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Definition of giddy:

  • (adjective) having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling;
  • (adjective) lacking seriousness; given to frivolity;

Sentence Examples:

The quickness of the movement made him giddy.

The abruptness of this announcement turned madame giddy.

Life's a giddy jag of joy, isn't it?

I fear, I fear 'twill prove a giddy world.

Fortunately none of us were afflicted with giddy heads.

He staggered, and seemed quite giddy at the sight.

"I've been too giddy to settle down to housework."

It was a giddy sight to my girlish eye.

The ever recurring question, till she felt giddy.

Thoughtless, inexperienced, giddy as she was, Henrietta trembled.

Giddy emotions momentarily held him prostrate and insane.

The lilt and swing of it made her giddy.

There they went whirling around in a giddy dance.

Romeo gallantly invites her to join the giddy throng.

Already the polka had come to its giddy end.

His brain whirled so that he was actually giddy.

Trees, fields, houses vanished behind me with giddy swiftness.

To begin with, the missus was a bit giddy.

Sorry you've cut out the giddy whirl, old man.

He was noted for his gaiety and giddy manners.

She had ceased to be a giddy and unreasoning girl.

Some giddy ones among them even bragged of their exploits.

Doesn't it make you giddy, clambering about in places like that?

You are a deceitful, giddy fellow; you have been telling lies.

He was giddy and exhausted, and panted for breath.

Montague she vied with her competitors in the giddy waltz.

They become weak, giddy, or insensible, and not infrequently die.

Flirt with the giddy butterflies, your first love was one.

Asked Jack stoutly, though still too giddy to see straight.

They reeled back giddy and sick, staggering as if drunken.

It falls upon the hearts of frivolous, giddy, conceited girls.

Jeannine was not at all apprehensive of these giddy escapades.

There was a giddy pinnacle of success for you, Cecil!

Madam Liberality staggered home, very giddy, but very happy.

These ascensions and descents which made her giddy were delightful.

His head was whirling, and he felt giddy and confused.

"Don't insinuate that I'm a giddy goat," protested the A.P.

There was nothing of the giddy, gushing girl about her.

Their souls stand entranced on the giddy pinnacle of passion!

"I fear you think me a giddy, wayward girl," said Lottie gently.

Giddy minds and foreign quarrels; an estimate of American foreign policy.

I am still giddy when I think of that gray Parrot!

In their visionary leaps to affluence they soared to giddy heights.

Often he felt giddy and confused, and drowsy and dull.

Bragging, boasting, giddy as you are, there is much excuse for you.

Which last order was the signal for a giddy frolic.

Another blinding flash made her stagger backwards, dazed and giddy.

All strange and terrible hints, and giddy merriment were forgotten.

Giddy, clinging desperately to the buckskin waist, Ned gazed before.

She walked with some difficulty, was evidently giddy, and staggered.

Arthur has turned from a sodden soldier into a giddy poet!

She turned giddy, and leaned her head against the open shutter.

The carriage whirled along at such a rate it made me quite giddy.

You say that I am giddy and heartless, thoughtless and reckless.

When I was asked to drive the giddy nib, I laughed.

Giddy brink, jovial wine, daring wound, are examples of this figure.

I felt dreadfully giddy and oppressed, but gradually came to myself.

Her world leaves us giddy like the transformation scene in a pantomime.

Why was the giddy Paley unfaithful among the faithful found?

He went down, submerged, and then rose to a giddy height again.

One evening my head turned suddenly giddy; my heart throbbed frightfully.

He became giddy with the fumes, staggered, and fell down insensible.

Giddy sighs, puts on a martyred expression, and kicks the footstool.

Poor Joan, perched on his back, grew sick, giddy, and terrified.

The thoughtful almost tremulous tone was not like giddy little Leslie.

These new aspirants would be content with a less giddy position.

The poor gentleman's senses and brain whirling together made him giddy.

Captains, and a giddy subaltern likewise, disputed claims to possess her.

Well, her husband never could waltz; he felt giddy at once.

Still they scampered about until Kitty was quite giddy with play.

It was stifling in the loft, and Betty felt almost giddy.

Just such another giddy head and slender body as the planter's.

Gideon Junior (father of Giddy) smoked cigarettes with his monogram on them.

The shock of reminder brought on a giddy recurrence of his hallucination.

They seemed to whirl round in the giddy dance with true delight.

Beyond were mountains covered with snow: beneath us an immeasurable giddy depth.

Her heart shook her chest, and a giddy feeling overpowered her.

The whirling flakes blinded me, I felt giddy from the cold.

"Isn't striped silk just a little giddy for the Cloth, dear?"

He continued, as they sprang up in rapid emulation to that giddy height.

Poor, giddy, thoughtless girl, she knew but little of the world.

With giddy brain and wan face he sank into the nearest seat.

He noticed his visor fogging up and felt a faint, giddy sensation.

Never entrust him at night to a young, giddy, and thoughtless servant.

I stood, giddy from the sudden movement, in a large, darkened room.

Or may they not be rather the Sallies of thoughtless, giddy Youth?

What else were these giddy wantons thinking of but lovers and matrimony?

Sad and silent mementos to the giddy traveler as he wanders on!

He felt as though someone were strangling him; he felt giddy, suddenly sick.

Sick and giddy, the flights of steps looked to her like a precipice.

I'm the biggest giddy fool at that kind of wheeze that ever lived.

If anybody had become giddy in the transit, he must unavoidably have perished.

Ah, we shall make the most brilliant and most giddy little couple!

She made herself giddy by, as she says, whirling round and round.

Notwithstanding her giddy airs, that girl is very fond of her Indian.

Some played at dancing or at music, others at clever repartee or giddy flirting.

And Patty wanted to get away from the giddy whirl down here.

It's that giddy, flirting girl that works the telegraph office in Catalpa!

He felt giddy and sick, and his head ached and throbbed dreadfully.

As soon as we entered I plunged into the giddy whirl of the waltz.