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Use hang-in in a sentence

Definition of hang in:

  • (verb) be persistent, refuse to stop;

Sentence Examples:

A tortoise hangs in his needy shop, nor are stuffed alligators lacking.

There hangs in Clive's room now, a head, painted at one sitting, of a man rather bald, with hair touched with gray, with a large mustache and a sweet mouth half smiling beneath it, and melancholy eyes.

His hand, hanging inert by his side, became suddenly the receptacle for a moist nose.

The great bronze lamp which gave Galileo the hint of the pendulum, still hangs in its nave.

An American flag hanging in the hall, was torn down and destroyed.

I studied the half-dozen ostrich eggs, hanging in the corner against the wall like a cluster of some monstrous fruit.

There was a cuckoo clock hanging in Tom Turner's cottage.

She was hanging in stays, and a boat was coming to us from her when I looked over the gunwale.

The forehead should be flat, and the skin upon it and about the head very loose, hanging in large wrinkles.

There was a large gas engine and extensive shafting, all hanging in dismal chaos, and I recognized the remains of machines for making tin boxes, in which the products of the factory had, I suppose, been packed.

The fruit hangs in a cluster at the crown of the tree, green and yellow, resembling badly shaped melons.

The rangers also have big fire maps which they hang in their cabins.

People still living have seen the skeletons of pirates and highwaymen hanging in chains.

The preacher seemed to desire us to feel that the sad and wasted form of the Redeemer, hanging in his last agony on the cross among the mocking crowd, was conscious at once of his humanity and his Divinity.

The defenders threw down their arms and begged mercy, and a long row of them, including the Dean of Kildare and another priest who happened to be in the castle at the time were speedily hanging in front of its walls.

The little core of candle-light hanging in the gloom left him out.

He left me hanging in the thick branches of a juniper, from which I dropped blind and breathless and stunned.

Wrap separately in tissue paper, hang in a cool place, or pack in sawdust.

The white and purple grapes peep from the already shriveled leaves, or hang in rich masses on the brown earth.

The tunnel also faced the south, from where the wind nearly always blew, so that the gas and smoke from his shots would hang in there sometimes for a full twenty-four hours, making it impossible for him to work.

The story hangs in parts, but it is full of weighty sentences.

A hole in the peak of the helmet allows it to hang in front of the wearer's face.

Why, for more than a week he has seen a derelict kite with its yards of trailing string hanging in the tree.

"Circumstantial evidence has hanged innocent men before now," said the bully.

The knocker itself was there till 1890, when the College recovered the relic (it now hangs in the hall).

And two more sheepish and hang-dog individuals it would have been difficult to find.

The steeple is in the center, and the bell-rope, if they have one, hangs in the middle of the broad aisle.

His gaunt face was scratched and bloody, his clothes were hanging in rags, and his hat was gone.

She exclaimed, laughing while tears were hanging in her eyes.

He expressed admiration of all that he saw, including the portrait of Maitland's wife hanging in the cabin; and the captain felt the full force of that seductive gift of pleasing, which was not the least important of the great man's powers.

She could not reason about them as about people whose feelings went by the same rule as her own did, and her mind dwelt on them with a kind of physical pleasure such as is caused by the contemplation of bright things hanging in the sun.

If the adult Ernest does not materialize, the book hangs in empty air.

He swore oath upon oath that the wretch should hang in the morning, and for the purpose of carrying into effect his intention he called in Joe the butcher and told him to make all things ready for the execution.

The curtain should hang in straight folds to the window sill, escaping it by half an inch or so.

The chintz curtains at the windows hang in straight, full folds.

She wore her hair beaten out like mist, with rich curly shreds hanging in front of her ears to her shoulders.

Webster wore on that eventful journey hangs in my collection of old relics.

In winter venison can be kept a month; and, in all cases, it should hang in a cold place at least a month before using.

The time to show a message is when too late and later there is no hanging in a blight.

I found all the poor man stated to be true; the man and his wife had mixed poison with the flour to destroy the poor old man and his son for the sake of the new blanket which they saw hanging in the branch of the tree, and carried away with them.

This bead hanging in the hook, must be clear and colorless.

His thoughts traveled to the strap hanging in the kitchen, and he eyed his hands ruefully.

There is another observation on bees well ascertained, that they at various times, when the season begins to be cold, by a general motion of their legs as they hang in clusters produce a degree of warmth, which is easily perceptible by the hand.

It is just soft and wavy, and hangs in two long braids below her waist.

A crystal chandelier hanging in the aisle caught pale yellow tinctures of light.

The cat, of which he just caught a glimpse, was half putrid, and its skin was hanging in rags.

I had not thought to ask you so soon; but year after year passes by, and though nearer and ever nearer to the goal of peace, the clouds still hang in the sky, and there is still stern work for the soldier to do.

A floating mist hangs in the still warm air, making heaven and earth mingle in one sweet confusion.

In the case of the Oriental species, the seed balls hang in pairs or (rarely) three or four together.

Some tables and chairs were left standing, a few lanterns were hanging in the trees, and in front of him was the long bench on which the little girls had been sleeping, with their feet from the ground, when he made his speech.

