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Definition of giddy:

  • (adjective) having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling;
  • (adjective) lacking seriousness; given to frivolity;

Sentence Examples:

Then, as John stared in giddy fascination, it seemed to him that a curious phenomenon took place somewhere around him.

Suddenly, however, he began to feel giddy and fell to the ground, dropping the pitcher as he did so.

I believe he was very giddy in his youth, and then a girl he really cared for disappointed him.

After attaining a considerable elevation, he looked down from the giddy heights upon the valley he had just traversed.

My head turned giddy, my heart beat furiously under the conflict of emotions that she had roused in me.

It is but one of infinite expressions of Him, a conception which makes us giddy in the effort to realize it.

Said Van, as he held up a pair of giddy looking affairs that no drummer ever wore on his own person.

I really believe that fellow got up before daylight, to climb that giddy height and secure its virgin freshness.

And not only did the present spectacle make her giddy, but she knew there was worse beyond.

And he found the house he sought, and mounted flight after flight of stairs until he became almost giddy.

"I said pig," replied Alice; "and I wish you wouldn't keep appearing and vanishing so suddenly: you make one quite giddy."

Torches and dark figures flashed and swayed before his giddy sight; all round they hemmed him in.

The lady was looked upon as one of those giddy creatures who love to sport on the edge of an abyss.

"Never fear," said the old woman; "there is never a brown horse but is giddy, he cannot overtake us."

And therefore when he rose too high, he thought of his proper place, the ground, became giddy and fell!

He said, as Manuel left the giddy verge of the platform where he had been standing, and drew near.

Apparently, they had just started to walk down the hill, when Salter got giddy and fell over.

He was half giddy with the sense of circling depths of infinity above him, though himself raised so high.

"I said 'pig'," replied Alice; "and I wish you wouldn't keep appearing and vanishing so suddenly: you make one quite giddy!"

You are my Mentor in all that relates to etiquette, and that giddy fraction of the world termed society.

She was leaning against two large shields, which alone prevented her from falling from her giddy height.

I felt positively giddy, and it was several minutes before I was able to make any clear and definite observations.

By a series of giddy evolutions she arrived at the cart as the last of the coppers was counted out.

Although weak and giddy, he had made his way down his narrow pathway, and reported his duty done.

The unfortunate slave, who, giddy with the loss of blood, rolled inanimate beneath the wheels of the cage.

On getting up, I found my head giddy and my steps unsteady, and could hardly walk without falling.

She heard Kit's assurance that help was near and for a second she felt faint again and giddy.

Two such giddy young creatures, it was true, might certainly lose themselves without being in any particular danger.

He arrived, and found to his surprise, not the honorable lady, but the giddy girl, in the room.

Elizabeth, faint and giddy, sank into the nearest chair, and put up involuntarily her hand to her heart.

Roger nodded, and then stood at the very edge of the tower, looking down from this giddy height.

A year ago I was a giddy girl, proud to be noticed by one so high in the social sphere as you.

When she went back to her rooms she was giddy with delight; every one bowed down before her.

The cell is on the brink of a gulf worn by torrents, into which it makes one giddy to look.

When he began to be giddy, he ordered him to stop, and to follow the road which was before him.

And the desire to put his arm round that slender waist with its green ribbon made him giddy.

"No, I can see well enough," she murmured, though the landscape was moving before her eyes in giddy waves.

The words had flown, as well as the ideas which had suggested them, like so many giddy little butterflies.

There was the usual paper on the walls, of the pattern designed to make your eyes ache and your head giddy.

All his blood seemed to rush from heart to head, and he grew giddy: yet he spoke steadily enough.

The giddy feeling increased as he neared the middle, and then he stopped short, and dropped upon his knees.

I was beginning to turn giddy, like Master George here, and to feel as if my head was going to burst.

All the same, Bob, don't take any chances; and if you feel the least bit giddy, let me know.

There was silence for a minute or two, for the old lady's speech had moved even the giddy Marie.

Now I must transform the plain Josie into a giddy miss after a job selling household and jewel novelties.

Giddy feels as if cold water is coursing down her back, the palms of her hands are icy cold.

Any nervous person inclined to turn giddy would hardly have dared to venture along such a path at all.

Levesque and I opposed this; and, by taking great precautions, we safely reached the base of this giddy ledge.

Soon after the concert something happened, which gave her hopes new wings and raised her again to giddy heights.

