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Use immunize in a sentence

Definition of immunize:

  • (verb) To make someone or something immune to something.

Sentence Examples:

"If it works with these cases, it will be simple to immunize the whole population," Tiger said.

Surely one could extract the immunizing principle from the immune creature, and use that as a serum?

Man is so greedy for happiness that he speedily becomes immunized against the toxin of his daily troubles.

Possibly the sporadic form is simply the attack of children not immunized by a previous attack during an epidemic.

Because we can immunize successfully against one disease, it does not follow that the same methods will immunize against another disease.

It has been stated that newly-prepared serum is particularly apt to produce serum sickness when used for immunizing purposes.

In a general way young healthy animals and human beings immunize most readily, while older ones frequently fail almost entirely.

The patient may, if he will, take advantage of this fact and be immunized by treatment before the disease has developed.

Back in Sol Cluster vaccines and immunizing agents had been developed against every known or conceivable form of germ or virus.

The same temporary immunity can be produced in the young, in fact, by merely having them nurse from an immunized mother.

Nor because we can immunize the guinea-pig in the laboratory, does it follow that the same methods are applicable in the human patient.

Its expressive element no more immunizes its functional aspects from regulation than the expressive motives of an assassin immunize the assassin's action.

He believed that the bite of a single mosquito produced a light attack of the disease and was thus effective in immunizing the patient.

Like their ancestors, through the continual drinking of the local water, they have become self-immunized to any form of contagion from its use.

Young guinea-pigs, for instance, born of mothers immunized during pregnancy are immune at birth, but they lose their immunity in the course of a few weeks.

In some we observe that the carrier results from a low-level, incomplete infection with the disease which immunizes him but does not kill the bugs.

The term active is used because the body cells of the animal immunized perform the real work of bringing about the immunity as will be discussed later.

We have discovered that not only do we immunize ourselves to withstand repeated attacks from the same disease, but also our children to some extent inherit that immunity.

We may say, in fact, that Rolland's mind had been in a sense immunized against the illusions of the crowd and against infection by prevalent falsehoods.

Nor is it as easy to immunize a human being over many years of life, subject to so many conflicting influences, as it is to immunize a guinea-pig living in a cage.

It is evident that treatment with immunized blood is still in an experimental stage, but it merits further trials, all the circumstances of which should be carefully recorded.

Some persons are extremely susceptible to insect bites and stings, and preliminary work has been done in trying to immunize those sensitive individuals, but, in general, with very little success.

Since, however, the proteins of the world had always been present, the human race had, by constantly coming into contact with them, become more or less immunized to the majority.

You can immunize a guinea-pig or a patient to almost anything now-a-days by giving him minute doses gradually increased, but the immunity passes off quite rapidly when the treatment is stopped.

His immunity passes off so rapidly that he is now searching for a method of immunizing that can be carried on for many years without tying the patient to a laboratory for life.

Part of the function of science is to put man into such a relation to the nature outside of him as to place the wholesome and remedial at his disposal, preventing disease by immunizing him from it.