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Use jugular in a sentence

Definition of jugular:

  • (noun) veins in the neck that return blood from the head
  • (noun) a vital part that is vulnerable to attack; "he always goes for the jugular"
  • (adjective) relating to or located in the region of the neck or throat; "jugular vein"

Sentence Examples:

Thus clinched, with Kazan's long teeth buried almost to the beaver's jugular, they plunged down into the deep water of the pond.

In a snarling mass the pack closed in from behind, and the doe went down, with Kazan half under her body, his fangs sunk deep in her jugular.

Delivering the numbing blow with his mighty fore paw, he fastens on the throat of the animal he has felled, and invariably tries to tear open the jugular vein.

You will sever the big cross vein that connects the two "jugular" veins in the neck, and the blood will pour out of the mouth.

The internal jugular vein had been cut through, with such violence, judging by the appearances, that the wound could not have been inflicted, in the act of suicide, by the hand of the deceased person.

The furious animal missed the throat and jugular vein; but the horse was so dreadfully torn, that he was not at first expected to survive.

One was that the unfortunate Hewitt had a deep gash across the jugular, which the triumphant doctor instantly identified as having been made with a sharp steel edge like a razor.

It looked as though in some desperate fray a mad sweep had been made with vengeful blade straight for the jugular, and, just missing that, had laid open the jaw for full four inches.

It was bleeding profusely, and from its location I was afraid that it might have penetrated the internal jugular; but the external only was wounded.

Fishes in which the ventral fins are placed in front of the pectoral ones (i.e. jugular fishes) have been generally considered to be comparatively modern forms.

As soon as he comes up with the elk, he leaps upon him, and fastens upon his neck, about which he twists his long tail, and then cuts his jugular.

It is true that he had been unfortunate enough to strike a jugular vein, but his own end should take its place among the most glorious traditions of the gallows.

It was particularly evident in the line and course of the anterior jugular vein, and appeared to be extinguished by local pressure.

The anterior cardinal sinus -is, roughly, the equivalent of the internal jugular vein-, lies along dorsal to the gill slits (g.s.), and receives an orbital sinus from the eye.

There are only two vulnerable spots on a full-grown crocodile; under the left fore leg, where the heart can be pierced, and the jugular vein, easily reached through the opened jaws.

She saw him in time to utter a piercing shriek, and while in the act of turning to fly, the weapon fell upon her neck, severed the jugular vein, and prostrated her to the floor.

Tracheotomy may be deemed necessary, and there is a great risk, unless proper precautions be taken, of wounding the aorta, where it passes upwards in the jugular fossa.

The internal jugular will then be seen very prominent, and will require to be drawn inwards or outwards, according to circumstances.

With my dental scimitars I can in a wink bite out a chunk of throat and windpipe or jugular, though I've never had occasion to do so yet.

The hunter quietly drew out the steel, wiped it with a bunch of dead leaves, and then, with equal coolness, drew his sword and severed the jugular vein of the dying boar.

A knife was thrust into its throat, and its jugular vein severed, but if it had not been cut up soon after it would have lived many hours.

In his fury Finn did actually tear out the beast's jugular vein, practically severing the head from the trunk, smashing the vertebrae, and tearing open the chest of the dead creature as well.

The elephant did not fall, but he had his death blow the ball had severed his jugular, and the blood poured from the wound.

A man had been found murdered in a taxicab, his throat stabbed through from ear to ear, the jugular pierced, life absolutely extinct; the murderer vanished.

The unknown murdered man lay pitifully huddled on the floor, lifeless and dead, a great bullet wound in one temple and another along the side of his neck that must have severed the jugular vein.

Auricular flutter can be suspected when the pulse is regular or not particularly irregular and a fluttering, rapid pulsation is seen in the jugular vein on the right side.

Before he had time to recover, we sprang upon him, and with a knife severed the jugular vein, when he yielded to his fate.

The tub of water should always be preferred, and the moment the sheep is placed in it, the tail should be nicked, and one or both jugular veins opened.

It was at this period that Colonel Burnaby fell, a spear having severed his jugular vein, but not until he had killed with his own hand more than one of his assailants.

To you, a man who does not happen to be an Englishman must of necessity be dirty, and be possessed of a willingness to sever your jugular within the first few minutes of your acquaintance.

One doubled the fore legs of the sheep across the head; the other held the head back, inserting a knife into the throat and cutting the windpipe and jugular vein.

After several injections a few hundred cubic centimeters of blood are withdrawn from the jugular vein and serum from this is tested for the amount of antitoxin it contains.

The latter receive the inferior jugular veins, from the deep parts of the head and neck and the terminations of the hepatic portal system (hepatic sinus).

There was a cut down one side of the face, one through the nose, a third across the chin, the right jugular vein was severed by a slash in the throat, and the vertebral column was completely divided.

The middle pair of pores (the cardinal) are always larger than the anterior (jugular) and the posterior (cervical pores).

The six basal pores are triangular and form a hexagonal plate with thorny margin; the two jugular pores are somewhat larger than the two cervical, and half as broad as the two cardinal pores.

The four basal gates are of different sizes; the two anterior (jugular) gates only half as large as the two posterior (cardinal) gates.

