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Use hang-in in a sentence

Definition of hang in:

  • (verb) be persistent, refuse to stop;

Sentence Examples:

"And you asked for the picture you think like me, to hang in your room," she murmured with a sigh, as she drew her arm closer about my waist, and let her pretty head sink upon my shoulder.

Farms should not be too precisely located; at least this is true of farms which, like my grandfather's, hang in a mist of memory.

She knew, and the light in her eye shone brighter as he rode in the darkness over the bare fields and through the sleeping towns to the capital, where Jack's fate was hanging in the balance.

Toward dawn, she snatched a little cape from the garments hanging in the closet, flung it over her shoulders and ran downstairs.

Harris, in the pocket of my coat, which hangs in the pilot house, you will find a pack of cards.

Presently he found that her gaze was fixed on the movements of her pet dove which was in its cage hanging in the window.

Many years after his death, Johnson bought his portrait to hang in 'a little room that he was fitting up with prints.'

Great numbers of large bats were seen hanging in the trees on the margin of the creek, some of which we shot; the flesh was white and was eaten, but it had an unpleasant flavor.

At the end of five minutes' talk Raphael was about to wish that he would depart, when he caught sight of the magic skin hanging in a frame, with a red line drawn around it.

It had evidently only recently been occupied for on bursting in the door we found the cooking pots in the fireplace and fresh meat hanging in one of the rooms.

"You will be glad to know that he is well in health," says I, and then I stop again, all hanging in a hedge for not knowing whether it were wiser to speak or hold my tongue.

Though I was but a boy, as they called me, yet I prompted the mischief all I could, and embarked in it so openly that I escaped very little being hanged in the first and most early part of my life.

I snatched down my Express rifle, which was hanging in two loops above my bed, and shot her right through the heart.

Her picture hangs in the apartment in which she composed her interesting and elegant letters, and every article of furniture carefully preserved is shown to strangers.

He made no answer, and I saw that he was hanging in a curiously limp fashion, and by one hand.

Many of the last year's fruit have been left upon the trees for ornament, and hang in bright yellow clusters out of reach.

The ears to be of moderate size, fine in texture, set on low, well back, and hanging in a neat fold close to the head.

Depend upon it, sir, when any man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.

A narrow path leads over the top of the arch to the end of the rock, where, protected by a railing, the traveler seems to hang in the air.

The temperature has been hanging in the minus thirties all day with calm and clear sky, but this evening a wind has sprung up without rise of temperature.

The hair is short in front, and hangs like a fringe on the upper part of the forehead, but is longer at the sides, hanging in straight locks.

The colors were still fresh upon the canvas that, to-day, hangs in an honored place in one of the great galleries of the world.

We may thus make out the pattern of such an object as a lace curtain hanging in the window, or the branches of a tree beyond.

Once challenge traditional beliefs, and the challenge will ring on every shield which is hanging in the intellectual arena.

And then, with all the others, he sprang to his feet, for Dora Parse was hanging in her husband's arms, with blood pouring from her mouth and George Lane was sobbing aloud as he called her name.

I once found a spider in an empty apartment hanging in its web on the wall, with a large ball of eggs which it had suspended by its side.

Pandas were supposed to be exceedingly rare, and we could hardly believe it possible when we saw dozens of coats made from their skins hanging in the fur shops.

He himself, if we may believe the same authority, was hanged in the street opposite to it, in consequence of having been detected in the use of false measures.

After her feet were dragging and cutting into the dirt, he pulled out a cigarette to hang in his face.

The merchant guests appeared, prayed to the holy icons hanging in the corner, bowed to the Tsar, bowed to the wise advisers.

She could still see the gray, lowering sky and the trees hanging in green masses; she had thought all the time it was going to rain.

They were like two children, playing at a game; but they were playing on the very verge of tragedy, playing at life with death at the door and the safety of a great nation hanging in the balance.

And why was their hair all worn hanging in one braid over each shoulder, with a band over the forehead?

And in every place the men answered: "Not only have we heard of it, but we alone of all men possess the thing itself, and it hangs in the side of our chimney to this day."