Things hanging in the saloon were sensibly returning to their normal position.

A greater thief and burglar was perhaps never hanged in this country.

Of course as Bob had never been over the trail he did not know its course, or where to find the traps that Douglas had left hanging in the trees or lying on rocks the previous spring at the end of the hunting season.

And from the craggy ledge the poppy hangs in sleep.

And these well-meant efforts have resulted in the creation of pictures which have no other purpose than to hang in exhibitions, to win medals, and to be purchased by the government and hung in those more permanent exhibitions which we call museums.

Emma looks at the parrot which is hanging in the parlor, and strokes the great bull-dog.

And yet the thing hangs in the heavens unhurt.

The long hair hangs in wavy lines on both sides of his body.

Each had his rifle hanging in a gun-boat from his saddle.

Hanging in an almost cloudless sky, the full moon was lighting up with its brilliant uncertainty the country around.

There were live embers in the fireplace and wood in the box, and venison hanging in the chimney.

Mistletoe should hang in the house from one Christmas to another.

In that part of the country wild flowers run riot at the approach of winter, painting the land in broad leagues of color, white and gold and blue, and the trees of the forest hang in red curtains overhead.

I had been looking it over (this was after Reynolds had gone, of course) and had already noted a certain defect in it, when on chancing to look up, my eyes fell on a mirror hanging in a closet the door of which stood wide open.

These are worn by both men and women at dances, the ribbons hanging round the body from the abdominal belt or a cord, three or four or five of them being worn by one person, and one of these commonly hanging in front.

It is a duplicate of the one that hangs in the trophy room of the gymnasium there.

The sun of March had been increasing, and the air that Saturday afternoon had begun to melt and glow and hang in the streets with a kind of inertia, like a curtain that had to be parted to be penetrated.

A woman, dripping with water, her gray hair hanging in wet strings about a withered face, stole toward him.

She slipped into it, and it enveloped her, hanging in folds and falling on the floor.

The poor victim was nailed by the hands and feet to a pole and left to hang in agony till death mercifully ended it all.

Becky's fate was hanging in the balance, and his mother talked of okra!

Rinse well in warm water after boiling and hang in the sun.

"The funny part of it is that I saw that skirt hanging in the moonlight after I was in bed and thought what a good joke it would be to throw it up on top of the tent, but I was too sleepy to get up and do it."

Or had he noticed the rugs hanging in an unaccustomed way on either side of the damaged casings?

When he entered the house he found the plaid cloak, formerly his master's, hanging in the entry.

"Now," she said, throwing her bonnet upon the table, "I will close that window;" and she walked across the room, her blue eyes sparkling, her face glowing from her violent exercise, and her rich brown hair hanging in long waves upon her shoulders.

And when the king's son reached the castle he found everything as the fox had said: and he at last entered the room where the golden bird was hanging in a wooden cage, while a golden one was standing by; the three golden apples too were in the room.

They may be likened to Chinese lanterns hanging in the woods.

His hair was a wet mop, hanging in rat tails to his eyes.

The difference between the two reports is, that while the majority report leaves the matter of the reconstruction of the International hang in the air, the minority report has something tangible to offer.

Ken was amazed the second time, and now because of the intensity of feeling that seemed to hang in the air.

The immediate fortunes of the Plan are precariously hanging in the balance.

The curtains were old and half worn out, yet were still left to hang in the once pretty and decorated chamber.

A criminal whose verdict hangs in the balance is not more racked with suspense than I, as I own to my temerity.

The lanterns hanging in front of the Chinese cellars were extinguished one by one, and everyone apparently turned in.

It reeked of stale cigar-smoke, which would hang in the curtains for a week.

The paper on the walls was mildewed and hanging in strips.

"I can't mince words when life and death hang in the balance."

In this position it still hangs in the hall of the library, protected from rude hands, it is true, but at the same time exposed to another enemy, daylight, against which it has been protected only in recent time by green screens.

Criminals who evade punishment by flight are to be hanged in effigy.

It had been hanging in a bedroom closet three stories above before the tornado struck the house.

He had the vivid sensation of hanging in a vacuum, and felt a growing need to grasp after something or someone lest he might tumble into a place which he knew not, but which he felt must be abyss-like.

She took off her sombrero and the light shone on the rippling, dark-brown hair, hanging in a tangled braid.

When his breath hangs in clouds of steam round his nostrils he is in his element.

My brothers all hate him with a deadly hatred, and yet they spare his likeness because they know that I still love him; they leave the little picture hanging in my room, nor offer to offend me by proposing another marriage for me.

Five were sentenced to be hanged in the public market, and four flogged.

By hanging in the opposite direction from which they fall when worn, ruffles regain their freshness.

She was helping to make a sickle to hang in front of the pulpit.

Reef-points are the little ropes which may be observed hanging in successive rows on all sails, by means of which parts of the sails are gathered in and tied round the yards, thus reducing their size in stormy weather.

The furniture of the room was a wreck, the papers were hanging in strips, a broken chair was blazing upon the fire; several family portraits on the wall were pierced with holes, having evidently served the purpose of targets, for pistol shooting.