfuls of warm water, or an enema of salt and water.

Occasionally enemas are taken under difficulties, for some cramp when water is introduced into the bowel.

Colic resulting from the accumulation of fecal matter should be treated with hot enemas until relieved.

For the treatment, in the first instance, a turpentine enema will frequently cut short the attack.

A pad of gauze may be pressed against the anus to assist the patient in retaining the enema.

During this period the bowels are moved by enema or by some vegetable cathartic, or even castor oil.

The hot bath, with a copious enema of warm water, has saved the lives of many babes.

Subsequent movements of the bowels should be daily obtained by vegetable laxatives with occasional enemas, as needed.

To make assurance doubly sure, give the bowels a good cleaning out with either enemas or cathartics, or both.

When an enema is momentarily perceived unpleasantly, the correct name for the experience is a sensation, not pain.

If soap suds are used in the enema, green or soft soap should be used, not the hard soap.

Hot applications with the enema, vaginal douche, or foot bath, has usually been all that was required.

Injecting an entire gallon of water with an enema bag is very impractical when a person is eating normally.

Ether and laudanum, by mouth and enema, are at first to be employed; and, generally, they are successful.

To give yourself an enema, completely fill the bag with tepid water that does not exceed body temperature.

A similar result has been known to follow soiling of the sheets by the escape of a turpentine enema.

For the first few days it is well to take an enema of warm, soapy water at this time.

We took copious enemas daily, and I took a cabinet sweat, followed by a cold plunge every other day.

A small, cold enema taken just before retiring, and retained, will often do much to allay local irritation.

Should no good effects ensue, in another hour throw up a tobacco-smoke enema by means of the machine here represented.

These old fecal deposits do not come out the first time one has enemas or necessarily the fifth time.

If there is a strong tendency to evacuate the enema, pressure should be made against the rectum with a pad.

It should be given by enema in teaspoonful doses, repeated every six hours until the desired effect is produced.

If it is due to decomposed food, drink lots of warm water and take an enema and also a dose of salts.

The motion to the enema as offensive as before, but the breath is less offensive to me: not so fetid.

Let the victim object to the disease that necessitates the use of the enema, and he will shortly be well.

Violent cathartics should not be used at all, and enemas as little as possible; only when quick results are necessary.

However, it is better to take a mild cathartic or an enema than to allow the colon to become loaded with waste.

Let the victim object to the disease that necessitates the use of the enema, and all will shortly be well.

Many that write about the use or abuse of the enema have never seen the mucous membrane of the rectum and colon.

In beginning the use of the enema it is well to inject from a half to a pint of water, and expel it.

At least three hours are devoted to giving this amount of fluid, the rectum being first washed out with a simple enema.

The bowels should be freed from all fecal matter, and cool, small enemas be given two or three times a day.

My cure for a cold is to take an enema and a laxative, eat nothing for twenty-four hours, and drink plenty of water.

As the water when given in this way is expelled very quickly the enemas may be repeated any number of times desired.

Where the cold enema is dreaded, one of hot thin starch, with fifteen drops of laudanum in it, may be used for adults.

It is, therefore, important to choose foods which are readily digested, and also to continue to take the enema daily until the muscles have been sufficiently built up to make a natural movement possible.

This form of instrument remained in use till the beginning of the nineteenth century, although the elaborate enema syringe, on the principle of the force pump, had been in use since the fifteenth century at least.

A child one year of age will be given one teaspoon, from one to four years of age a teaspoon to a tablespoon is allowed, and up to twelve years from one to eight tablespoons are given in the nutrient enema.

Increase the water drinking, and, after seven or eight hours, hot cloths should be applied over the bladder; a large enema (enema bag should be hung low) should also be given, retaining as much as is possible.

The enema, moreover, be it noted, not only aids the system by relieving it of its loads; it cleanses and soothes an organ that must be kept at work and perform its functions even when invaded by disease.

During the first few days of fasting if two or three enemas are administered each day in immediate succession the colon is soon completely emptied of recently eaten food, and it becomes progressively easier to introduce larger amounts of water.

She started on a long fast supported by powdered vitamins, vegetable broth and herb teas, but after three weeks was too weak to do her own enemas at home and could not shop for vegetables to cook into broth.

This should be administered by dipping it in a little warm sweet oil, and should then be gently introduced up the bowel in the same manner as you would an enema pipe, allowing about a quarter of an inch to remain in view.

Do you realize how often the upper end of the intestinal canal is washed or bathed daily with liquids, soft and hard drinks, hot and cold, especially by those who have formed the drink habit instead of the enema habit?

When the use of Opium is clearly indicated, and the patient from any cause is unable to swallow, it may be given in an enema; in this case a larger dose, a third or even a half larger, is required than when given by mouth. f.

Parents will find the little ear syringe, which may be purchased at any drug store, a most satisfactory instrument for giving enemas to infants, as they do not hold too much, and being soft, are incapable of tearing the delicate tissues of the child.