It is a pity there should be so little pausing and trembling among the clashing islands when life hangs in the balance and the odds are against it.

There she showed me a picture of one of the early ancestors of the family, the poet Drummond, hanging in a room, which tradition has assigned to him.

The prince returned thinner, with the skin hanging in loose bags on his cheeks, but in the most cheerful frame of mind.

Houses gleamed white a mile away, and ever and again a moth would flutter and hang in the light of the lamps, and then vanish again in the night.

Now, however, there is a likelihood that Bob may be called up; and the fate of the carrying business hangs in the balance.

Near camp stood a tall, ragged yellow birch, its partially cast-off bark hanging in crisp sheets or dense rolls.

I was surprised when I came home one day to find that the large mirror in its gold frame had been given over to me by my father and was hanging in my room.

If you are buying pictures to hang in a picture gallery, there is nothing to consider beyond the attraction of the individual picture in mind.

She approached it, and on top of the tray there lay the very dress of gray ladies' cloth which she had seen hanging in the closet of a certain room in the Southern Hotel in St.

Our horses were by now very tired, and for one moment it seemed to hang in the balance whether we should roll back into the water or gain the top.

As soon as they succeeded in raising it, down it went, carrying plate, ladders, and all before it, to the bottom of the shaft, which was many fathoms deep, whilst I was left hanging in the sling.

We should look upon every episode as a picture, and each should hang in a place so carefully appointed that none should do injury to another.

They went in one that had big, deep seats, which, when the time came, could be turned into beds, with sheets, pillow cases, and curtains hanging in front.

Even in the ordinary routine of trench life, so many decisions have to be made, with the chance of a "telling off" whichever way you choose, and the lives of other men hanging in the balance.

They saw open fields, stone fences, and the heavy grapes hanging in the vineyards, instead of the huge rivers, the vast lakes and the mighty wilderness that curved almost to their feet.

His son, Fernando, who tells this story, says that he did so, that they were always hanging in his cabinet, and that he asked that they might be buried with him when he died.

Then both usually sat astride the ends of the canoe, their legs hanging in the water in order that the drippings might not fall inside.

"I'll get it," said Molly; "I'm the swiftest runner, and I know where the key hangs in Carter's workshop."

When he got near the spring gun he saw bits of meat hanging in the brush, but no fur anywhere.

They had it hanging in the window of the California Market, and there was a crowd around the window all the time.

Hundreds of such pictures hang in our art galleries, and not a few of them have already been incorporated into several excellent series for the Sunday school.

He set up also the court round about the tabernacle and the altar, drawing the hanging in the entry thereof.

The body lay upstairs in the little room on the north side, and white curtains were hanging in front of all the windows of the second story.

His uniform, worn-out when he assumed it, was now hanging in rags about him; and he had not been shaved for a fortnight.

In three days, by order of the king you shall be lifted up, and hanged upon a tree; and the birds shall eat your flesh from your bones as you are hanging in the air.

This time she must accept his assistance, even if she had left the veil hanging in the thorns rather than do so.

The walking, in this part of the avenue, being rough, we progressed but slowly, until we reached the Salts Room; here we found the walls and ceiling covered with salts hanging in crystals.

When the newborn child hangs in this way, it bends its curved lower limbs so that the soles of the feet are turned toward one another, thus increasing its resemblance to the ape.

Some selected specimens of them hang in a long row in the Metropolitan Museum, and I assure you, upon my word as a lifelong student of drawing, they are quite as ugly and as silly as they look.

For it had been hanging in the air, as I have said; and volunteers from the Roman army to the number of fifty got inside the city, and raised the shout proclaiming the Emperor Justinian triumphant.

Ashman's heart seemed to stop beating and life itself hang in suspense, when he recognized the very being that had taken such full possession of his thoughts.

I would rather have the record of Clara Barton in the great reckoning day than that of any statesman whose portrait hangs in a hall of fame.

For the day had grown hot and humid, with hardly a breeze to calm the reeling senses, or break the spell of sunny, smiling death that seemed to hang in the air around them like a witch's curse.

