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Use hog in a sentence

Definition of hog:

  • (noun) a person regarded as greedy and pig-like
  • (noun) a sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared
  • (noun) domestic swine
  • (verb) take greedily; take more than one's share

Sentence Examples:

I recommend the painter's aphorism to those who might like to discover man's origin in the Hog when the Ape has gone out of fashion.

It is scarce to be believed how our kine and goats, horses and hogs do thrive and prosper here, and like well of this country.

The colonists began to raise cattle and hogs and sheep and so when wild game became scarce the domestic animals furnished the meat.

We were bound to have meat, and agreed to leave him one hog, and then yoked up a pair of oxen and hitched them to a wagon.

We marched straight up to the bridge where the old skipper was standing, smoking a pipe with an odor strong enough to kill a hog.

We have frequently been astonished to hear such a slang phrase as "the whole hog" used by persons who had pretensions to very superior standing.

The tiger, elephant, and rhinoceros are unknown: the wild buffalo and hog are the only ones of which the native has any dread.

Aft, on rows of hooks, were suspended the carcasses of sheep and bullocks and hogs; there seemed to be nowhere another foot of available room.

Under one of these he kept his corn; under the other, where we entered the house, the hogs slept and the chickens roosted.

Two portly sows are trotting up behind this carriage, and a select party of half-a-dozen gentlemen hogs have just now turned the corner.

Potatoes were planted, hogs were reared, and flax prepared, not for their own use or comfort, but to exchange with the Europeans for firearms.

It seemed to have been a feeding place for hogs from time immemorial, for corn cobs covered the earth for a foot or more in depth.

They told us also, if we could induce the Indians to trade with us, we might have hogs, fowls, plantains, bananas, and other refreshments.

He found no quadrupeds among them, besides hogs and dogs, nor any earthen vessel, so that all their food is either baked or roasted.

They may also be similarly fattened by hogging off corn or gathering it from the excrement of cattle that are being fattened on it.

Whether, however, a hog's bristle can turn into a feather or not, it is vital that you should know the present difference between them.

Whenever an eruption took place, great quantities of hogs and other articles of property were thrown into the lava stream in order to appease her anger.

Unable to cultivate such vast tracts, they merely built little shacks, or perhaps "hog houses" on them so as not to forfeit the deed.

Still farther down the valley system, tributary valleys of the second and lower orders cross the "hog backs," cutting them into hills.

Interesting experiments on the various foods of the Island, and their adaptability as food for hogs, are being carried on there throughout the year.

The offal, or meal, sells rapidly, and brings a price equal to that for ground corn, making a superior feed for hogs, cattle, etc.

Once pneumonia gets a foothold in a hog, the chances are so strongly in favor of death that recovery may be considered out of the question.

Our cream was bringing three dollars a day, and we were feeding the skim milk to hogs that were gaining two dollars a day.

The Bison, the wild Hog, the Wolf, are perfectly exempt from malady, and invariably die either from external violence or from mature old age.

The hogs were then immersed in the hot water until their hides were soaked sufficiently for the removal of the hair with a knife.

And so on with a multitude of other questions which would be tiresome to repeat, but which it is quite amusing to see the hog answer.

It can only be combatted by vaccination of healthy hogs, quarantining of all sick hogs, burning of all dead hogs and disinfection of premises.

These pigs which the girls carry are little pigs, but huge hogs are hung in the same manner at the sides of laden ponies.

They come in great shoals; and they keep rooting the mud like hogs, and leave their trace in the form of large round holes.

And all the significance of the times and seasons we have lost in our neglect to kill male hogs "in the wane of the moon!"

They know the old fellows note is true to an elk or hog, and, with implicit confidence in his "find," they never hesitate to join.

Hogs were the only quadrupeds, and cocks and hens the only tame fowls seen, and these were not procured in any great number.

Of those that followed some were mounted on camels, some rode in sledges drawn by various beasts, such as reindeer, oxen, dogs, goats, and hogs.

How can you imagine any man of talent or at all honorable contentedly playing the part of a hog fattening himself on a few millions?

They then begged permission to remain, which the fire-god cruelly refused, and continued inexorable, although they offered to sacrifice a hog to him.

The results of these periods of unprofitable feeding was to retard hog production, as the grower was discouraged from breeding during those periods.

Lions blue and red, falcons, and dragons of all colors, alternated with heads of John the Baptist, flying pigs, and hogs in armor.

Fifteen or twenty minutes later what was apparently a part of the rock detached itself and disappeared behind the crest of the hog's-back.

I figure it, Billy, that every one of them hogs eats about a dollar's worth a grub for every twenty-five cents they pay on it.

Indianapolis is one of the greatest horse markets in the country, and is surpassed by only three cities as a market for hogs and cattle.

A little later they heard a series of strange grunts, and a huge wart hog moved in a slow, awkward gait toward the water hole.

The one who has killed the hog, taking in her mouth a lighted torch, which has been lighted throughout that ceremony, extinguishes it.

Hogs are fattened on fish, and penned a month before killing, when they are given other food to prevent the meat having a fishy flavor.

The slave complains of his sickness in words, the dog moans, the hog squeals; but the law regards these expressions of suffering alike.

On the contrary, the heavy races which inhabit the valleys, such as the hog and rhinoceros, can see objects best when near them.

None of the duke's bugles ever blew a blast like that, something between the groaning of a blacksmith's bellows and the grunting of a hog.

I desire to set this to alfalfa, and to feed the alfalfa by letting hogs eat it off, thereby leaving the droppings on the land.

He was the first man in this county, and he had been shrewd enough to hog all the water-front real estate and hold onto it.

It bears good bread corn, and a sufficiency of oats for its own use; and abounds with cattle and wild hogs, and innumerable rabbits.

