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Use fidget in a sentence

Definition of fidget:

  • (noun) a feeling of agitation expressed in continual motion
  • (verb) move restlessly; "The child is always fidgeting in his seat"

Sentence Examples:

His aunt fidgeted nervously, and his uncle evaded McAllister's eye as they responded half-heartedly to his cheerful salutation.

He frowned, fidgeted, coughed, buttoned and unbuttoned his coat, and jealously watched every proceeding of his tormentor.

Satan's countenance got blank when he heard this; he wriggled and fidgeted about, and appeared to be not quite comfortable.

All the morning she fidgeted about, dreading the opportune moment and letting him retire to his slumber without speaking.

The minister's little ferret-like eyes, drooped under their puny lids, and he fidgeted on the seat with uncomfortable embarrassment.

He fidgeted nervously, and it was hard to recognize in this obsequious figure the dictator of that letter of stern refusal.

It is an unforgivable breach of etiquette to speak, fidget or otherwise disturb the guests while the numbers are being performed.

The poor relation is in a dreadful fidget whenever the little gentleman says anything that interferes with her own infallibility.

I have, too, a picture of Sir Joseph fidgeting round the room afterwards, unwillingly wearing the collar to please his family.

Here Tom caught my glance, and looked shyly into one waistcoat pocket, then into another, fidgeting on his chair, poor fellow!

He fidgeted awkwardly about it, remaining in the kitchen an unconscionable length of time, resting one foot and then the other.

Her husband listened first with indifference, then fidgeted restlessly in his chair, and at last subsided into an angry silence.

Sundry unsuccessful attempts were made to photograph the animals, but they seemed to be suffering from a severe attack of the fidgets.

He fidgeted in his chair, and anon he crossed one shapely leg over the other and thoughtfully stroked his well-turned calf.

The anxious host began to fidget about the room and give distracted replies, and the conversation grew more desultory than ever.

Sylvia sat silent, fidgeting with a signet ring, and from time to time looking questioningly into the troubled blue eyes before her.

The Welsh petty-officer fidgeted with his hands, attempted to reply, but at last turned with mild entreaty to his comrades.

She sat in her place quite unoccupied for an hour or so, looking about inquiringly, fidgeting a little, and watching the clock.

For a moment it seemed as though the man hardly liked the order, for he looked at his companion doubtfully, and fidgeted.

Remarked the Under Secretary, fidgeting with his lists resignedly, for he was under the impression that time was being lost.

Mrs Naylor sat fidgeting and restless among the matrons who presided over and superintended the enjoyments of their youthful charges.

The father has fidgeted a good deal between these two fires of filial thoughtfulness and counsel, but so far has said nothing.

He fidgeted, slapped one knee violently over the other, and jerked the Signal open as if he would rend it sheet from sheet.

There was a moment's pause, during which Andrea stood uneasily fidgeting, and his courage almost oozed away as he nervously twisted his cap.

On the other were the eighteen motionless guns, limbered up and ready, the horses fidgeting and stamping in the raw morning air.

As he drew near his destination his hands fidgeted with the window strap, yet there was an unaccountable twinkle in his eye.

I saw them fidgeting about for some time, and trying to tuck their legs under them, after the fashion of European tailors.

Boswell and Trent, each with a little missive burning his pocket, turned red, fidgeted, glared at the ocean, and made no remark.

She chafed at the quiet evenings they spent at home, and resented the reading in which he took refuge from her uneasy fidgeting.

The Child did not leave the room when she had finished her report, but fidgeted about the great silent place uncertainly.

They laughed heartily at that, the Squire's chestnut fidgeting all the while as if he thought to take his master unawares at last.

"Suppose you fellows shut up until the sun is shining again," proposed Danny Grin, who had been fidgeting restlessly in his blanket.

He took snuff as he slightly bowed in every direction, shut the lid with a snap, and fidgeted as if impatient to be gone.

I would fidget, bite my fingers, nibble the pen, break the nibs, a thousand things sooner than deliberately sit down to write.