Basal plate with six large pores; the middle pair (cardinal) twice as large as the anterior (jugular) and the posterior (cervical).

There's one who never suspected he would be useful after his death, when our partnership was suddenly cleft asunder by an insertion of my knife in his jugular as he was sleeping with liquor.

A three-inch cut, a tenth part of an inch from the jugular vein, is not exactly the sort of souvenir one cares to take with him from an evening dedicated to "fun" and "good times."

I almost held my breath when the blood from a severed artery spurted over your scalpel and hid from sight the keen edge that was cutting around the internal jugular.

I had made a deep cut across the jugular vein, the wound gaping widely in consequence of the tension given to the vein by the position of the patient's head.

One set fastened upon his throat, cutting straight through windpipe and jugular; the other set gripped and pierced his tender loins.

And thirdly, if a third factor were necessary, it has a tendency to internally rupture the jugular vein, which in itself is sufficient to cause practically instantaneous death.

It showed how fully he was the victor in this unexpected strife, and he emphasized the warning with a more decided pressure of the sharp blade in the region of the jugular vein.

The jugular vein was found to have become inflamed only in the course of the circulation, and to be obliterated a short distance below the external opening.

Seizing the animal by the throat, which he had torn open, the lion had severed the jugular vein, so that the beast bled to death.

When no arterial injection can be made, open the internal jugular and several other large veins, drain blood from them and then inject fluid while the tube is within the vessel.

Each man had, with great deliberation, severed his jugular vein, using for the purpose his own razor, which, in every instance, had been found firmly clasped in the right hand of the suicide.

In these fishes the ventral fins are placed well forward, fairly to be called jugular, and the rays of the dorsal and anal, all inarticulate or spine-like, are excessively prolonged.

The venous blood, unable to overcome the obstacles to its passage, is forced back into the vessels, causing distension of the cervical veins and the jugular pulse sometimes observed in severe attacks.

A weak, watery solution thrown into the jugular vein of a dog or a rabbit, has always produced sudden death, the animal uttering no cry, nor manifesting any convulsive agitation.

The brown on the breast varies considerably in quantity, being sometimes nearly uniform, thereby abruptly contrasting with the white jugular band, and again frequently with the brown hardly greater in amount than the white, the two colors being in regular bars, as on the sides and flanks.

Even now, in a time of profound peace, they occasionally tap the jugular vein of our republic, and produce a laxity of the sinews of power.

How happens it, that in the reflux that produces the venous pulse of the jugulars, the blood does not enter into either absorbent trunk?

In consequence, I bled the animal copiously from the jugular, and I saw, with the greatest satisfaction, the effects appearing as the blood flowed out.

The abdominal muscles being thus detached, I injected three grains of emetic into the jugular vein, and also immediately nausea and vomiting took place by the contraction of the diaphragm alone.

It is easy to remove this difficulty; in fact, in the dog the internal jugular vein is, as it were, but the appearance of a vein, and the circulation of the head and neck is performed almost entirely by the external jugular veins, which are very large.

By this reflux of the blood, these veins are dilated, and have a pulsation which is easily seen in the jugular in very thin people.

An inert, impalpable powder, suspended in water, immediately produces death, if injected into the jugular vein, because it shuts up the last divisions of the pulmonary artery.

Tarzan stroked his head and spoke to him in a low voice, praising him, and then, drawing his hunting knife, he cut the jugular of the antelope and let the blood from the carcass.

Garrison, you do not know how humiliating it is to be killed by a man who is too drunk to know where the jugular vein is located.

A mistake of less than half an inch, and her skin would be cut at the neck where the jugular vein is, and the jugular would be severed.

He was riding on a street car when a youth of seventeen climbed aboard and stabbed him twice in the neck, the first blow severing the jugular vein.

Then the stiletto slid gently into the throat, severing the jugular, and all surprise and emotion was lost in the implacable blank agony of death.

At the last moment on the ice, the canine teeth of the big bear had severed the jugular vein of the female, and in two minutes after her rescue she was dead.

Next day, in a hollow, a mile farther on, the body of the police dog was found, a score of slashes on his grayish hide and one through his jugular.

Blood is carried to the gland by twigs of the facial artery, and, after circulating through it, is carried away by factors of the jugular vein.

Her passion would be so intense and fierce that even as she caressed her lover, with arm about his neck, she would feel softly for his jugular, mindful the while of the stiletto hidden in her hair.

Gene tossed his own javelin and had the pleasure of seeing it bury itself in the neck of a squat creature, severing the jugular.

Before he could recover himself, I was upon him, driving my hunting knife through his throat and severing his jugular vein.

And before the wolf could spit it out and get his jaws into action again, the collie had flashed in and gotten to the jugular.

One arm was nearly severed by the giant fangs, and a great piece had been torn from his neck, exposing his jugular vein, which the cruel jaws had missed but by a miracle.

I struck first at the slave's neck and thought I had made an end of him; but the blow only severed the flesh and the gullet, without dividing the jugulars.

Two pairs of valves are situate in the external jugular, and another pair in the internal jugular, but they do not prevent regurgitation of blood upward.