The other remained hanging in the room, where the girl took it just now to brush it, and put it away; and this portfolio, which my husband always carries with him, fell from its pocket.

There was a heavy cloud hanging in the Western sky, constantly sweeping higher in pledge of a dark night.

Lewis searched my mother's room and found a picture of President Lincoln, cut from a newspaper, hanging in her room.

We'd let our best dresses hang in the closet, safe and sound, while we cut them up in our souls; but Eva, she's different.

This voice of Day's was like the voice sleeping in the great bronze horn hanging in a rack, which his father had used to call the hands to dinner.

It hangs in the air, almost visibly, before it is uttered at all; and by that time a word is enough, one stroke, and the nature of the appeal and all its implications are in view.

As he knew nothing about the different rooms, he selected a line in which stood a pretty little girl with yellow hair hanging in long braids down her back.

The girl glanced round, and perceived that the voice came from a bird who was hanging in a cage by the wall.

In a remote corner of the cemetery, set apart from the other mounds, was the grave of a woman who had been hanged in the old colonial times for the murder of her infant.

This was the short-sighted policy of a narrow-minded politician who, when a country's fate is hanging in the balance, complains only of the costs.

Far at the brow of a steep hill it appeared, seeming to hang in space for an instant before leaping downward.

"It does seem so," agreed the older girl, as she leaned over with her hair hanging in front of her while she combed it out.

This state of suspense is like hanging in the air by a single thread that exhausts all your strength to keep hold of it; and yet if that fails you, you have nothing in the world else left to trust to.

Then I saw on the north side, a little above my head, many deep scratches with moss hanging in strips from them.

Many's the time I've heard the story of Governor Willis, (his picture hangs in the hall) and of how he held out against the whole legislature and the public and proved himself right in the end.

Breeds, who was hanged in chains for his crime, remains perhaps the most famous figure in the history of Rye.

Very old vines trained in this manner often have twenty to twenty-five spurs, and present, with their fruit all hanging in masses around the main trunk, a pleasing but rather odd aspect.

The rest of us were to be hanged in chains that afternoon, and our bodies left exposed to view for three days as a warning to pirates and traitors.

Night fell calm and gracious upon the scene, the air breathless, and the sky without a cloud, but with a thin strip of new moon hanging in the western sky in the wake of the vanished sun.

I am not ashamed to say that on hearing this I regretted having slain the villain, I felt that death by the sword was too good for him, hanging in chains being more in accordance with his deserts.

I saw him hanging in a scarlet coat; after he had hung about two or three months, it is supposed that the screw was filed which supported him, and that he fell in the first high wind after.

Jacob knocked three times with the hilt of his dagger, when the door by unseen agency opened slowly, as the other had done, and we saw a curtain hanging in front of us.

On approaching the spot they saw a large snake hanging in a threatening attitude from the branches of a tree.

The tricks that the great cats do are clubbed into them, and the elephants' ears are often so torn by the trainer's iron that they hang in ribbons.

For a few seconds they seemed to hang in the air, and then were scattered far and wide around the ship.

On the now famous Common a half-naked woman, with a baby in her arms, was publicly whipped for the crime of free speech; and on the same spot Mary Dyer, another Quaker woman, was hanged in 1659.

His portrait, taken by the direction of the bank authorities, still hangs in the directors' room, and it may also be seen in the houses of more than one of the old and prominent residents of the city.

To hang in such cases seems to me flying in the face of the perfectly obvious and sound principle expressed in the saying that 'you never can tell.'

Her hair has partly come undone, and hangs in a fair, loose coil, rather lower than usual, upon her neck.

They ought to hang in clouds round them, driving in their cavalry whenever they ventured to leave the shelter of their infantry fire.

I once found a spider in an empty apartment, hanging in its web on the wall, with a large ball of eggs which it had suspended by its side.

His bridle and saddle were hanging in the barn (they are still there), silent memorials of the explorations in which he and I had played a resolute part.

From her bed she could see the dainty white dressing table and the soft-colored print of Raphael's Madonna hanging in its gold frame beside it.