Then he took another chair, all cushions and softness, in which he sank down luxuriously, and began to fidget with his chain.

Then another and another, while the men fidgeted about, looking at the priming of their muskets, and loosened arrows in the sheaf.

Daniel, fidgeting in his chair, waited, nervously expectant, for the protest which he felt sure his daughter might make at any moment.

The sleeping figure in that big four-poster moved a little as the tide of sound played upon it, fidgeting this way and that.

He kept walking about the rooms, or sat down to the table, nervously fidgeting with a pencil and scribbling mechanically on a paper.

And told herself she must not fidget if he were there, for the dead were used to quietness; and profound sleep covered her.

Until the drawing of the curtains he had fidgeted nervously, then, as now, mopping his forehead in despite of the raw December air.

Tom fidgeted in his seat, watching with ill-concealed vexation the confidential conversation which appeared to be going on between Julia and his cousin.

Aunt Hester, who had spent her life in a vicarage, glanced uneasily at her sister, and fidgeted with the papers in her satchel.

The children fidgeted perpetually, the little ones and the babies cried, the women scolded, and the men grumbled and occasionally quarrelled.

Fidgeting with impatience she bent over the kettle, testing the hot liquid once more by dropping a spoonful into a cup of cold water.

Attention flagged, fidgeting began, the atmosphere was rapidly becoming spoiled in spit of the patience and toleration still shown by the children.

Attention flagged, fidgeting began, the atmosphere was rapidly becoming spoiled, in spite of the patience and toleration still shown by the children.

A servant does his work badly, fidgets us by his slowness, irritates us by his thoughtlessness, and his awkward blunders make us blush.

After a few moments of fidgeting and indecision, he accepted the situation with a good-natured grin, as if its humorous side had appealed to him.

He was now tremulous with the excitement of his reminiscences; he fidgeted on the chair, and his narrative became more jerky than ever.

The other manufacturer sat quite stolid and unsmiling beside a fidgeting wife, who presently arose and swept out with a loud rustle of silks.

He was in a fidget, in a fever, putting on a spurt to come in first; skeptical moreover about his success and cynical about everything else.

What with the thirst, therefore, and the soreness of my bones, I kept fidgeting and wriggling about for several hours, without intermission.

The leading barristers turned over their briefs and snapped out replies to the other barristers with them, and fidgeted with their gowns.

For a while she kept fidgeting upon her chair, looking wistfully towards the door; her politeness maintaining doubtful strife with her anxieties.

"Please excuse me," said Mona, who was thoroughly annoyed at the fussing and fidgeting ways of her aunt, "I am a very poor reader."

He sat down near her, and as the cow fidgeted, lashed its tail and lowed, he finally said: "It's tiresome he doesn't come back."

On the opposite side of the cot Dad fidgeted with his collar and looked embarrassed and wished he could think of something to say.

Returning to consciousness, he fidgeted nervously on his chair, dipped his pen for the hundredth time, bent forward in feverish determination to work.

She stood looking down at him, while his slack lips fidgeted and his pale eyes flitted here and there over the ancient graves.

Then another and another, while the men fidgeted about, looking at the priming of their muskets, and loosened their arrows in the sheaf.

You know, mamma, two or three of papa's friends who are so wrapped up in science and literature fidget me dreadfully when they dine here.

She fidgeted slightly as the men and the parts of the men came floating dreamily through the wreckage out into the awful silence.

If he fidgets, you will find a long day on his back most fatiguing, and should he be a kicker your enjoyment will be marred.

And presently, while his men began to fidget under this inaction in the rain, two horsemen came round the bend of the highway.

When Ryan dismounted, red-eyed and hoarse from cleaving the air like a projectile, Ted was still fidgeting with a wrench and muttering gloomily.

Then dull monotony reigned once more, and Keith resumed his fidgeting back and forth between the kitchen door and his own corner.

And without waiting for a reply, he began to disentangle them, not without a good deal of fidgeting from the horse, which delayed him.

