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Use jugular in a sentence

Definition of jugular:

  • (noun) veins in the neck that return blood from the head
  • (noun) a vital part that is vulnerable to attack; "he always goes for the jugular"
  • (adjective) relating to or located in the region of the neck or throat; "jugular vein"

Sentence Examples:

It was Gray Wolf's terrible hold that gave him time to tear through the half-inch hide, and to bury his teeth deeper and deeper, until at last they reached the jugular.

Just as he had held to the jugular of his first buck on that moonlight night a long time ago, so he held to the old bull now.

Kazan was sorry that his master had returned, dazed and bleeding, after he had torn McCready's jugular.

The iron road in war is an army's jugular vein, and each mile added to its length was of enormous value during the advance.

For fifteen feet the two fell, Tarzan's teeth buried in the jugular of his opponent, when a stout branch stopped their descent.

The instinct of a great commander for the vital point in a war or a battle, is as keen as that of the tiger is said to be for the jugular vein of its victim.

It is her jugular vein in the mind of her people, regardless of that new apparition, the submarine.

Into the man's back goes his knee; around the man's neck, from behind, passes his right hand, the bone of the wrist pressing against the jugular vein.

The communication is usually between the common carotid artery and the internal jugular vein.

On Wednesday he was cupped and bled in both jugulars; but on Thursday he was pronounced better, when the physicians, anxious to welcome hope, spoke of his probable recovery.

Division of the carotid artery is fatal, and of the internal jugular vein very dangerous on account of entrance of air.

Open the temporal artery or jugular vein, or bleed from the arm; employ electricity, if at hand, and proceed as for drowning.

He gave directions for avoiding the carotid artery and internal jugular vein in operations upon the neck.

He thought of its jugular vein, and made a deadly thrust at the spot where he imagined that to run.

If the disease is still in its early stages and the animal is strong, bleeding from the jugular vein may be beneficial.

On reflecting the chief flap thus made upwards and backwards, the external jugular will be seen, and, if possible, must be drawn to a side; if not, it must be divided, and both ends tied.

Most of the blood passes to the internal jugular vein, and any increase in the pressure of this vessel is immediately transmitted back to the cerebral veins.

Everybody sprang up and with a curious fascination instead of attempting to do anything, watched the porter who had been hit in the neck somewhere in the region of the jugular vein.

With some difficult, and at the serious risk of his jugular, he mounted them, and found himself, as Miranda had stated, in a place he knew very well.

It is not always associated with disease, but may be a symptom of some disease of the heart; in such cases the jugular pulse is continuous.

In inflammation of the jugular the coagulation extends from the wound upward to the first large branch.

This is of small import, as cattle have an accessory jugular vein which gradually enlarges and accommodates itself to the increased quantity of blood it must carry.

The missile struck him in the jugular; he fell forward, and his blood flowed among the dishes on the cloth.

The physician said the jugular vein had been pierced, and that it was something like half an inch nearer the ear than he ever saw it before.

The Mink was sitting astride him before he could bounce up, and two ruthless hands took him by the throat and tore out his jugular.

Approach the animal carefully and place the point of the knife against the side of the animal's neck, just over the jugular vein.

Some prefer opening the jugular vein, which commences behind the eye and runs down the side of the neck.

There was a man who fought almost by my side, who was shot, the ball passing through the jugular vein of the neck.

When the baby was born, the drawing of the mother's neck in pain pressed a bone of the spinal column into the flesh beside the jugular vein.

The venous pulse is a term used to express the tracing obtained from the internal or external jugular vein at the root of the neck.

Improving the opportunity, I drew my hunter's knife from its sheath, and instantly buried it in his neck, cutting the jugular vein, which put a speedy termination to the contest and the flight.

Well, here's the thermometer up to boiling point, and his coat is buttoned up tight to his jugular, to show his chest to the best possible advantage.

Deeper and deeper the crooked teeth dug; and then with a burst of bright blood, they pierced the jugular vein itself.

The jugular vein and the carotid artery had both been cut, and blood was still flowing from these wounds.

According to the evidence he struck her with the knife approximately twenty-four times, finally hitting the jugular vein in the neck, as a result of which she probably bled to death.

Seeing the wild creature lying before him and knowing the high place which wild pork held in the esteem of the natives, he drew his clasp knife to cut the jugular vein and allow the blood to run free.

