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Use fall-through in a sentence

Definition of fall through:

  • (verb) fail utterly; collapse;

Sentence Examples:

I felt as if I were falling through illimitable space.

I do not wish so loftily to speak, Lest I should fail and fall through very fear.

Perhaps the projectile was falling through space.

The brightest light falls through the windows in the thinner wall which supports the cupolas.

I see a ray of sunlight falling through the chinks of the shutters.

They would fall through at the last, ripping out the bulkheads and carrying her down bow first.

He falls through me, yet falls by the common hangman.

If this scheme falls through, we shall have our perch raked with machine guns.

"Well, all I hope is that a tall giraffe will not fall through on top of me."

"I don't want any of my six little Bunkers falling through the ice."

The cats were supposed to fall through the skylight.

A poor fellow was killed here, just before we entered, by falling through the skylight roof.

They might even find us a skipper, if your negotiations fall through.

He was obsessed by a childish, though not unnatural, fear of falling through some trap.

He felt himself falling through space into a bottomless anguish.

There were holes in this metal basket for the cinders to fall through.

Just don't fret a bit, for the whole thing may fall through.

The straps on one of the sleds had broken, allowing part of the contents to fall through.

Quiet daylight falls through the greenish white of the leaded panes.

The wind had veered once more, and a cold drizzle of rain was falling through a yellow fog.

The paddy that falls through is taken and stored in the loft in large round bins made of bark.

The bag gets sopped at once and the pears fall through it.

The detached seed will then fall through a grid provided for the purpose.

They were quarrelsome birds, and were often seen falling through the air fighting vigorously.

You are endangering both of us, and the plan will fall through.

The lark dropped down from heaven, suddenly falling through the air, mute.

The dirt and flesh fall through the gauze and are sent to the fertilizer factory.

The carrion birds eat off the flesh, and the bones fall through a grating.

While the wood is burning, the stones become red-hot, and fall through into the hole.

He let out a little squeak of fear as he felt himself falling through space.

A horse falling through sheer exhaustion, rider and beast were left to extricate themselves.

When the wave rolled back to the sea, the weight of the frigate made it fall through the roof.

I am a cripple; I was injured by falling through a sidewalk.

Unhappily for him, however, he did not fall through completely.

The spray, falling through the hot vapor, partially condenses it and takes up some of its heat.

Across the spring sunshine falling through the leaves came a sparrow's song.

Oblongs of light, falling through the windows, danced and shifted.

The light falling through this skylight passed through plate glass of marvelous transparency.

A raised rim round the hole in the center will prevent the bran falling through.

Falling through space they give rise to eddying motions by mutual impact.

It was nothing more than a bright sunbeam falling through the window.

We must be careful, or somebody may fall through some fissure.

I felt as though I were falling through illimitable space.

Does the air obstruct bodies when falling through it?

Other women fall through egotism or ambition; you would fall through pity.

He began to fall through space until his parachute opened.

Whoever stepped on the boughs was bound to fall through and kill himself on the spikes.

As it slips from the brim a gleam of sunshine falls through the boughs and meets it.

The walls quivered, then the whining, sighing, falling through a dense sea of twisting vapor.

She let the pistol fall through a crack between the planks of the wharf.

A wintry sunshine was falling through the farthest window upon the bare white walls.

Some fall through and are annihilated, others remain above and are selected, as the phrase goes.

The clutch was instantaneously torn apart, and I was falling through the air.

Above all, let us have no sentimentality now or everything will fall through.