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Use immunize in a sentence

Definition of immunize:

  • (verb) To make someone or something immune to something.

Sentence Examples:

The confusion of these two forms of the disease had constantly misled investigations as to the possibility of either of them immunizing against smallpox, and the confusion of these two diseases for a time led Jenner to question the possibility of doing so.

The second method of vaccination consists of injecting immunizing blood serum into one thigh and a small amount of disease-producing serum at the same time, or soon after, into the other thigh, thus giving the animal the cholera and a cure for it at the same time.

Pfeiffer was the first to show that this occurred when the bacterium was injected into the peritoneal cavity of the animal immunized against it, and also when a little of the serum of such an animal was injected with the bacterium into the peritoneum of a fresh, i.e. non-immunized animal.

In accordance with the theory on which the use of vaccines is based, i.e., that they stimulate the body cells to produce immunizing antibodies, it is clear that they are especially suitable in those infections in which the process is localized and should not be of much value in general infections.

During the first four days patients receive injections of six cubic centimeters of emulsions made from cords aging from fourteen to seven days, and from the fifth day until the completion of the course of treatment patients receive emulsions from cords of higher immunizing properties, but no cords desiccated for less than four days are used.

Even Nature's immunity is not perfect in all diseases, as many a patient with his sixth attack of grippe or third pneumonia or fortieth year of hay fever has learned most feelingly; and this irregularity of natural immunity bears directly on the proposal to immunize patients against hay fever by small and increasing doses of the offending pollen.

It was thus possible to make the animals withstand doses a thousand times greater than the ordinary lethal dose; the blood and serums of these animals at this point possessed immunizing properties, and this property passed by heredity to the offspring, to which it is transmitted by the blood itself, and by the milk during feeding.

We had a strain of bacteria once, for which we had an immunization course, and we developed it far enough along the line to realize that, even though you immunized every man, woman and child in this country in advance of releasing it in another part of the world, mutant strains would eventually wipe out this nation as well as those we fought.

Because three meals a day consisting of bread, potatoes, eggs, meat, fish, butter, milk, cheese, beans, etc., overwork the metabolic function and as a consequence organic functioning is impaired, cell proliferation falls below the ideal, bodily resistance falls lower and lower, the intestinal secretions lose their immunizing power more and more, until at last the body becomes the victim of every adverse influence.