The jugular vein is torn out with a mouthful of flesh and muscle, and the skin is stripped to the bosom.

These two primary basal gates are of the greatest morphological importance; we call them the "jugular gates or jugular pores".

All six gates of the basal plate triangular, the jugular and cervical a little smaller than the cardinal gates.

Four larger of these are the four gates of the basal ring (two jugular and two cardinal pores).

Probably the two jugular gates were originally smaller than the two cardinal, but usually they have become equal.

Basal plate with six pores (two large cardinal, two smaller jugular and two still smaller cervical pores).

I have healed at one visit a cancer that had so eaten the flesh of the neck as to expose the jugular vein so that it stood out like a cord.

He was the first to resort to bleeding from the jugular vein, and to use iron in certain diseases affecting the blood.

The artery will now be seen lying next to the wind pipe and the internal jugular vein to the outside.

If it is desired to raise the internal jugular vein for the withdrawal of blood, it is best not to open up the common sheath, but to raise the artery and the vein both at the same time.

Just below the incision will be noticed a little branch vein which runs into the arch connecting the two external jugular veins.

The treatment then must be to get this blood from the face, so would recommend the common carotid for injection of fluid and the internal jugular vein for the removal of blood.

The removal of blood from the internal jugulars in this direct way will relieve the pressure in the capillaries and smaller veins and induce a better circulation to all the immediate tissues.

Cosmetic effect will be enhanced by injection of the carotids upward with drainage from the internal jugular veins.

He knows the course of the jugular vein, and the exact position of the heart, as if he were an anatomist.

The hunter was about giving up the struggle, from exhaustion, when, by a lucky blow, he cut the jugular vein of his adversary, and both fell almost together.

The German fell forward, dead, the bullet had gone through his neck and pierced the jugular vein.

If a powerful poison, it would act in a very short time, as the blood in jugular vein went straight to the heart.

This had pierced the jugular vein, and the miserable woman, becoming unconscious almost at once, had slowly bled to death.

There is another kind of death of the brain depending on the interruption of the transmission of blood from the head to the heart, as when the jugulars are tied.

I introduced then into the jugular vein of a dog, a sound of gum elastic, and I directed it towards the heart.

To shew that this was not the case, I made a small opening in the jugular of a dog, to which I adapted a moderately warm syringe, and pumped the blood immediately from the vein.

Near the point where it receives the internal jugular the external jugular vein receives the thoracic duct.

They accompany this vein over the shoulder, following that portion which finally joins the external jugular.

The common trunk from the head and arm may enter the jugular separately, but close to the termination of the thoracic duct.

Such division into two or three parts is especially frequent just before the union with the jugular vein.

One grain of the alcoholic extract killed a rabbit in nine and a half minutes, and two grains introduced into the jugular vein of a strong dog caused death in three minutes.

Its attack is always aimed at a vital point, commonly the brain, the back of the neck, or the jugular vein on the side.

Open the mouth and cut the jugular vein far back in the throat, just below the base of the skull.

Laughed the former, as he spitted his man in the jugular, so that the blood jetted forth in a great stream.

He asked, and the man turned round to stare at him as if he were mad, King saw then a blood-soaked bandage on the right of his neck, not very far from the jugular.

Where the operation is performed, the blood should be drawn from the jugular vein, in preference to any other.

Blood should also be taken from the jugular vein, or temporal artery; more especially if there appear a considerable determination of blood to the head.

To protect life also, a heavy silk scarf bandage is placed round the throat, completely protecting the jugular vein and the carotid artery.

Of the superficial veins the external and internal jugular correspond to the common carotid arteries and return the blood from the head and face.

The external jugular vein is important because it is the largest superficial vein in the neck and is often cut in suicide.

If the sheath of the artery be carefully opened immediately over its center, the jugular vein will scarcely interfere with it.

Then, before he could get loose, I drove this bit of spear through the side of his throat, just there, so that it cut the jugular vein, and he died shortly afterwards; and now you know all about it.

He fired a pistol in his mouth, whose bullet passed through the jugular vein, but not through the head.

I then raised my body a little in defense, when he knocked me down by jobbing his spear violently on my shoulder, almost cutting the jugular arteries.

His strong, white teeth sank into the hairy throat of his enemy as he sought the pulsing jugular.

At last one found a permanent hold upon the jugular of the other, and thus they went down for the last time.