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Use knocker in a sentence

Definition of knocker:

  • (noun) a boastful immoderate person
  • (noun) a person who knocks (as seeking to gain admittance);
  • (noun) one who disparages or belittles the worth of something
  • (noun) either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman
  • (noun) a device (usually metal and ornamental) attached by a hinge to a door

Sentence Examples:

There was no need to sound the great knocker; no need to explain, when Rosalind, hurrying to the door, saw Olympia emerging from the vehicle.

The knocker on our front door sent a violent summons, but my father did not seem to hear it.

I remember I was noticing the green stain from the brass knocker on its paneling, when my horse snorted and stopped dead in his tracks.

The manager stepped into the street, looked up at the closed window, returned to the knocker, and stood with it in his hand.

"I shall see Madame John, of course," thought the young man, crushing a hope, and rattled the knocker.

A soft knock, as of fat fingers, made Mon glance towards the door, and bid the knocker enter.

On the front door was a large brass knocker, common at the time, and, seizing it, the young girl struck the door.

One night the boys tied the liver of an old horse, that had been dead three weeks, to the knocker, and I found it when I opened the door in the morning.

And yet Scrooge, having his key in the lock of the door, saw in the knocker, without its undergoing any intermediate process of change, not a knocker, but Marley's face.

You know that I am not a knocker, and there is nothing I hate worse than to hear one lady pan another behind her back, so I will merely make this statement.

I marched along the passage till I came to his flat, and lifting the knocker gave a couple of sharp raps.

Just as he spoke there came a double knock at the house door, yet heavy and dull, as though the knocker had been tied up.

These "knockers," however, were voted down by the vast majority, who swore that the sheriff was the finest fellow who ever threw leg over saddle.

The ceremony of knocking or ringing was dispensed with for the sufficient reason that there was neither bell nor knocker.

It was but too true; and just then we heard the sound of wheels, and a vigorous lifting of the great brass knocker.

On the front door was a huge bronze knocker which Arthur lifted and dropped several times without getting response.

It had long been fast asleep, and both ladies were excited as they drew up at the steps of the George and Dragon, and with bell and knocker roused the slumbering household.

Suddenly, above the howling of the wind sounded sharply the clap of the old knocker on the door.

The "oak" was open and an application of the little brass knocker of the inner door immediately produced my colleague himself and a very hearty welcome.

That first home in London I remember chiefly by its fine brass knocker, which mother kept beautifully bright, and by its being the place to which I was sent my first part!

Now, there are certain sacrifices which a house with one sick person in it does make to that sick person: it ties up its knocker; it lays straw before it in the street.

The officer turned up the carriage road and soon was rapping the great brass knocker of the front door.

What availed it that I set out half an hour before, and planted myself at the door, with the knocker in my hand?

He found Drake upon the doorstep with a hand upon the knocker, and the two gentlemen exchanged greetings.

There's a gang of knockers hanging around here always, just waiting for a chance to lip in.

The knocker itself was there till 1890, when the College recovered the relic (it now hangs in the hall).

The robbers had fled, leaving the great golden knocker on the door hanging from its position; they were removing it when surprised.

As soon as it was day, and I saw that the servants of the house began to stir, I went over and knocked soundly upon the great brass knocker.

The wonder was increased when the Old Maid passed beneath the porch of the deserted mansion, ascended the moss-covered steps, lifted the iron knocker and gave three raps.

Although his words indicated an energetic resolution, his hand trembled as he raised the knocker of the little door and twice let it fall.

I had a thousand friends for every "knocker," and they were ready to help me with kind words, money, or in any other way when I was in trouble.

The full light of the moon fell on the door, and as he looked the knocker was again lifted and loudly rapped.

The knocking commenced, and he looked out: it was a very bright night, and as there was no porch he could see the door distinctly; the knocking continued, but he did not see the knocker move.

We passed up the little walk, and I raised the knocker at the door; but even as it sounded I knew what would happen.

He ran straight off with Heidi after him, and in a very short time they had reached the door with the large dog's head for the knocker.

The knocker on the house door sounded loudly, and a moment later a woman's clear voice, followed by a man's deeper tones, was heard in the hall.

It had two real windows with glass panes, and a real door with a brass knocker, which the children declared was "too cute for anything."

"I wonder if there's anybody at home," said Nate, and would have lifted the knocker if Jimmy had not said, "Wait for Uncle James."

Now he laid his hand upon the knocker, but before it could sound, a door halfway down the hall opened, and there appeared the tall figure of the President.

The massive oak front door is divided into an upper and lower half, with large brass knocker.

Having lifted the knocker and let it fall, the two men stood gazing with varying degrees of attention at the closed white-painted old door.

He admitted them himself, when they had waited a few moments after sounding alarm with the ancient knocker.

Why I'm tied to this house as if I were the knocker on the front door; and I certainly have a great deal of care.

As Falconer turned with an exclamation, to see by whom he was attacked, Madge tore herself from his relaxed hold, ran to the house door, and set the knocker going at its loudest.

The knocker was just going to be applied to the door again, when Tom opened it with a flourish, and there stood, waiting on the steps, a very brilliant apparition.

Now the knocker sounds or the bell rings without note or warning, and the village housekeeper cannot see who is coming in until they have already reached the door.

As they stood before the door at last and waited, after beating the great iron knocker on the iron plate, a kind of despair came down on Marjorie.

A man, even though he possessed a solid brass knocker, had need to be quick of hearing in that alley.