They left the house together and Joe felt strangely light, almost giddy, as he walked across the familiar yard.

It was then I felt giddy with happiness, and I fancied the angels of heaven must envy my joy!

The mother had been checked in her giddy career, when the wife had proved herself unequal to the sacrifice.

For a moment Caroline felt giddy with the shock of her surprise, and the fear of what was coming.

The color rushed in a crimson tide to her face, and just for an instant she felt strangely giddy.

They are rounded and smooth like the human hand, abrupt nowhere, save in their giddy descent to the water.

He who has attained it grows giddy, and the fiercest winds are summoned to blow him from his eminence.

He had been reared in the mountains; and it seemed to be his highest pleasure to tread along their giddy brinks.

However, I was not a bit giddy, and looked down all the way at the raging torrent of water.

You can see how tired and giddy the Giant must have got with wandering about amongst so many Snowmen.

I looked at him, as a man whose head is turning giddy at sea looks at a rock, or any fixed object.

They were placed all round the square, and it almost made me giddy only to see them all in motion.

Through the length of five-and-twenty couples they threaded their giddy way, and a new vitality entered her form.

The stream as it flowed by, bubbled and hissed between the wheels, making me quite giddy to look at it.

He coughed and grew giddy, and the smoke all hot and stinging went through every part of him.

The wind raises the sand in tongues of flames or in funnels running up to the sky with giddy rapidity.

Lucy is represented as a high-spirited and somewhat giddy child, who is always being made aware of her moral deficiencies.

We have been young and giddy ourselves, and we can't expect boys and girls to be old before their time.

Now, however, it was running more quietly, and Bob, no longer feeling giddy, began to look around with keen interest.

The giddy females who support each shaft are sufficiently romantic to be in keeping with the decoration of the court.

For as soon as she attempted to move, she felt herself not only weak, but oddly faint and giddy.

Still giddy, but sensing no pain from his injured left arm, Gabriel made way toward the scene of conflict.

She grew giddy as she felt it coming upon her, and the lights of the two candles moved strangely.

Blindly she waited, till with a monkey-like agility, he also had traversed that giddy ledge to where she stood.

A rush of smoke and flame followed the violent opening of the door, and Code felt himself growing giddy.

He is not one of us; in other scenes, in the gay and giddy world of fashion, one is his superior.

Next moment I had picked myself up again, and, feeling very sick and giddy, scrambled to my companion's side.

Some attempted to breathe deeply and could not, and all went giddy, it seemed, but did not lose consciousness.

Peter grew almost giddy with the thought that he could have anything in the world that he wished for.

He refused to play the giddy goat, and put his nose down on the classics, logic, history, and law.

She took and read it eagerly, while her heart beat fast and her brain almost turned giddy with joy.

Weak and giddy though she was, she would not endure that from a man of whom she knew nothing.

Beware, you giddy ones, who will not know how to avoid the web by passing over and under it!

"I never saw mamma in such a passion," whispered the giddy girl to him when the others went on.

He did not look down from his giddy height, and permitted himself to think of nothing but his task.

Frances was giddy still, and stumbled as she went, though she had pledged herself never to be frightened again.

The tossing of the ship makes me strangely giddy, and many of the servants are downright ill with it.

My feet felt like lead as I ran along those dark galleries and down the stone flights of giddy stairs.

Her whole individuality, which this past week of giddy liberty had done so much to develop, cried aloud for it.

I was faint and giddy when we had looked over that one house, but the old man was not satisfied.

If he had fainted or turned giddy he must have fallen, and that wall would not have borne another person.

The surprise of this new thought turned Ivy giddy, but it also caused her to change the subject of conversation.

Then a giddy feeling of dread came over her, and she stood staring blankly at the frank-looking boy before her.

It was fearful to listen and look downward; the heads of all were giddy, and their hearts full of fear.

Giddy and tired as she felt, Nelly instantly obeyed the voice of Duty, and placed her foot on the plank.

He put the vessel to my lips, and I tasted something Hot, which made me feel very faint and giddy.

One by one they stepped on to the giddy point of rock, and, catching at the birch-bush, entered the hole.

You must pursue for three hours a giddy path, and scale a height of moving ice, called the "Camel's Hump."

And his tone was the tone of a man reaching down from a giddy height to the world beneath him.

He felt very giddy, blue lights appeared before his eyes, and there was a surging and booming in his ears.

John himself sometimes became quite giddy in watching the swift revolutions of the wheel of fortune as spun by George.