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Use fidget in a sentence

Definition of fidget:

  • (noun) a feeling of agitation expressed in continual motion
  • (verb) move restlessly; "The child is always fidgeting in his seat"

Sentence Examples:

Exclaimed the grocer, fidgeting about.

He fidgeted his umbrella testily.

Exclaimed the boy, fidgeting uncomfortably.

Then you shouldn't fidget and yawn.

His lordship fidgeted and took snuff.

Pray don't fidget so dreadfully, George.

Some coughed; others fidgeted with muffs.

Joe fidgeted again on his improvised seat.

The stout lady fumed and fidgeted.

Gregory Hall fidgeted in an embarrassed way.

Anne would have fidgeted frightfully about a son.

He was in a fidget of suppressed exultation.

He fidgeted and turned ghastly with vexation.

"Don't fidget, grandmother," said her grandchild soothingly.

Life brims with such homespun, everyday fidgets.

He fidgeted uncomfortably, looking contrite yet rebellious.

I fidgeted about till I was unusually wakeful.

You are always fretting and fidgeting over it.

The wily savage started, fidgeting as he sat.

He fidgeted a little, his tail wagging fast.

Looks fixedly at his coat until he fidgets.

Children accustomed to proper teaching of course fidget.

You fidget so that you make me dreadfully nervous.

The children fidgeted dreadfully during these remarks.

Janet could not help fidgeting almost audibly.

The other men were snoring or fidgeting restlessly.

Aimlessly he fidgeted about the spacious, well-appointed office.

Mrs Sullivan fidgeted and ruminated, and became uneasy.

The horses became somewhat restive, snorting and fidgeting.

He readjusted his paper and fidgeted his pencil.

Muttered the Boy impatiently, fidgeting where he sat.

The latter fidgeted, shame again reddening his cheeks.

Cries Jim brusquely, and fidgeting in his chair.

The old gentleman reddened, and fidgeted a little.

There were others, too, agreeably fidgeted about this arrival.

He heaved a little sigh, fidgeting with his fingers.

I began to get the fidgets about the Stand-by.

Exclaims the dismayed doctor, fidgeting with his ruffles.

He fidgeted about a little, then began to grumble again.

It fidgets me to have Nora fumbling with the hooks.

Davy flushed and fidgeted and felt much embarrassed.

He fidgeted through interminable ritualistic cups of hot water.

Rock fidgeted while his eyes roved about the room.

The Indian fidgeted, but he could not avoid an answer.

Lady Clifford fidgeted about from one room to another aimlessly.

I fumed and fidgeted around the office some few minutes.

The mothers fidgeted, each after her own manner, meditatively.

Rose's terrier was up and fidgeting, with pricked ears.

Muttered his passenger, fidgeting about and straining his neck.

I have a beastly headache, and you fidget me to death.

Chappell fidgeted nervously, twirling his hat in his hand.

Terence, who disliked a scene beyond anything, fidgeted restlessly.

"These people walking about fidget me," he added rather irritably.

"I don't look presentable," she murmured, fidgeting in the chair.

He fidgeted with his specs and bent over to look.

I used to be a placid girl; now I am a fidget.

Twitters (after a short pause, during which he has fidgeted).

Elise looked reproachfully at her father, who was undeniably fidgeting.

She made no answer, but went on fidgeting the teacup.

Even the ex-police detective, usually so stolid, began to fidget.

I felt like a hog in armor, fidgeting inside and out.'

Not being of a contemplative or egotistical disposition, he soon fidgeted.

I never saw such an inquisitive little fidget as he is.

He was fidgeting and writhing like a bird in a cage.

Then she fidgeted because a stray sunbeam came too near her.

Little men may wriggle and fidget without attracting notice.

"Of course, I should fidget about you," she said, indignantly.

His own fidgeted, flung up wide nostrils and neighed shrilly.

Do sit down, Guy: it fidgets one to see you so undecided.

Abroad, everything is discomfiture; at home all is fidget and uneasiness.

He is a most melancholic young man, and he fidgets her.

If he fidgets, and drinks quantities of water, then he's dissipated!

His undecided fidgeting with his rifle made this abundantly clear.

Fretting and fidgeting and violent fanning add to one's discomfort.

He fidgeted about, listening with obvious suffering to the girl's raucous voice.

She fidgeted with the slightly frayed silk of her chair.

He drew rein sharply, and the animal stood fidgeting and fretful.

She fidgeted about the rooms vainly seeking something to amuse her.

The American fidgeted, blushed slightly, and smiled a very rueful smile.

He indulged in another pensive fidget, then left her to judge.

You have done nothing but fidget, fidget for the last half-hour.

I am hot and itchy, and all of a fidget about things.

He read a reproachful question in her glance, and fidgeted under it.

The old dowager fidgeted about, her fingers ominously near the bell.

The Major fidgeted uncomfortably in the presence of the two dreamers.

She pretended to pout, fidgeted in his arm, arched her neck.

I could see that from the way she fumed and fidgeted.

"It's too cold, now," grumbled the drummer, fidgeting in the chair.

The old man fidgeted and mumbled to himself at the window.

Dora meanwhile fidgeted about, whining impatiently and wagging her thick tail.

The child cons his lesson moving; we foolishly call it "fidgeting."

I heard him rein sharply beside us and his horse fidget, panting.

Jones fidgeted nervously about, and seemed to quail under my questioning eyes.

The children whispered, fidgeted, shuffled their feet and banged their slates.

Daphne resumed her seat, her small hands fidgeting on her parasol.

"Why, yes," assented Fatty faintly, while fidgeting upon his chubby feet.

Angus McIntosh fidgeted in his chair and cleared his throat irritably.

Peter was nervous, and fidgeted with his clothes while he spoke.

He fidgeted and chafed evidently, but still kept politely at a distance.

She put on her high-heeled clogs and fidgeted out into the paddock.