A farm of two hundred acres, maintained in connection with the school, is equipped with necessary agricultural implements, vehicles, horses, cattle, hogs, poultry, etc.

The hogs of the settlers, running through the forest and fattening upon these nuts and acorns, known collectively as "mast," acquired a delicious flavor.

Hogs do considerable rooting which prevents the formation of a stiff sod and itself may often amount almost to cultivation in well stocked orchards.

For this reason, most planters in the peanut belt, feed their peanut-fed hogs on corn only for two or three weeks before killing them.

The wild hog, the bison, and the wolf are perfectly exempt from malady, and invariably die, either from external violence or natural old age.

They take the place, as far as I could see, of the American farm family's hog, and are to my mind a great improvement on him.

These presently smoked before Gerard and company; and Peter's face sad and slightly morose at the loss of the savage hog, expanded and shone.

He saw great fields of ripe wheat thrown open to be devoured by hogs and cattle because there were not enough laborers to harvest the crops.

That evening, just before sundown, I ran across a large, fat hog. I know it could not have weighed less than three hundred pounds.

Sometimes they become "hogging" even, after long use, and the boatmen then turn them over and straighten them by a weight at each end.

He went down in the whirlpool of spinning arms and legs while the mob snarled like wild hogs and tore at his prostrate body.

He promised that I should have some hogs the next day; but I had much ado to obtain a promise from him to visit on board.

To our right and about twenty-five steps away old man Potter and one of his sons were unloading some hogs from a wagon into a pen.

A man who received forty cents a bushel for wheat was satisfied; corn sold at twenty-eight cents, and the hogs it fattened in proportion.

This grain was rarely harvested, except as it was wanted, and the hogs that were fattened were usually turned in upon it in the fields.

I entered, and ate my hog and doughnuts with gladness of heart, for she was the most buxom, joyous, and hospitable Betsy imaginable.

Headcheese is usually made from the hog's head but odds and ends also can be used not only from pork but from beef and veal.

They found the fat hog "very like our English pork," thereby illustrating the futility of travel; and so sailed away again "to seek greater matters."

He taught the English seat, the English rise, the English gait, and his horses were all docked and hogged in the English fashion.

One man, whose house was swept away and lodged on an embankment lower down, had a pet hog, whose dwelling had been under the house.

The handle, however, becoming detached, though held to the barbed point by a thong, catches and holds the hog fast in the underbrush.

The sound was something between the snort of a hog and the first interrogative note of a watchdog, which hears a noise that requires explanation.

After a while, the hog paused and looked attentively at the body, then snuffed around it and put its snout to the dead man's face.

Trained men, some of them veterinarians, in the employ of the government, make a thorough inspection of the glands and other organs of the hog.

Winder, called "Hog" Winder by the prisoners, gives a feast tonight, and before the festivities are over he will be in a very moist condition.

Some said the sentinels had got scared and fired at a hog; others that the commanding officer had gotten it up to exercise the men.

There can be no profit in raising a poor breed of hogs, that have no fattening qualities; nor even a good breed, without conveniences or proper care.

The hog was then let loose in the belief that it would at once attack the white man, but instead it rushed at his tormentors.

Short Ribs (Hard) are made from the sides of the hog, between the Ham and Shoulder, having the loin, ribs and backbone in.

I saw from the start that the communist picture of a capitalist as a bristling, snorting hog was the farthest thing from the truth.

He found the country very pleasant and populous, and abounding as well with hogs and fowls, as fruit, and other vegetables of various kinds.

The hut being nearly completed, Tom and Desmond set out, armed with their muskets, to try and kill a hog or some small game.

The benefits from which application are, increased velocity, capacity, strength, buoyancy, facility of steering, ease in hard seas, and exemption from breaking or 'hogging.'

There is something more to do than to plow corn, milk cows, and feed hogs; something more than to keep house, wash clothes and scrub floors.

This country abounds also with horned cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry; and in all the woods there is plenty of gooseberries and raspberries uncultivated.

"A regular causeway," remarked Biggs, regarding the cliffs on either hand, for the path itself ran along the top of a "hog's back" formation.

They will fatten sheep and oxen in a short time; and for the feeding of hogs they are at least equal if not superior to carrots.

It had its origin in hot bread and hog, which ruined the stomachs, perverted the morals, and inflamed the worst passions of the South.

He promised that I should have some hogs the next day; but I had much ado to obtain a promise from him to visit me on board.

While this was doing, many of the natives came off to us with hogs, fowls, and plantains, which they parted with at an easy rate.

Next to the theater where the concerts were given, was an exhibition in the large open lots of mammoth hogs, grizzly bears and other animals.

We found several more droves of hogs in the woods, but abstained from killing any of them, having more than sufficient for our present necessities.

They, seeing the hogs, guessed that their alarm had been caused by them, and returned merrily to their fire and lay down to sleep again.

Good results could doubtless be secured by seeding the pecan orchard in alfalfa and using it for a hog pasture up to the ripening season.

He told us, withal, that if we would please to stay, he would kill a calf, a sheep, a hog, or anything we had a fancy to.

I fertilize my orchard with stable and hog manure; I think it very beneficial, and advise its use on all soils, especially on old orchards.

Dissolve, by a slow fire, six ounces of hogs'-lard, with half an ounce of white wax; to which you may add an ounce of clear linseed oil.

Once my friend Moore himself, while out with another cowboy on horseback, was attacked in sheer wantonness by a drove of these little wild hogs.

His fine horses required so much corn, and so much more of it was needed for bread, that he could not feed it lavishly to his hogs.

The weather was cool, and we were destitute of sufficient clothing; the provision which was dealt out to us was fit for none but hogs.

He told me of an incident: that he was crossing a prairie one day, and saw before him "a hog mired down," to use his own language.