He was both an American gentleman and an American father, therefore he was accustomed to waiting for his women folk and did not fidget.

He fidgeted about the room, threw a log on the fire, drew the curtains closer, always with an occasional malevolent glance at the jacket.

She looked yellow, and thin, and voracious, and her hands began fidgeting at once with the pile of letters and circulars beside her plate.

She could hardly sit still a moment, and fidgeted on her chair repeatedly, till I feared she would topple backwards, chair and all.

When the patient came to this part of her story, she suddenly broke off, was embarrassed, fidgeted and tried to turn the subject.

Our blood becomes sluggish, we yawn and fidget while the Oriental, always imperturbable, sits unmoved, with evident satisfaction, gazing up at the sky.

Tom got down and fumbled with unaccustomed fastenings, while the horses fidgeted at the delay, and Aileen tried hard not to be nervous.

The manager, anxiously pacing the floor, after another moment or so paused at the door, fidgeted, jerked it open, and with a muffled "Pardon!"

He was fidgeting like a trapped animal, giving me the distinct sense he was doing someone's invisible bidding and was terrified he might fail.

In spite of his extraordinary conscientiousness about detail, Brahms was entirely free from pedantry and from the tendency to worry or fidget his pupil.

He fidgeted with his bridle, he loosened his sword in its sheath, he looked up and down and on all sides of him in obvious vexation.

Macintosh is certainly oppressive to sleep in, though less so than might have been expected, as the half-unconscious fidgeting of the sleeper changes the air.

The children looked blank, the dogs whined, the camel put on his haughtiest sneer, and the parrot fidgeted in his fluffed-out feather dress.

Instead of studying his move, he began to fidget again; and presently looked across the board at me with another of his condescending, patronizing smiles.

Caught in the very act of speaking to such disreputable acquaintances, Wilson now fidgeted, and moved rapidly toward his office; the men following.

With her (who counted of course as one of it) there were eight in that little stuffy room, where we fidgeted and sat and read.

I hung on my strap, fidgeting with impatience while we howled through the clashing darkness and flashed past the blurred brilliancy of the stations.

He did not fidget, he did not blush, he did not stammer; he simply returned her stare, waiting for her to find her manners.

And while he fidgeted and grumbled, her firm, efficient fingers scrubbed at him with soap and hot water and a bit of rough cloth.

The act dragged on, people coughed and fidgeted; the play seemed to grow in absurd unreality, till Roger wondered why there was no hissing.

He fidgeted from place to place, his mind heavy with distress under the shadow that threatened to blight the life of his cherished son.

It might have been caused by surprise, annoyance, anger, or simply by the desire to fidget which overcomes every one, not paralyzed, at some time or another.

Twirling his cap in his two hands and fidgeting first on one leg and then on the other, he looked the very picture of confusion.

As the class wore on, those seated about the room would either begin to fidget uncontrollably or gradually transcend earthly consciousness into a vast ocean of dreams.

After Everett had disappeared across the little bridge, Scraggy closed the rickety door of her hut and went fidgeting about in the littered room.

Presently it was joined by another, and then by a third; and the birds, fidgeting restlessly on their bough, talked together earnestly and low.

Clearly define their nature, and specify in particular whether you fidget, scatter tobacco, sneeze loudly, scrape your plate, argue, frown over bills, repeat yourself in conversation...

She sat industriously correcting exercises, and addressed no remark at all to the rebels, except to deal out order marks when people fidgeted more than usual.

"Don't get out; I can help myself in," and she clambered to his side, while he kept the fidgeting mare still with voice and touch.

All the rest of the company then began to chatter in audible whispers together; they fidgeted backwards and forwards, from one pew to the other.

I was not at all comfortable that afternoon: the more I thought, the more I walked about my boudoir in a state of high fidget and restlessness.

Kate is muttering rapidly to herself and fidgeting with her coat and bag and not really paying much attention to the cats, which is odd.