And then a cab was heard to stop outside and after a minute or so, presumably spent in financial transactions, the bell rang and the knocker knocked.

He returned to the door a second time and laid hold of the knocker, and, trembling, gave a little knock.

A front door which does not boast a knocker or a bell must expect to be taken liberties with.

He crossed the pavement with difficulty, stumbled up the steps, and held on to the knocker with one hand while he consulted a slip of paper.

There are both bell and knocker on the door before you, which servants will probably answer; but, if that door doesn't suit you, you will probably find others at the back.

He raised the knocker, and knew when it fell that a girl's heart within responded to it with a wild beat.

Asked the rabbi, who had been busy at his desk even at this late hour and thus had not missed hearing the knocker.

He sounded the knocker at the door of the square, solid brick mansion, built while all acknowledged the King of Britain here, and in whose threshold General Washington had stood more than once.

The comparative merit of knockers and pins was for a long time a subject of doubt, and many knockers got their heads twisted off in the course of the dispute.

When I am dead the knocker will pass into other hands equally persistent with those of the mighty men who handed it to me.

If he had crossed the park, as seemed probable, when we did, he had not made any attempt to use the knocker.

And that little army of paid knockers, he acknowledged, had been steered into the neighborhood where the soil was deepest and the water was nearest.

Strong-arm, leaving his brothers in a wood close by, strode boldly up to the entrance, and seized the knocker.

She went out of the room as quickly as she had come into it because she heard the sound of the cheap little door knocker.

There was a knock at the street-door; a very decided application of the queer, twisted knocker.

There, in the quiet of early afternoon, he heard the knocker sound, saw the door open, and beheld the Entailed Hat disappear in the great doorway.

He was thinking of sounding the knocker again, when a lady's servant, partly white, rolled back the bolt, and bowed to his question whether the Judge was in.

The sense that this was so being heavy upon me, I saw nothing for it but to use the knocker and gain admission, by fraud if I could, and if not, by force.

The knocker itself, as may be seen from the illustration, is a great grotesque head, made of bronze, and hanging from its grinning mouth is a ring.

And does she not knock at the real brass knocker upon the real front door until it comes off, and I have to sit down beside her on the floor and screw it on again?

The ring was merely part of an ordinary knocker, and had nothing to do with the latching of the door.

The knocker presently found peace, such comparative peace as falls to knockers in Carlton Terrace.

With a last effort she seized the knocker, and listened with newly awakened hope to the tapping sound which rang clear through the night.

Her hand was trembling as she raised the heavy knocker on the familiar door; and her voice shook as she repeated the necessary formula.

The last member of this strange procession had disappeared into the house as she reached the door; but, acting with apparent familiarity, she lifted the knocker and let it fall once.

One of the soldiers, obedient to Talbot's order, used the knocker of the door, and after repeating the action twice and thrice and receiving no response, broke the lock with the butt of his rifle.

It was so faint that, after waiting a considerable time, he concluded that it had not been heard, and raised the knocker again.

It did not occur to me till my hand was actually on the knocker that it was nearly midnight, and that in all probability the family would be in bed.

Tipping, seizing the knocker, knocked loud and long, and after a short interval repeated the performance.

Once more he sounded the huge knocker; and yet again: this time so vigorously that the door shook.

Her heart was thumping out a lively tattoo however, as she stole up to the heavy double doors and felt for the knocker.

Applying her young strength to the knocker, she waited only to hear it sound inside, then darted for the drive.

They were pleasantly engaged in this delightful fashion when the knocker tapped and Constance Fellows' bright face appeared in the doorway.

There was neither bell nor knocker, but he thundered at the panel with right good will, until he heard a stir in a chamber above.

They had been talking a minute or two when the knocker suddenly sounded through the long hall again making both girls start.

Just as the party were on the point of sitting down to luncheon, the street-door knocker was applied to the door with an extremely firm touch.

Inside the green-painted door, with its white trim and brass knocker and knobs, there was a narrow hall hung with old portraits, opening into a room literally all fireplace.

That peculiar sense of ownership was strongly with him as he ascended the broad steps and lifted the old brass knocker, which still bore the Blake coat of arms.

Had she not been with her father, she would never have found the courage to lift that shining knocker in the center of the broad paneled door.

Now, it is a fact that there was nothing at all particular about the knocker on the door, except that it was very large.

Barbara beat on the door with her hands, for there was no knocker; but all remained still within.

He climbed the new porch and raised the ornamental knocker on the new door and heard the soft music sound within.

As they opened the hall door they met on the steps a young woman, who was just raising her hand to the knocker.

The knocker was in the shape of an elephant's head (not life-size); and by bumping the animal's trunk against his chin you could produce a small brass noise.

He turned away after a look at the bright knocker that, jumping out at him from the dusk, almost made it seem as if the door had been shut in his face.

Mayer beat with the heavy knocker on the door and a slot opened for a quick check of his identity.

Responsive to our sounding the huge brass, lion-headed knocker on the massive gate, the house door opened.

The midday dinner was not over when the large brass knocker on Mr Lambert's door thundered against it, and took Sam to open it in hot haste.

Presently he came up to the door and rang the bell, giving also a great thud with the knocker.

She walked up the steps of the tall house and sounded the knocker, and waited with great anxiety until the door was opened.

And before long he was flying up the steps; but ere he could reach the knocker, the door swung open, and he was in Aunt Amy's arms.

As the two girls reached the porch, and before they had a chance to touch the knocker, the door was opened by Freda.